Using Debit or Credit Cards - Sky Poker

sky bet 3 card poker

sky bet 3 card poker - win

Straight Flush over Quads!!! Max Value

Straight Flush over Quads!!! Max Value
0.25/0.50 50NL. Getting wild and loose, may be the only time playing a shiet hand out of position without 3betting ever worked out for me.
Starting Stack: H: 366BB, V: 127.5BB
H: Jd6d (UTG) / V: 9s9h (UTG+1)
Pre-flop Villain raises 4x everyone else folds and Hero calls. Playing heads up.
Board is 5d7d9d. Hero flops flush, Villain flops set. Hero checks flop to trap, Villain bets out Hero calls.
Turn is 8d, putting 4 diamonds on the board and gives hero a straight flush. Hero prays to poker gods that Villain has Ace of diamonds. Big brain thinking check, maybe induce a bluff or hope Villain has a face card with diamonds. Nope, action goes check, check and Hero is sad.
River comes 9c. It is disastrous for Villain, giving him the 4th 9. Hero still has no clue and throws out 70% desperation bet hoping villain has some kind of diamond. Instantly surprised when villain clicks back a raise to $18. Hero clicks back 3bet to $50.90, villain 4bet shoves and Hero snap calls. Max Value!!!! Hero is happy, Villain must have ace of diamonds!!! Villain reveals 99 for flopped set, rivered quads. Hero leaves to change pants and points to the sky.
Thanks poker gods, for giving this fish one moment of glory.
submitted by MSPBankrollBuilder to poker [link] [comments]

Starman #8 - Storm Force

DCNext Proudly Presents…!


Issue #8: Storm Force

Arc II: Fire Opal

Written by Fortanono
Edited by VoidKiller826
<< Previous | Next >> (coming February)
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 1: Jennifer Knight
”Now!” Ted barks through my earphone. I dash between the rooftops of a series of old brick buildings and look down. Courtney and Jack are shooting blasts of energy through the dense pale-green fog that fills the streets around us; Rick is looking around, clearly bored but unable to actually do anything. Darrell is above the arena, making sure everything goes smoothly, and Aunt Sandra is somewhere around here but I have no actual idea where. I jump down, twisting my dial to the “Bubble” mode as I land. Quickly, I summon a purple-black bubble around me, trapping just a bit of the Mist’s fog in it. I’ve successfully separated part of the Mist from the rest of him, but I’ll have to be quick about what comes next.
The small tendril of fog in my bubble seems to realize what’s happening as I dart as far as I can down the street. I see it bend and contract, diving into my throat. I start choking; it becomes harder and harder to breathe, but I just have to go a bit further out. Eventually, as I begin to get light-headed, I release the bubble and switch my dial to “Panic.” A burst of energy surrounds me, knocking the fog away from me and out of my mouth. I cough a bit before straightening myself and speaking into my microphone.
”He’s gonna try to reassemble himself,” I say. ”Darrell, it’s your move.”
”Right,” Darrell says. I can’t see him above the battlefield, but I immediately notice his presence as dozens of tiny blue-and-red drones drift down from the sky, each one with fans. They surround the Mist’s missing piece, keeping him in one place, still separate from the cloud that Jack, Rick, and Courtney are dealing with.
”Fantastic,” Ted radios in. ”Mist’s primary goal will always be to keep himself together. It’s a sort of side-effect to his powers. Keep him there, and the rest of him’ll follow eventually, no matter how hard he resists.”
It takes a few seconds, but the giant cloud of fog slowly starts drifting to meet up with the smaller one. Courtney and Jack rush over to the area with the fans, both concentrating fire on the one position where they’re merging. I turn my dial to “Energy Blast” and add my own energy to the mixture. Slowly but surely, the green fog begins to get thicker, and soon enough, the figure of the Mist begins to take hold.
“I was hoping you guys still thought I was in Gotham,” he mutters in a raspy voice. I stare at the face of the villain that Ted had been so worried about, remembering how we had prepared for this battle for over a month before he felt comfortable sending us out. He looks old, weak; in his eyes, I see a man who knows he’s been defeated, a man who may have once been a titan but whom old age has gotten to. I smile as Aunt Sandra decloaks and cuffs him with a pair of power-dampening handcuffs. Nearby, a police car pulled up and Clarence, one of the older O’Dare brothers, escorts him away.
“I will be back,” he hisses. “You should all know that.”
I know that it’s still possible for him to come back once again, that he had even come back when the world thought he was dead. There is a sincere promise in his words. But even so, seeing the frail figure of Opal City’s legendary villain once again defeated, I smile.
Rick, Darrell, Courtney, and I re-enter Ted’s workshop once again; Jack and Sandra split from us and went back to the Stargazer. As we descend the stairs, I could tell that Ted was over the moon.
“Wow,” he says to himself. “Just… wow. I’ll be entirely honest; I was certain we would have had to retreat at some point during that battle. I did not expect this to be one and done.”
“Well,” Rick chuckles, “I think the guy’s just a fucking pansy. No offense; I get why you couldn’t beat him or whatever, but like, the dude tries to make us go to Gotham so he didn’t have to deal with us. Again, no offense; I’m sure you were, like, a great hero in your time, of course.”
Ted laughs heartily. “None taken. I’m sure that as he’s gotten older, he’s had to rely more on cheap parlor tricks like the one in Gotham. I, for one, definitely knows how the aging process can take a toll on your abilities. I’m just… so happy that bastard is behind bars again.”
Courtney nods. “Here here.”
“Anyway,” Ted says, “I’d like to let you know that our little merry band of heroes is going to get a fifth member fairly soon.” His tone sours as he continues to speak. “My sister… she’s a vapid idiot, so you can understand that we haven’t talked in a long time, but her son started developing metahuman powers. And he started going out as a hero. She told me that she couldn’t stop him, so she wants him to at least have more support.”
“Ah, great,” Rick laughs. “Because I was just thinking that we didn’t have enough people who sucked at being heroes on this squad.”
“Rick,” Ted glares. “Please cool your behavior. I’ve seen what you’re able to do on the field and I must say: it’s pretty bad too.”
The door to the workshop slides open once again, and a new kid walks down the stairs. He’s got dark brown hair that’s just barely covering his eyes and is wearing a grey T-shirt and jeans. He waves to us as he walks down the stairs to meet with us.
“Hi,” he says. “Name’s Aaron. Aaron Munro. I’ll be working with you guys for a while.”
“He’s been helping people in his hometown of Liberty Hill as the great ‘Iron Munro’ for the past few months now,” Ted explains. “Unfortunately, Aaron, when you decided to do that, you perhaps made the worst mistake you could have made in this line of work. You made your identity public. Tell me, why’d you do that.”
Aaron sighed. “I… I just thought it was a small town, and I figured we all knew each other already, and… I guess I wanted to be recognized for my deeds or something.”
“I’m sure you’ll feel sufficiently recognized when your mother gets a bullet in her skull,” Ted says bluntly. “Let’s be clear: I hate the lady, but not that much. Come with me.” Ted beckons Aaron to the far corner of the workshop.
I stare blankly at what’s happening in front of me; Ted’s a hardass, but this is… a bit much even for him. Clearly, this was about more than just business. I had heard small things about Ted’s sister before but never met her or her family. Whatever happened to separate them had to have been a big deal.
Ted shows Aaron to a costume on a stand in the corner; it consists of a brown-and-grey bulletproof bodysuit with metal accents and a full face-mask made entirely of metal. “This,” Ted says, “is going to be the new you. I’m calling it: ‘Metalsmith.’”
“Th-thanks,” he says. He looks frustrated; I can tell that he’s not happy to be here, but he’s holding it all in. “I--I just have to say that… this really isn’t my style. I’m trying to go for a friendly hometown hero vibe, and having my whole face covered up… It just doesn’t seem right.”
Ted grimaces. “You did the hometown hero thing, and you failed. You showed your face to everyone. Metalsmith isn’t the friendliest guy around, but he’s safe and so is his family. If you wanna talk about alterations, feel free to tell me. But keep in mind that I have to work to preserve your safety first.”
Aaron nods. “Fine,” he says.
I look around the room; all of my teammates are either looking at the spectacle in front of them, or looking at their phones. Starved of anything else to look at, I turn to look at Rick’s phone. He’s responding to a text message from someone named Luisa; I think she’s a girl in his class or something. It doesn’t quite look like a message about normal things teenagers talk about, though.
hey, so I have a confession to make, the message begins. John and Maya and i, we knew about you being hourman and everything before we met you. we’re still your friends, we always were, but we also want to get your help with something we’re working on. a project that involves metahumans, basically. let us know if you’re interested.
I immediately turn away from the message on the phone. Clearly, this is something I’m not supposed to know about, but now that I do, I can’t stop thinking about it. Some other people want Rick to help them with… something related to his powers. It sounds really shady; should I tell Ted about this? It could be a conflict of interest, whatever it is. On the other hand, Ted doesn’t seem like the most level-headed person to deal with this. Who knows; maybe it’s for some sort of superhero stunt show or something really cool, and I’d be denying him access to that.
Whatever. It’s not my problem right now. It was never meant for me.
“Hey,” Aaron says. “You here? You listening?”
I look up; Aaron is standing right in front of me, his hand outstretched. “Sorry,” I say, shaking his hand. “My name’s Jennifer. It’s nice to meet you.”
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 2: Sandra Knight
“Well, that could’ve gone a lot worse,” I say, currently on the back of Jack’s Star-Cycle. Jack apparently figured out that he could make his motorcycle fly if he used his Cosmic Rod, which is both hilarious and something that neither Ted nor David would ever begin to consider trying out. Which is why Jack is so great; he’s questioning everything, figuring out new ways of doing things, and making a motorcycle fly.
Feeling the wind rush against my face, I’m taken immediately back to my rebellious college days and my early stints as the Phantom Lady. It’s nice, almost nostalgic, but still different enough. We come to a descent in the back of the Stargazer, and Jack locks up his motorcycle.
Hope comes out the back door to greet us. “Glad you could make it,” she says. “Cutting it a little close, though, I gotta say. The meeting’s in less than 5 minutes.”
Oh, right. The meeting with our potential client. The Mist tends to give a lot of people tunnel-vision; I had completely forgotten about this.
“Sorry about that,” Jack chuckles. “You know how it is, going out, saving the day. Maybe someday, you should give it a--” He cuts himself off as I glare at him. His expression turns more serious. “I’m so sorry,” he finally says. “I forgot about what happened with you and the Mist.”
Hope sighs. “It’s fine,” she says. “We can deal with this another time. He’s behind bars yet again; he can’t hurt anyone else. That’s the best news anyone could hope for.”
We walk into the office; Jack takes a seat, ready for the meeting. “So, this new client. What’s the deal with them, again? Missing kid? Brother’s a supervillain?”
“She has some information on who might have been behind the prison break a few months ago,” I say.
“Okay, wow,” Jack responds. “That’s sort of a big deal.”
We hear the door swing open. A young woman with light brown skin and shoulder-length black hair walks in. She’s wearing a sleeveless white shirt and black winter coat; on her left hand is a tattoo of the Superman “S” sigil. “Look who’s here,” Jack smiles. “Glad you could make it.”
The woman sits down in front of Jack, putting her coat on the back of the chair. “Yeah, well, me too,” she sighs. “Listen, if you have any witness protection-type deals or whatever, can you hook me up with one of them? I’m honestly… I’m honestly terrified right now.”
I nod. “Well, there are a few options there. My cousin can easily create a fake ID and get you out of the city without anyone noticing. If you want to go through a more legitimate program, Hope here has contacts with the police who can get you into proper witness protection.”
“I’ll take the first one,” she says. She reaches out and shakes Jack’s hand. “Name’s Sarah. I’ve been working for Maxie Zayas for the last few months; I needed work, and he seemed really nice at first.”
Maxie Zayas. That’s going to be a tough one. A big-time club owner and crime boss, following in the footsteps of his father; I was personally involved in putting his old man behind bars. All of Opal City’s heroes know about him, but we’ve never been able to really do much about it. A few years ago, David flew into Maxie’s club and arrested him straight-up for drug trafficking. Not 12 hours later, he was out, cleared of all charges.
This isn’t going to be a battle we can fight with force.
I walk closer to the table where Sarah and Jack are seated. “And you believe that Zayas is responsible for the recent breakout?”
Sarah nods. “At some point, I began to hear whispers that he was planning some meteoric takeover of Opal City. He said he needed something to distract the local heroes in the meantime. And then, a few days before the big event happened, I saw him talking to that card guy who broke them all out.”
“Jeremy Tell,” Jack says.
“I… I couldn’t be a part of whatever he was doing,” Sarah says. “I grew up in Opal City. Believe it or not, I loved you guys.” She points to me. “I actually had a poster of you in my room. I thought Zayas was a harmless dude who just sat around. It wasn’t a big deal, whatever he was doing. The people he broke out… I remember seeing what they did on the news. I had to talk to you.”
“Glad you did,” Jack says. “Hey, that’s awesome that you had a poster of Phantom Lady. Wait, why aren’t we selling posters?” He turns to me. “Can we do that?”
I laugh. “Topic at hand,” I smile.
Mia leaves, and Hope walks up to us. “So… what’s the plan then? We can’t both take down Zayas and the people he released, right? Those are two huge undertakings.”
“That may be so,” I say. I pause for a second. “We may not need to. If we can get the All-Stars to handle the escaped convicts, we could divert all of our attention towards figuring out what Zayas is planning.”
“Okay,” Jack says, “but how are we going to take him down? David tried, and he failed miserably. The guy’s just super well-connected. We can’t just storm in there, can we.”
I smile. “Jack, sweetie. There are other ways to do this kind of work that don’t involve punching all your problems away.”
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Interlude VIII: Hour of Espionage
”Positions, everyone,” Al Carlyle said through the microphone. ”We need to set the scene just right.”
Carlyle stared at the multitude of cameras around him. He watched as Luisa, Maya, and John made their way to the docks. Turning to another monitor, he watched as several stealth-agents readied their sniper rifles, hiding on rooftops, in windows. He pressed a button on the console in front of him; a series of machines around the docks whirred to life; to the outside observer, they looked like they were doing nothing, but Carlyle knew that they were the key to this mission.
“I have to say,” Luisa said apprehensively. “I’m really worried about this. These snipers… if he doesn’t show up, they will kill us, right?”
”11:49 PM,” Carlyle reiterated. ”Unfortunately, for this to work, the snipers have to be steadfastly committed to their mission. The dude doesn’t get visions about things that could happen. He gets them about things that will if he doesn’t intervene. But don’t worry; we’ve run several experiments with the energy emitters. Every time, he shows up right on cue.”
Luisa nodded. ”Okay. And what’s the deal with those machine things? You’ve explained them to me before, but I’m not good at remembering all the science stuff. Just isn’t my thing.”
”They emit a specific frequency of radiation that, for reasons unbeknownst to us, seem to massively increase the likelihood that Rick gets a vision in that area. We found residual traces of it naturally occurring in almost half of Rick’s usual visions; when we massively crank up the numbers, he always seems to show.”
The three kids sat down at the dock. After a few seconds, Carlyle spoke up. ”We’ve gotten confirmation that Rick has now left his house. The snipers can now evacuate the area. The three of you, just act normal. It’ll take the better part of the hour for him to get here, so get comfortable.” As soon as they had settled in, the masked snipers quickly ran off, lowering their weapons and quickly changing into civilian wear like clockwork.
John was the first to speak up after Carlyle went silent. “So, what, we’re gonna wait, like, 58 minutes until he gets there? Well, this will be boring.” He pulled out a couple of joints from his pocket. “Anyone want some?”
“We’re on duty,” Maya said. “I don’t think it’s worth it.”
John shrugged. “What? We have to sit around, pretend like we’re doing something, and then act all buddy-buddy with him when he shows up. It’s not like we’re taking down Basilisk; this is easy shit. It’ll be fine.”
Maya shook her head. “We should wait.”
John chuckled. “Alright, fine, you win. But we’re popping these babies out as soon as the man of the hour gets here. Got it?” He shoved the joints back into his pocket.
“Alright, whatever you want,” Maya smiled. “Just don’t come running to me when Carlyle yells at our asses for being high on the job.”
Carlyle watched the security footage, smiling and shaking his head to himself. Behind him, William Vickers walked up. He was the same age as the rest of them, but he had proven himself remarkably more mature than the others, quickly becoming the group’s de facto leader.
“Sorry to bother you at this time,” William said. “I gotta talk to you about another developing situation.” Carlyle hesitated, before standing up and dusting himself off. The two of them walked into the next room, where they began to talk.
“Basilisk activity’s been at an all-time high for the past few months,” William finally said. “Just recently, they’ve opened up 3 new cells in Germany, and are pulling in a remarkable number of recruits in Indonesia and Malaysia, to name a few. There’s also been a lot of restructuring; several smaller cells have been suddenly relocated to South America for some odd reason. If the ASA’s gonna be able to keep limiting their spread, we need more agents, and they need to be trained.”
Carlyle nodded. “Yes, yes,” he said. “I’ll remind you that you’re looking at only a small piece of the bigger picture. We are only a tiny fraction of what the ASA has to offer, and the adults are well aware of these issues. That said, you’re not wrong; we need all the help we can get. That’s what we’re working on right now.”
“Rick Tyler,” William affirmed. “He seems strong; he’d be a great start. But one metahuman won’t be enough. We need more metahuman soldiers, or at least, soldiers equipped with energy weapons and similar tech. The capes have been doing it for years; it works. But somehow, we can’t seem to find nearly enough people willing to serve. Maya’s the only metahuman on our squad right now, and her powers are still very much a wild card in combat scenarios.”
Carlyle nodded. “Yes,” he finally said. “Well, I don’t think that just recruiting a bunch of people is the right way to go. If we do that, we run the risk of potentially exposing ourselves to a large number of double-agents. But… if this lead pans out, there might be a way to enhance the prowess of the agents we already have.”
William perked up. “Yes? Do tell.”
“Presumably, Rick could gain access to the technology that Starman and his companions use to fight crime. Luisa could take a staff, you could take the blacklight…”
“I’m not the type of guy to stay in the shadows,” William said. “Have you seen my attempts at infiltration? Not my strong suit. Appreciate the offer, though.”
Carlyle nodded and smiled. “Well, whatever happens, this new member could help us more than we initially thought.”
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 3: Jack Knight
I pull up to a street corner a few blocks away from what many Opal City residents affectionately refer to as the ‘Zayas Strip.’ Hope is sitting in the back seat, done up to look like a completely different person, and Sandra’s already run off to do some good old-fashioned sleuthing. The prosthetic nose I’m wearing feels so uncomfortable already; couldn’t we just have gone for the blond hair dye and nothing else?
Sandra materializes on the hood of her green convertible, startling the bejeezus out of me. “Password for the night is ‘Prometheus,’” she mutters.
“Alright, alright,” I say. “Hey, I know it’s technically your car and all, but maybe don’t jump on the hood, okay? That was probably the biggest scare I’ll have all night unless Grant decides that the Olympia is his new favorite haunt.”
Sandra ignores me. “You two head into the bar; I’ve given you fake IDs for the absolute worst-case scenarios, but you shouldn’t need to wave them around. I’ll never be too far behind, but as usual, you won’t see me. Got it?”
“Clear as ever,” I smirk.
“So,” Hope says from the back seat, “you ready to raise some hell?” Her usually-red hair is now jet-black, and she’s wearing these bright blue contact lenses that accentuate her eyes. If I didn’t know who she was, I would never have recognized her in the first place. Let’s just hope my disguise is just as good.
Sandra vanishes and we walk a few blocks further down Harris Street. As we walk down the street, the quiet townhouses are quickly replaced with a completely different atmosphere of bustling nightlife and flashing neon lights. On both sides of the street are a series of Zayas-owned businesses: strip clubs, brothels, bars, casinos, even a fight club at the far end of the street. It’s almost disorienting; look, I’m not the nicest guy in the world, never pretend to be, but I promise I’ve never been in a place like this. Not quite like this, at least.
Nestled in the middle of the brilliant signs and faint bouncing of club music is a single building not illuminated by lights. The top floor is taken up by some sort of high-end brothel with a sign reading ‘The Elysian Fields’ on it. The stairs that lead down to the bottom floor are guarded by a dude who seems absolutely ripped--like, probably-a-meta ripped--and a sign at the front reads “Olympia Nightclub.” Zayas’ personal shining gem, for those who were affluent enough to get an invitation.
I walk up to the bouncer and am immediately taken aback as I realize who exactly it is. Tony Woodward, aka Girder. Former Flash villain who got in a few fights with David before being broken out. As I get closer, it becomes clear that this dude’s entire body is made of rusted metal. He speaks up in a deep voice as we approach. “What’s the code?”
“Prometheus,” I say.
Girder bows his enormous metal head and steps to the left. “Enjoy.”
As we walk in, the last trace of the booty-bounce music that I could hear vanishes as it’s replaced by a classical violin tune from a distant speaker in the corner. The walls are blue plaster; segmenting the walls are a series of white column-like decals meant to invoke ancient Greek architecture. The bar in the center of the room is also surrounded by similar white columns. On the far end of the club is a wooden stage, currently unoccupied, and a few poker tables. Still not nearly half as good as my restaurant’s interior design.
The bartender walks up to us as we take a seat. His head is completely shaved; from what I can tell from the rest of his body, he appears covered in tattoos of vines and flowers. “Don’t think I’ve seen you lovely pair before around here,” he says.
“No, you wouldn’t have,” I smile. “We’re new in town. Heard about this place from an old military buddy of mind, and as it turns out, we got just enough money to spend on a nice place like this.” I reach out my hand and he shakes it. “David Vosberg. This is my girl, Rita.”
Hope offers her hand as well. The bartender shakes it. She turns down towards the cocktail menu, looking over the options. Her face shifts a bit as she reads over the various options; each one seems to be based on various tragic events that Opal City has suffered through. Down the list, I see the ‘Swift Hydro Plant’ as their fancy new drink, the ‘Prison Break,’ the ‘Doll Killer’--complete with a miniature doll in Martha Williams’ likeness--a drink simply labeled ‘The Mist,’ and, the final drink on the specialty list, the ‘Fallen Hero.’ The description listed it as ‘a tribute to the asshole who tried to bust us finally kicking the bucket. May aliens continue to do what we never can.’
My stomach drops. Fuck, while we go out and bust our balls to make this city a better place, the people in this club turn around and laugh at our failures. Laugh when one of us dies. I feel my blood boiling. I need to stay in character. I can’t blow this for all of us. Gritting my teeth, I take a few deep breaths before sucking it up.
“What’s the matter?” the bartender asks. “Can’t take a couple of dark jokes? Lighten up, man.” He gives me a pat on the back like I would ever be okay with that.
“Sorry,” I say. “It’s just… Well, let’s just say I lost someone personal in the hydro plant attack. One of, uh, those flying shadow things cut my brother open. I’ll take… I’ll take a Fallen Hero, I guess.” At this point, I’m flying by the seat of my pants. I’m definitely excited to get that drink.
“And I’ll take a Mist,” Hope says.
“Damn,” the bartender says. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t realize that you could… I’m sorry to hear about your brother.”
“It’s fine,” I say. “You couldn’t have known.”
The bartender serves our drinks and we quietly sip at them. Aside from a few regulars, nothing much seems to really be happening.
I feel a slight breeze on the back of my neck. I turn around; nestled in my suit is a small piece of paper. The writing on it reads, ”Can’t find Zayas, but did find something else big. Meet me outside? -Sandra”.
“Hey, uh, Rita?” I clear my throat and put my arm around her, subtly passing the note over to her. “This place is getting really stuffy; I think we need to step out for a second. Whaddya think?”
Hope shrugs. “Oh, alright,” she says, covertly reading the note. “But we’re coming back; this place is just fabulous, don’t you think?”
“Definitely,” I say. We walk outside, brushing past Girder’s cold metal form as we do. Sandra’s waiting on the corner of the street, fully visible.
Sandra turns to us as we approach, and her voice turns to a whisper. “So,” she says, turning to Hope. “Before I bring this up, I figure it’s worth asking. How much do you know about what your brothers work on in the Force?”
Hope takes a deep breath. “Well, you know what’s going on with Mason, Clarence is in the same precinct as me, Barry just got a promotion to Major Crimes, and Matt works… well, I think he works around here, actually.” Her face turns bright red. “What’s going on?”
“I managed to get into one of the back rooms,” Sandra says. “And… well, Zayas is there, and he’s talking to a bunch of associates. One of them was Tell. And I think one of them may have been Matt.”
Hope nods. “Okay,” she finally says. “I… I guess I’m not surprised. He’s always been really secretive about what he’s doing, he’s denied promotions before… but I didn’t really think about it before.”
Sandra sighs. “I know this can be hard to hear, but I, unfortunately, have to ask you for one more favor. We’re here to watch Zayas over an extended period of time, figure out what he’s planning. For that reason, you can’t tell your brothers about our suspicions.”
Hope nods. “Got it,” she says hurriedly. “My… my lips are sealed.” As she speaks, I can tell she’s not fully convinced.
We walk back to the car. This was a short mission, but if this goes right, it will be one of many. And once we’re done, I’m almost certain, we’ll be able to take Maxie Zayas down.
-=-=-=-= 🌟 =-=-=-=-
Part 4: Rick Tyler
“Okay,” I snarl as I pass Luisa in the hallways of my school. She’s currently putting her bag into her locker. “I need to know what the fuck is going on, and I want you to tell me everything. What do you want from me?”
“Rick, calm down,” Luisa says. “Look, there are reasons why we had to do what we did, why we couldn’t just tell you everything as soon as we met you. We’ll explain everything soon enough.”
I shake my head. “Again with the secrets. Just fucking tell me what I need to know, alright? You guys pretend to be my friends, stage some sort of chance meeting with me--I got no idea how you did that. You pay some guys to shoot your heads off if I didn’t show up?”
“More or less,” she whispers. “Look, keep your voice down, okay? What we’re involved with isn’t something we can talk about in public.”
Oh, for Jesus fucking Christ’s sake.
Luisa bows her head. “Meet me out front of the Valor Building, this Saturday at 3 PM. All three of us will be there. Once you get there, there’ll be no more secrets. You’ll get to know everything. Promise.”
I sigh and throw my hands up. “Okay, fine,” I whisper. “I’ll be there.”
As I make my way to class, I shake my head. Fuck this. Clearly, they don’t trust me any more than anyone else seems to. But still, for some reason, I still want to meet with them. Just to figure out what’s going on. And then I’ll be done with them.
I nod my head. That seems fine. Find everything out, then leave. I can handle that.
The Valor Building is one of Opal City’s oldest brownstone skyscrapers; it’s not even close to the tallest anymore, but it’s right in the middle of the city center, and it’s one of the most iconic buildings here. To those who actually give a fuck about Opal City, I guess. I remember that when Dad and Mom were still together, we ended up going for a weekend trip to Opal City. Dee and I were taken aback by the Valor Building and all of the dazzling skyscrapers in the city center; it felt so much nicer than Baltimore did. Then I moved here and discovered that like every other city, it’s full of shit. Tourists just like to hide the shitty parts from view.
I walk up to the front steps of the building. John is leaning against one of the pillars near the entrance, and Luisa and Maya are waiting for me up front.
“Yo, glad you could make it,” John smiles. “We were placing bets as to whether you’d actually show up. Seems like Luisa here owes me ten dollars.”
“Trust me,” Luisa laughs. “If you’d have been there, you’d have agreed with me. He didn’t seem like he was in the mood to keep putting up with our bullshit.” She turns to me. “Regardless, glad you could come. Sorry to put you through all of this.”
“Sorry,” I say, shrugging. “I can let my nerves get the best of me at times. I’m feeling better now, don’t worry.”
“So,” Maya says. “Are we ready to go?”
Luisa nods. Maya turns to the keypad next to her and types in a code. 7, 8, 4, 4, pound sign. The door clicks open. Immediately, as I walk into the lobby, I feel like I’m in a place I’m not supposed to be. The floor is made up of elaborately-patterned stone tiles; large windows to the sides let in a lot of sunlight as I walk to the elevators.
“So, uh, what do you do here?” I ask. “This is just, like, an office building, right?”
“Just, like, 10 seconds left,” Luisa says. “Then you’ll get to know all our secrets.” She calls the elevator, and we walk in. I push my way to the back as John and Maya get on.
“Alright,” John says. “I think it goes without saying that what we show you here today, you can’t mention to another living soul that we don’t approve of. Not even your hero pals. Got it?”
“Yeah, of course,” I say nonchalantly.
“Okay.” John reaches up above the panel of buttons on the elevator and opens up a small compartment. Inside is a fingerprint scanner; John jams his thumb onto the pad and the elevator begins to go down. After a few more seconds, the doors open. We’re in a pristine grey room; computers line every wall, and dozens of people look up as we walk in. Immediately, it reminds me of Ted’s workshop, but on a much bigger scale.
A man is waiting for us in the middle of one of the hallways. He’s wearing a neatly-ironed grey-green suit, with combed-over white hair. He reaches out his hand for me to shake.
“Al Carlyle,” he says. “Director of the American Security Agency. Nice to meet you, Rick. I’ve heard so many great things about you.” I turn around. All three of my so-called “friends” have deserted me, leaving me with this weird dude.
“Uh, nice to meet you too,” I mutter, shaking his hand. “So what exactly is going on here?”
“Well,” Al smiles, “what isn’t going on here? I suppose you’re a bit confused, a bit overwhelmed, so I’ll try and give you the long and short of it. We’re like the CIA, sort of. But a bit more secret. We’re the CIA when the CIA can’t be involved. Take, for example, metahuman agents. Do you know much about the Freedom Fighters?”
I shrug. “Heard of them. The original Starman was working with one of them, I think.”
Al nods. “Come,” he says. “Walk with me.” I sigh and follow him through the convoluted halls and terminals of this absolutely massive underground base.
“Now,” he says, “the Freedom Fighters were a truly amazing group of people. They were a UN task force composed of one sergeant, a handful of regular soldiers, and three metahumans. Well, they fought long and hard for the values that we hold dear to us today, but in the end, the UN saw them as a threat. What’s to stop our enemies from conscripting metahumans too? It’d be another cold war, one that many countries were all-too-eager to stop. So, metahumans were banned from serving in combat.”
He clears his throat and lets out a hearty chuckle. “Well, you see, terrorists don’t tend to follow by our rules. I suppose that’s what makes them terrorists, don’t you think? So that’s where we come in. One of many examples, I suppose, of where we come in. We use many of the techniques superheroes use to fight against potential threats to the land of the free and the brave. And I’ve had my eye on you for a while. I think you’d make a great addition to our cause.”
I pause and look around me. This place is huge. It’s bound to take up more than a few city blocks. When I intercepted the battle Jack was having with Swift, this base was underneath it all, computers typing away. Our school is only a few blocks west of here; it’s very possible the base extends that far too. I haven’t even been in Opal City for a year yet, but I had felt like I knew everything about it. Clearly, I was wrong.
I’ve never been the type of person who hated the government and everything they did. I followed the news, though, and they’ve clearly done some questionable things in the past few years. With Cale as President, that’s just going to get worse and worse. Do I want to be a part of this? Clearly, I don’t think I do. I was just here to get answers, and I got mine. That’s as far as this goes.
‘Take your time,” Al laughs. “We’d love to have ya, but no pressure either way.”
Before I can tell him no, my vision flashes white. A man walking down a run-down section of Snejbjerg Street. Nearly bald buzz-cut, blue eyes, wearing a grey hoodie. A car pulls up to him, firing three rounds in his chest. The blood splatters over the sidewalk. I snap back to reality.
“I have to go,” I say, my voice strained. “How do I get out of--”
Al gives me a knowing smile. “What’s going to happen, and where will it be?”
I sigh. “Some dude in a grey hoodie is gonna get shot on Snejbjerg Street. Drive-by shooting. It was a black sedan, I think. Just let me go, okay?”
Al turns on a radio on his jacket. “I want a dozen soldiers placed across Snejbjerg Street within the hour. Look out for black sedans, check each one for weapons. And get Rick Tyler here a tall glass of water.”
Immediately, the people around me start getting up and gearing into action. A young woman who was manning a computer earlier walks up to me and offers me a glass of water. I drink from it.
“Thanks,” I finally say.
Al hands me a burner phone from his pocket. “If you ever get any visions at an inconvenient time, text me from this phone. We’ll have it handled, and you can focus on the things in life that matter.”
I smile. “Wow, thanks.”
Al nods. “Look, Rick, I know that everything must be really disorienting for you right now, but trust me when I say that we’re here for you. From what I’ve heard from my agents that have been interacting with you, that doesn’t seem to be the case with the other team you’re on right now. They see you as a loose cannon. Maybe they’re right, who knows. But here, we need loose cannons. You can beat up as many terrorists as you want here--or don’t, whatever floats your boat. But you’re welcome here as you are, no matter who that is.”
I pause, looking around for a second. He’s right; in the few seconds I’ve met him, Al has made me feel at home more than I’ve ever been with the All-Stars.
I reach out and shake Al’s hand. “I’m in.”
“Fantastic,” he smiles. “Well, let’s meet the team then.” He brings me to a room with a circular table. Around the table are John, Luisa, Maya, and another kid I don’t remember. White kid with neatly-trimmed brown hair.
“Well,” Al says, “this is one of our finest covert ops units. We’re calling them the ‘Force of July.’ Right now, they’re mostly doing international missions, but we’re planning on bringing them into the spotlight as superheroes to handle domestic matters in the near future.”
He gestures to John. “You’ve already met John Trujillo, Jr., alias: ‘The Black Condor.’ His dad was one of our finest officers before sadly meeting his fate protecting our country. He piloted a one-of-a-kind wingsuit that his son now uses.”
“Besides that,” Al continues, “the Campoverde sisters have been fantastic assets. Luisa first came to us because she needed help with her sister’s metahuman powers. That’s right: she found us. Always a good metric for future success. Turns out, her sister has a bit of a way with plants, and it was a bit out of her control. Now, the two of them serve us as Lady Liberty and Mayflower.”
The last kid, the one I haven’t met, reaches over to shake my hand. “William Vickers,” he says. “Also known as Major Victory. My teammates have been telling me a lot about you. It’s good to finally get to meet you in the flesh.”
“The feeling’s mutual,” I say. And somehow, surprisingly, I mean it.”
Al nods and smiles. “Now that we’ve gotten to know each other, Rick, I have a special mission briefing for you and only you. I can tell that this will be the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership.”
submitted by Fortanono to DCNext [link] [comments]

This is what they want in this game(insanity)

"Some Simple tips for CD devs to make CP2077 feel more alive in upcoming DLCs (Please read)
First off, this game was an aesthetic treat and compared to GTAV, it is indeed much more "dense" with the core areas so much more beautiful in that regard... But no game is perfect, nor is it realistic in this decade to expect a full "city simulator" for any dev or in any game, so that's not what I'm expecting out of Night City not even under the most ideal of circumstances... That said, there are plenty of room for improvement, bug fixes sure, but also beyond that I'd like to see more in the upcoming DLC's that make NightCity more alive, not even necessarily newer and larger maps, but just practical added-elements and additional functional components that would go a long way towards making the city appear more 'alive', and immersive and dynamic and all that was illuded to but never fully manifested...
So in terms of most bang for buck and the low-hanging fruit (80/20 principle):


1) Bring back (or rather develope for the first time) the promised subway system... this shouldn't be that hard to do... it would add an element of connectivity of the different parts of the city... Leave fast travel as an option, for those that want to ride the train shouldn't be forced to use loading screens
2) Air taxi(s) -- in the age of Telsa self driving cars, hyperloops, drone taxis we should have plenty of automated air taxi options in the world of CP2077, basically like the taxi hailing component in GTAIV (Liberty City) except the player can hail an air taxi that lands close to where he is standing, he gets in, and then chooses any destination and it automatically flys him to the location, while allowing him to look out the windows and enjoy the night city from above / higher perspective... this is simplier than simply giving the player ability to fly hovercars/etc since an air taxi is just from point to point and its trivial to code a system that flys the player from any point in the city to any other point without crashing into any buildings... we've seen NightCity from the ground, now lets see it from the sky!
3) Rented transporation -- user pays to be able to rent jet packs, hoverboards, scooters at different locations in the city so he can use a public transportation but on a personal level... for the jet packs cap a max height so that its still basically hovering at or around slightly above ground level, giving the user the discretion of travel but not allowing him to fly or scale above buildings etc... this requires money to rent and if the equipment is damaged, lost, stolen or not returned properly the users bank account will be deducted for the amount ( see #ECONOMY)


1) Skyscrapers with observation deck -- in every major city there is a theme like this, take Seattle for example you can visit the tallest building in Seattle downtown and go up on the obs deck and see the city view from high above, I would say incorporate some options like this where user can enter some of the taller buildings in NightCity, ride up the elevator to the higher decks and see the city from that view... maybe even add a floor with fine dinning where user can take a friend/date/group to the restuarant and eat while enjoying watching the scenery of the nightcity below etc...
2) All major buildings enter-able (is that a word? lol) with at least a ground lobby.... right now most of the buildings are just fake exteriors, nice to look at from the outside but completely fake and empty with no insides... Due to system restrains its not practical to simulate every room of every floor of every building in nightcity with furnished interiors and real windows and all that... but at least make the first floor /lobby area of every large and major building enter-able so that the character can walk in and out of them... for certain buildings you may want to make a working/functional lobby elevator that leads to an underground garage and/or allows the user to ride the elevator to above ground higher floors of the building... or have the elevator only allow certain floors to be accessed and furnish these floors with realistic settings/environment and this can tie in nicely with the job/work/career paths discussed in #ECONOMY section with gives you the office space to put a number of companies in which the user can find and switch jobs and work in corporate paths etc... for example allow the user to customize and decorate his own "office/desk", and if he has a window office, then that would provide another unique view/scenery of nightcity from above ground perspective, one that can only be gotten from working at that particular company/job, and gives him an incentive to work late to see the city from nighttime while burning the midnight oil
3) Multiple apartments, the user should be able to pick and choose from a vast selection and array of living arrangements and this necessities a lot of hotel/condo/apartment options which means these buildings need to have interiors and furnished and environments fully built out...


1) Ability to find and work a job, with multiple career paths and with ability to move up in the corporate world... this provides the user with a stead stream of income for which he can use to buy fancier cars, to move into newer and better apartments /condos etc.. and to buy fancier items like designer cloths and the suches... not to mention to spend on fine dinning in high end restuarants which can tie in nicely with going on datings, impressing women with luxury cars and expensive meals and "date nights out" at elaborate events.... basically there has to be a purpose and meaning to making more money, and the process of making more money has to be derived from a job or work or career of some sort as the main component...
Have a real economy with unemployment, inflation, commodity prices, and all of that impact and influence and affect the user in his everyday life... for example if a major terror event or pandemic causes the Nightcity to suffer an economic depression for a few months then its possible the company that the user is working at has to lay off people and he gets canned and has to downsize to a smaller apartment, loses his girlfriend/wife, and then has to find another lower paying job and stuck in the downward cycle for a few years until he is able to win the lottery (#GAMBLING/SPECUTLATION/BETTING) or his luck somehow changes...
Everything should cost money, it costs money to rent an apartement and it should also cost money to eat and drink... basically he user has to spend money to eat otherwise he will starve to death... and the user has to keep paying rent every month for whatever apartment he resides otherwise he gets evicted and could even become homeless and have to live in one of those nasty tents in tenty city or under a highway bridge etc etc
Grocery stores, restuarants, movie theaters, hotels, and shopping malls... There should be at least a few convinennce stores, shopping malls, restuarants and other retail places spread throughout nightcity, this is a component and element of the economy as well as a means for the user to spend all the hard earned money he worked towards... for example if you give a homeless a few bucks he should be able to use it to spend at a store on the corner to get something to eat and then that makes him happy because he is no longer so hungry... there should be a tie in for economy, money, and the ability to exchange that for goods and services (barber, tatto artists cough cough) and associate these goods and services to emotional feelings of happiness and satisfication for both the user /player and the NPCs...


There should be a distinction between autumn/fall, spring, summer, winter etc... This gives a big cycle sense of passage of time that cannot be simulated with the current day/night cycles along... in the winter the sun should rise and set at different times/angles than the summer...
In addition, I'd like to see an accurate night sky map/ stars. NightCity takes place in SoCal, its trivial to map the nightsky for the year 2077 in the SoCal area... even in the latest Flight Simulator 2020 the stars are now accurate at night...
Ability to choose LIVE weather based on current user location (see Flight Simulator) so say its raining in Dallas Texas where a user is playing, then in NightCity it will match that and we raining in the game as well... also ability to customize weather on-the-fly in real-time (see Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020) and have that instantly change in the game without reloading...
Along with seasons I'd like to be able to see holiday celebrations for example Christmas time espeically... I want to hear holiday music and see buildings decorated with Christmas lights and the jolly spirits of it all... Think the ambiance and environment of say Polar Express, bring that alive to Night City for Xmas...

MINI GAMES and other Microcosm

There is a "Go" board in Chinatown... but its fake... and the players aren't even attempting to play Go... See what Google Deepmind did with AlphaGo, Facebook made an OpenGo that they open sourced... there is also LeelaZero and KataGo free AI engines that have already been trained using deeplearning/machineAI to be far better than the Go masters... the same applies to Chess by the way... but I didn't see a Chess board in Night City yet... in any case all these board games the computer AI can now master... make these games playable in NightCity, so the user can watch two NPC's play a round of Go/Chess/etc (Ai vs Ai) or can join and sit down and take a seat and play against an NPC a real game of Go/Chess, (or in the future if CP gets a multiplayer than humans can play against one another etc) basically a microcosms and games-within-a-game....
Spotify/Netflix/youTube integrations... I'd like to see the user have a portable/personal mp3 player or app on his virtual smartphone that allows him to link to his personal -reallife- spotify account to listen to music while in the game... also on the TV screens at home to be able to watch netflix movies while in this virtual apartment chilling with his date/friends... and things like YouTube integration would be nice... maybe even pornhub integration....
Other simple games like darts, bowling and even toys like RC cars or DJI drones... give the use the ability to fly drones (check out DJI Simulator) or operate rc model cars etc... basically toys that he can buy at electronic stores or corner outlets that he can then use these toys in real life for any variety of enjoyments... this also ties into #ECONOMY and why its important to have a good job /career that pays good money!


Have some form of virtual casinos in the game, NightCity reminds me of Vegas, yet not one slot machine and not one means to gamble or bet? How about the ability to play the stockmarket, bitcoins, and make bets and well as go gambling, cards, poker, etc this not only provides a form of entertainment but also gives the user a way to quickly win / lose a lot of money and for the risk takers they may wish to invest their money in high risk high reward speculative stocks in the stock market instead of immediately spending it on a new apartment, new car, new tech gadget etc etc... this would also tie back to #ECONOMY since the more the user earns the more income he has to spend on gambling/stocks and the better the economy does the higher his stocks return on investment...


Should be able to court any pretty woman on the streets, to walk up to her and say hi and have a path/chance to a dialogue that leads to setting up a first date... and following that if it goes well can progress to more dates and evetnually her moving in with the user and eventually even having a kid, getting married, and the works... each female NPC should have a male preference and a threshold of compatiblity... so that for example if on the first date the guy is cheap and takes her to low end resturant, doesn't have a nice car to pick her up with, and otherwise seems like a low life then she wouldn't process/continue with him... whereas if he is already established with a multimillion apartment, supercar, takes her to most expensive restuarant in NightCity, then I could see her going back to his place on the first date and maybe even getting pregnant right then and there that night etc..."
submitted by kienkhuongit to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

Final Fantasy VI Novelization 20 & 21

Chapter 20
The dream was always the same. Terra found herself in a familiar place. Behind the control stick of her MagiTek armor. The burning rubble of a bell tower sat ablaze behind her as she continued her attack deeper into the city. Terra did as ordered, opening fire on the city and laying waste to any soldiers dumb enough to attack her. She would quickly dispatch them with her Ifrit Canon. As she stomped through the city streets, the buildings burned and crumbled all around her. She was surrounded by death and chaos as she laid waste to the city. Terra watched in horror as the destruction burned all around her.
But then the dream changed as the world slowly faded into darkness. Terra looked down and could no longer see her armor. She stood there. Alone in the void.
“Terra…” The voice whispered.
The gentle voice returned. That familiar beacon in an otherwise unfamiliar world. Terra tried to remember where she heard the voice. As if it were an itch in the back of her mind, an itch that was near impossible to scratch.
“Who are you?!” Terra screamed.
“Listen well, and think clearly.” The voice replied in the distance, and then it was gone. Terra ran in the direction of the voice. Her feet were moving fast. She needed answers, the voice had them. But she noticed that no matter how fast she moved, she gained no ground. The darkness faded quickly as Locke shook her awake.
“Alright, pal. Up and at, em’.” He said with his grin. “We got a long hike ahead of us, so eat something, and let’s get going.”
The mood was different for Terra as they journeyed South. She found herself finally being able to relax a bit as Locke and Edgar let their guard down. Though they received no escort, word traveled to the scouts. Patrols were roaming the lands and protecting the king as he traveled on foot with his companions. Her worries melted away as she found herself marveling at the beautiful sights.
Figaro was truly a bountiful land. Though her castle stood in the great desert, her countryside was not nearly as unforgiving. The weather was pleasant. The gentle sunlight beamed down on the grassy fields. The sun warmed Terra’s bones and calmed her spirit. Figaro’s snow-capped mountains looked picturesque, like from an oil painting. Not like those dreadful, sharp peaks of Narshe. Even the rains were gentle, warm and sweet. She made it a point to listen carefully to the world around her. The chirping of birds, the winds moving through the grassy fields, even her own breathing. They brought some peace to her frantic mind.
Edgar was leading the party to a remote hunting cabin that King Edwin had insisted on building for his queen, though she seldom used it. Edgar’s mother believed that sleeping outside and tempering the body to the elements was the only way a king should live. “It toughens up the blood” She would insist. Edgar would always secretly wish for a hot meal and a soft feather bed, and although he was too proud to admit it, his dad was the same way during a hunt.
Edgar caught himself chuckling quietly as he looked back on better times. The Knuckleheads were making chaos, causing a ruckus and making the castle their playground. The King was wise and good. The Queen, loving and strong-willed. “But those days are long gone,” he thought. He looked away as the smallest bit of sadness washed past his eyes.
The sadness was short lived when the sight made them stop dead in their tracks. They looked to the sky to see a massive ship sailing across the heavens. Her wooden hull soared above as countless propellers briskly spun. The ship was flying west towards the sea. Terra’s jaw dropped at the sight. Locke looked on begrudgingly while the king looked on with wonder.
“What is that?” Terra finally asked.
“That is The Blackjack, the flying casino.” Edgar said. “She’s one hell of a machine. The only one of her kind.”
“Yeah, but the Captain is a real piece of work.” Locke said before spitting on the ground.
“What do you mean?” Terra couldn’t keep her eyes off the ship.
“He gallivants around the world, living the high life.” Edgar explained. “He spends his days wandering, wooing women, and hosting high stakes poker games.” Edgar looked sullen. “I tried to buy into his last game and he said that I wasn’t rich enough for his blood.”
“But you’re a king!” Terra exclaimed.
“Indeed. That is what I told him.” He said with a sad look in his eyes. “But he assured me I couldn’t afford his price.”
“Yeah.” Locke agreed. “We’d never have a chance in hell of getting on board that thing.”
“What I wouldn’t give to get on board that ship.” Edgar said longingly. “I’d love to find out what makes her tick.”
“I wonder what the world looks like from up there.” Terra said hopefully.
They stood in silence as a warm breeze blew in their direction, as if to beckon them on.
Chapter 21
“Are you going to play or are you going to fold?” Commissioner Allyn asked as The Captain swirled his fine crystal wineglass. “You’re wasting my time, and my time is not yours to waste”. Setzer loved playing against The Commissioner. The Nikeah Trade Union always had plenty of money to burn, and its leader knew how to light a fire. Setzer quietly looked at his cards and placed them on the table as he took a long drink as he pondered his next move.
The Commissioner was on a hot streak. They had been playing for the better part of 12 hours and he was getting nothing but aces and kings. The Captain, on the other hand, was getting rags. Setzer Gabbiani hadn’t had a good hand all night as he quietly looked at his chip stack. He was short. In one bad hand, he could lose everything, even his fine doublet, quite possibly. The very thought excited him. Setzer looked at Allyn and gave him a cool smile.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” Setzer teased. “I didn’t know you were in such a hurry to leave my establishment.”
“I’m in a hurry to buy your vessel.” Allyn shot back. “I’m in a hurry to get this thing back to Nikeah.”
“That would be most unfortunate for me.” The captain responded before taking a sip of wine. “So tell me, how exactly are you going to take my wings from me?”
“You saw the bet. Five million gold pieces. From the looks of your stack, I’d say you have a couple of thousand at best.” He pointed out before taking a drag from his cigar. “Now, unless you just so happen to have 5 million, you’ll need to put something up. Now I’m sure that all of the luxurious finery you surround yourself isn’t worth that kind of money. But, I bet this ship is.”
“I wouldn’t take that bet.” Setzer said with a smirk. “She’s worth a lot more than that.”
“Not to me.” He snapped. “Five million is the bet. Your time’s up. Make a decision, what are you going to do?”
Setzer sat up from his seat and revealed the inside of his doublet. Just inside the coat pocket sat three bar room darts made of solid gold. He pulled one out and studied it. He played with the dart for a moment as he pondered. He looked to a dart board hanging on the wall to his right, then back to Commissioner Allyn. The look of tension on his face was almost comical to Setzer. Allyn may have been a man of leisure, but he couldn’t relax worth a damn.
“Well, I suppose I’ll let fate decide.” Setzer’s violet eyes met with the Commissioner's as he stared him down. In a quick flash, without aiming, he threw the dart at the board and it landed with a satisfying thud. A smile grew on his face as he kept glaring at Allyn. After what seemed like an eternity. Setzer looked over to see the dart sitting dead center in the double bullseye.
“Well, there you have it.” He said with certainty. “Looks like I’ll call you.”
Commissioner Allyn laughed heartily. “You are out of your mind, Setzer!”
Setzer shrugged. “Well, there is no point to living life if you’re not willing to gamble with it. Now, are you going to show me your cards, or should I just take your money now?”
The commissioner showed his cards. “Full house.” He said with a satisfied smile. “Jacks and Nines.” He chomped down on his cigar and looked at Setzer’s face. It showed him absolutely nothing.
Setzer sighed. “I am afraid I only have two pair.” He flipped over his cards. “Pair of deuces with another pair of deuces.”
The Commissioner's smile disappeared as the rage took over. His face turning beet red as he violently stood up. “You dirty little cheat!” he accused.
“Come now, my friend.” Setzer said as he leaned back comfortably in his seat. “You know I would never stoop to such low standards just to win a card game. Lady luck merely flashed me her grin, nothing more. Now, I am more than happy to give you a chance to win back your money if you desire.”
“Win back? No. I’m taking it back, alongside your ship, as payment for your cheating!”
“Sir, I have tolerated your blustering for the better part of 12 hours,” Stezter stated firmly, “I have taken it in stride as this has been a friendly game up to this point. However, if you continue to make such disgraceful accusations, will deal with you in an equally disgraceful manner.”
“I’d like to see you try, you son of a-”
Setzer picked up the 2 of diamonds and threw it at the Commissioner. Allyn laughed at the thought of being attacked with a playing card. Then he felt the side of his head start to sting. Then it started to bleed. Then it started to hurt. Allyn groaned in pain as he put pressure on the bleeding wound across his head. Setzer got up and walked over to him.
“Well, I believe that is enough excitement for one evening, wouldn’t you agree?” He said casually.
“You’re a dead man, Setzer Gabbiani. Mark my words.” The Commissioner Threatened.
“No, you mark mine.” He retorted. “I was able to disable you with the 2 of diamonds. That was one card. Now I’d like you to take a moment and imagine what I could do with the remaining 51.” That was exactly what The Commissioner did. He looked at his hand, he was bleeding more than he thought. The thought of what could happen turned his stomach. And that is when he noticed the friendly and playful demeanor of the gentleman gambler had disappeared, a cold and merciless look had taken over.
“However, I am more than willing to overlook this misunderstanding. After all, what’s a mistake between friends?” Setzer offered as he extended his hand. “All I expect is an apology.”
The Commissioner took his hand quickly and stood up. “Of course, I apologize. What I said was out of line. You played a fine hand, Captain”
“Think nothing of it.” Setzer said as he painfully tightened his grip on The Commissioner's hand. “Now, if you ever forget your manners in my establishment again, I promise you will spend the last moments of your life trying to fly. Have I made myself clear, Commissioner?”
“Yes. Perfectly clear, Captain.” Allyn responded immediately.
Setzer’s playful smile returned as he led the Commissioner out of the poker room. “Marvelous!” He exclaimed. “Let us retire to the lounge for a refreshment as I ferry you home. Are you still a rum drinker?” Setzer asked.
“I am.” Allyn replied humbled.
“Excellent. Shall I set a course for Nikeah?”
“That would be fine. Thank you, Captain.” Allyn said.
Setzer went above deck to the ship’s wheel. A crescent moon was shining in the night sky above the clouds as he steered his ship east towards Nikeah. He smiled as he felt the wind breeze through his long, silver hair. Setzer knew exactly what he was going to do to celebrate.
First stop: Jidoor for the appetizer.
It had been a long day and he needed a proper meal. Then a hot bath with a thinly rolled cigar. And to end the evening with a gorgeous woman and a good night’s sleep in his suite at the Silver Lantern Inn. Then after a glorious breakfast, off to his tailor’s to get fitted for a new doublet and maybe a new suit.
Second Stop: The Opera House for an evening of refined culture. It was opening night and Setzer was looking forward to the show. Aria de Mezzo Carattere was always one of his favorites. And a blonde goddess had been chosen for the part of Maria. Rumors of her beauty had traveled far and wide. He had to see if the rumors did her justice. He made a mental note to drop by the Jewlers in the banker’s district to pick out a diamond ring.
Setzer found himself in the mood for romance.

Writer's note: Yeah...been a while...
There really isn't much of an interesting story about why it's been almost half a year since my last post. Sufficed to say, life happened. Well...that and a move to the opposite side of the country. I have been working on the story on and off for a little bit, but nothing ever major. Because I got hit with a horrible case of burnout.
Then I started listening to Nobuo Uematsu's "Awakening" and the spark came back for a little bit. I wanted to switch things up as Setzer is one of my favorite characters in the game. I always had an interesting view on his character and I hope to explore that more now that I've gotten off of my butt and started to do some work once again.
But if I'm going to do that, I REALLY need to pace myself. So I'm hoping to do 2 to 3 chapters a month, hopefully more. I sincerely apologize for the delays. I really want to keep working on this. Thanks to all of you who were reading this since the beginning. I'm hoping to keep working with this story as time goes on, so thanks for sticking with it!
submitted by CaptainSpeakeasy to Finalfantasy6 [link] [comments]

It takes me three days to get to work.

I know what you're thinking, long commute right? That's not exactly it, though I wish things were that simple.
It usually goes like this: I look at my phone calendar before I head out, and upon my return, it's clear three days have passed. A few things with this, the job I have isn't for anyone, but it can be done if you have the right kind of life.
I don't really have any responsibilities, mind you. I'm well beyond the age where I'm required to attend school. I don't have a family. What friends I do have really don't bother me on a day to day basis. So if I'm gone several days out of the week, very few people miss me. It literally doesn't matter that I'm gone.
So where do I go exactly? It's complicated. I'm not exactly clear on that aspect, but I begin my long journey by entering this very roughly hewn tunnel in the basement. It winds and twists for what feels like ages, and of course I bring a flashlight and supplies to sustain me on the trek.
Believe it or not, I'm very careful not to stray beyond the ribbon like road twisting far beyond what the eye can see.
While I don't stray from the road at all, I'm lucky that there's a single skeletal tree that is near its boundary and many of its branches hang over the path like a tattered shroud. The special thing about this tree is that it grows a sort of emerald, "hard candy." Every time, I pass under the branches, I stretch on my tip toes and snag a few because they are very important to one of the patients I visit.
I finally emerge into a landscape of infinite blackness, and there's a very narrow strip of road that I have to follow to "work." The building is rambling, old, ancient even, and a perpetual grey sky grips the top of the roof like the helmet of a fallen warrior.
My most recent trip was different from the others, though, and chills rippled through me as I stared at the intimidating building. It always intimidated me, dwarfed my sense of self, and I'm starting to get a clearer sense as to why.
The hulking building was home to a dozen or so corpses. They were being "cared" for, as generic as that sounds, and in a way they were on a journey too.
They were like any other group of people. Some of them were good, excellent examples of the human condition. Others...not so much.
I developed a special bond with an elderly man named Kenan. I always stopped at his room first, knocking softly, giving a tentative smile.
I wondered how Kenan was fairing today, and he appeared a little glassy eyed. I held out the little emerald candies I gathered from the drooping skeletal tree along my route. His eyes lit up with anticipation.
Kenan smiled and took the phosphorescent green treats, holding them tightly in his hand and popping them into his mouth. He said they distracted him from the pain.
"I don't think you have to worry about me for much longer, Miles," Kenan said after a particularly loud crunch.
"Why's that?" I asked, a lump rising in my throat.
"Well, you know, Julius was in here earlier. Asking me if I need anything, anything at all. Rumor is that Julius only checks on you if he thinks you don't have long," Kenan gave an uncertain, lopsided grin.
Just then, before I could answer, that hairless dog with scarred flesh and eyes red as if from a demented child's nightlight skulked to the large doorway, sitting on its haunches and growling softly. Its name was Oscar, and honestly I fucking loathed the thing. A thing of pure evil, I was convinced. It followed the soon-to-be dead around for hours before, giving them what seemed like endless moments of anxiety right before the end, but Kenan appeared oddly peaceful, not bothered by Oscar's presence.
I wondered why, of course, because from my experience the soon-to-be dead had insight and knew why Oscar visited their rooms, to be spirited away to a place either better or worse than this place where decay and stasis co-existed in uneasy harmony.
"Are you scared?" I asked Kenan, gripping his hand. "Can I do anything for you?"
Kenan shook his head. "No, well, there is one thing. Don't let this place cause you to lose your sense of self. Promise me that, Miles." Kenan began to cough, and blood appeared on the hand he used to wipe it away.
I gave Oscar a frightful look, who sat at the room's edge, growling at me and punishing my soul with those haunting red eyes. I always felt like Oscar never liked me, but this time I held my ground, as much as both legs shook, I continued to stare at Oscar until it whimpered and backed out. It rested on its legs again, in a sitting position. Low growls emanated from him, and I turned back to Kenan.
"I promise," I said. "I'll be right back, Kenan. I should ask Julius something."
Kenan's stare told me he knew what.
Brushing past Oscar in the hall, I felt him bite the back of my leg lightly, and I jumped forward and gave a yelp.
"Watch it, Oscar, or I'll tell Julius. You wanna go to the pit?" I asked rhetorically.
Oscar hung his head, but those demented nightlight eyes kept looking at me. If I knew anything about the dog, it was that it didn't back down, that it was a hound perpetually on a mission.
I found Julius wandering around the huge lobby, leaning against the great desk which wrapped around a large portion of the room, talking to one of the nurses. Julius looked at me, clenching his jaw. His grey skin seemed especially muted today, a sign of dismal things to come.
"I already know what you're going to say," I said as Julius turned to give me his full attention.
"Do you?" he asked flatly. For as long as I had been coming to this place, Julius was careful to give off an aura of implacability and professionalism--doing his job to the best of his ability, but keeping things close to his chest if need be.
"Well, I guess it's a foregone conclusion that Kenan's corpse is almost purified. He'll be moving on, and you'll be given a new patient."
I swallowed hard at the prospect, thinking of the petulant man across the hall, coughing and lonely. Waiting for Oscar to visit him.
"Do you have any ideas which one?" I asked, not hiding my disdain very well. Julius shook his head, that aura of implacability returning.
"No clue."
I briefly thought about what Julius said, about how Kenan's corpse was almost purified. How I understood the process (from overhearing conversations between Julius and the nurses and piecing it all together via context clues), once someone with a terminal illness died, they came here and the soul "grew" a corpse, and that corpse kept the soul safe until it (the soul) was cleansed, and once that process was finished, the corpse would slowly decay, letting the soul move on.
I looked behind me and spotted Oscar. It growled at me again, exposing uneven fangs.
"Also, what's the deal with Oscar?"
Julius didn't speak for a minute.
"Oscar could be restless over Kenan. A pure soul is passing after all."
Julius gave me a cold smile. I knew he was telling the truth about the second part, and maybe the bit about being restless over Kenan was true too. I had a theory operating under a mildly anxious consciousness. Oscar was restless over another imminent passing. The petulant man across the hall sprung into my mind, who constantly yelled at the nurses and stressed Julius out. Or maybe it'd be the sweet old lady who talked to herself. Evelyn, I thought her name was.
As I walked away, I said to myself "fuck, a busy day in the antechamber to the afterlife." I practically stalked the halls and avoided eye contact with most of the nurses. Every time I looked back, I saw Oscar, who walked a "polite" distance behind me.
Finally, I stopped in the generously spacious sitting room. It had several long leather couches, and a large window giving a great view of the abyss, if you cared for that sort of thing. I sat on one of the couches, resting my tired bones and staring out at the view like I hadn't in a long time. Oscar came to rest in front of it, an unnatural slant of shadowy canine which heralded true death in various forms.
I won't lie, the thing horrified me in that moment. Sure, it traditionally inspired a lowgrade fear in general, but this time was different. Something rippled from its very being, maliciousness or evil, or just a blindly malignant force whose mode was set by a mysterious nature I couldn't even begin to comprehend.
"Who do you want, Oscar? Harold or Evelyn? I already know you're taking Kenan. He's going to a better place, but what about them? I bet Harold is heading to where you came from, at the very least," I said.
Oscar just stared at me, nightlight eyes almost dreamy yet they didn't lose that flicker of bestial laser like focus.
I glared back, hoping the seconds would pass quickly enough, and my shift would end. I couldn't leave early, because that's how I got paid, just like in the land of the living. You don't work, you don't get compensated.
After every shift, Julius would walk slowly to the large computer desk, stoop and squint at the screen, and when I returned home, I'd check my account and there was the expected amount of money. Then I'd be shown to an elevator, where I could step inside, press the button (there was only one) and then, after an hour, I'd find myself at the edge of a tunnel leading back to my basement. No, I know what you're thinking. I can't use that tunnel to achieve a much quicker route to the workplace. When I look back after exiting, the tunnel disappears.
Oscar just spread out on the dark red carpet, its scarred skin covered wings wrapping around itself. It made a sickening noise as it clicked its jaw.
When Kenan finally passed, Oscar went inside his room and Julius closed the door. I asked if I could see Kenan one last time, and for the first time I saw a fleeting sympathy cross over his face.
"I understand why you think this would be an exception, but you know the rules. Kenan has nothing to fear from Oscar, Miles. He was a pure soul, his second corpse withered away and now its time for his last journey."
Oddly enough, I didn't cry. In fact, I didn't feel like much of anything. All I could think was how Julius and the dark hound shared the same aura of implacability. Well, that's not entirely true. I also pondered, in a numbed sort of horror, how Oscar looked in front of the window, a slanting shadow of death silently waiting to ferry another soul to its destination. It made me wonder exactly what the dog did, especially to good souls, in order to get them to move on.
Pulling Julius aside, I asked if other souls were going to make their journey today.
"Of course I don't know the answer to that question. Why would I?" Julius seemed defensive, and his reaction told me he knew more than he was letting on.
"You've been around Oscar longer than I have," I retorted. "To me, he's showing subtle signs that there'll be more than one death soon. If not today, then soon."
Julius only shrugged and briefly looked away.
"It could be the noble hound has other plans, but I cannot say because I don't know. There are many sensitive patients here..."
Sensing the tension, I decided to ask another question.
"Who will I be assigned to next then? I mean, you said I would be given another patient, right?"
Julius let a blank expression settle on his face and crossed both arms. I hated that poker face because it usually meant Julius was about to give me bad news. I couldn't imagine the day getting much worse after the death of a good friend. Except the context of that blank expression never lied.
"Harold...will be your new patient," Julius announced. "Don't fret, Miles. He is near the end, I think. All the signs are there. Considering how you helped Kenan, he gave you a glowing review by the way, and especially since Harold's passing looks to be drastically different...," his voice trailed off.
I knew I couldn't fight the decision Julius made. I needed the money, after all.
Later, I knocked on Harold's door and winced as I went inside. The room was spacious, with a bed in the middle and only a small square window above it. Kenan's room had a nice view of the cliffs, and I wondered why Harold's room was different. Maybe I already knew, but I didn't want to believe the reason.
Harold sat on the edge of his bed, his grey skin sort of blending in with his dimness of the room. The window had shades pulled over it, and the light from the ceiling fan was off.
"That bastard Julius knows I'm going, can't even bring me my last meal, or one of them, in person," he said. He stood up suddenly, agitated. Pacing back and forth.
"Fuck, he knows I'm going to, well let's face it, NOT a good place, and he can't be inconvenienced, spare a little time."
"Harold, I--," I started, then he came up to me, expression nasty and almost evil. Aggressive. His grey-ish blue corpse hands suddenly gripped my neck, and my heart thudded in my chest. I was absolutely terrified this corpse with nothing to lose would strangle me to death, and then I'd end up here, just like him.
"What have I got to lose at this point, huh? Tell me!! Julius says you're not supposed to spill the beans, whisper the secrets of this place. Well I'll tell you that I don't care. If I'm going to a rotten place, I might as well have the satisfaction of letting the truth be known!" Harold said. His hands fell from my neck, but I still backed away just in case. My legs were shaking in pure terror at this corpse with nothing to lose.
"They don't tell you that working here means you'll end up here eventually, do they?" Harold gave an unnatural sounding chuckle.
"It's easy money, steady employment, and you don't have to worry about being replaced. No, you just have to worry about dying. It's all in the cards, but you look at 'em and they're completely blank...the deck is stacked with tainted cards, my friend. I had the same setup as you, you know. The man in the flawless suit, he approached me in my basement too, said if I wanted easy money without breaking a sweat."
Harold seemed to calm down for several minutes, and I tried to sooth him, watching chunks of his greyish blue flesh peeling away not to reveal bone, but nothing at all. Holes of infinite blackness. They expanded across his body, and I watched in horror as his behavior appeared to become darker and more aggressive as each hole appeared.
Once he lunged for my neck, I backed out of the room and called for one of the nurses. It took ages for my heartbeat to slow, and I was in a protracted state of dread as I heard screaming coming from the room.
Harold passed a half an hour later, and when Julius finally emerged from one of the shadows, his poker face had gone, replaced by one of generic sympathy.
"A lesson to be learned, hmm?" Julius murmured. I was barely able to concentrate on the words, given the horrific experience from earlier still haunting my thoughts.
"I was going to let what Julius said fade away into nothing, then Harold's claims came to mind, and I knew if I didn't bring it then, I never would.
"Am I going to end up like Harold?" the question came out of my mouth flatly.
Julius only smiled. "Well, that's up to you. Harold was a nasty soul, filled with regret at all the horrible things he had done over the years. He thought he was going to a horrible place, but really that was all in his head."
"You're answering a question I didn't ask. Maybe I should've been more specific. If I continue to work here, will I end up like Harold, terminal?" I pressed.
The smile sort of curled inward, tried to create a bland poker face, and failed.
"Did Harold mention that he had been working here for years and years, well before you? Well before you were born, actually. An old man with nothing to lose, yes, but it would've been the same for him no matter what, whether he worked here for the last several decades or not. You're trying to split the deck and show me the ace of spades, all based off of what Harold said. He was no Kenan. What he told you, he said out of spite because his nastiness had consumed him," Julius replied.
The conversation soon fizzled, and afterward he went over to the computer and stooped like he did so many times before, pressed a few buttons and sent my payment. While he did so, his little speech circled my dazed thoughts, and I came to the conclusion that he was right. First, Harold had every reason to be bitter, every reason to lie or exaggerate.
I wandered the halls thinking, having told Julius I needed time to process everything. Kenan's peaceful passing seemed overshadowed by Harold's frightening fall into the abyss. I knew Kenan had gone on to a better place, no doubt in my mind. Maybe why I felt so much trepidation was because Harold was much more like me than Kenan. I didn't have a pure soul. For sure, I wasn't the most horrible person on the planet, but that left a lot of room for utter foulness that'd be hard to recover from.
The halls were empty, not just of nurses or residents, but I didn't even catch a glimpse of Oscar's scarred flesh and angry red eyes. I told myself I had no reason to be worried. What fears I had for the day were erased by the fact that Harold went too, explaining Oscar's seeming increased vigilance.
Later, I told Julius I was ready, and he escorted me to the elevator.
"Have a safe journey," he said. "Good job today," and then he turned on his heels and stalked down the shadow filled corridor. The corridor was empty as the others had been, eerily barren of activity. As the elevator doors closed, I told myself I didn't feel like had done a good job at all. I wished I could've done more for Kenan, and Harold seemed beyond helping, but maybe that was my failure I was trying bury.
When the elevator finally dinged, I woke up from a short nap since I had fallen asleep leaning against the back wall. The doors opened slowly and everything sort felt suspended in time. I glimpsed some hulking shadow far beyond the elevator, near the exit to the tunnel.
Was it Oscar? I permitted my mind that dark question.
I followed the tunnel to its end, noting no sign of the shadowy hound who perched over the day's events like a ravenous coyote lingering on the edge of a cliff.
I searched every corner of the basement, still no sign of the interminable thing.
Then, after I cleared the stairs and turned the corner in the living room, I saw them.
Julius, looking grey skinned and corpse like, petting a red-eyed, shadow skinned Oscar.
They had come for me.
As Julius spoke, telling me I had a week to get my affairs in order, I couldn't take my eyes off Oscar, nor the thought of what was going to happen to me.
He drank from a small glass of lemonade, told me it had been ages since he indulged in simple mortal pleasures. He said next time would be different, that I wouldn't be traveling along the ribbon like road to my final days. They would come for me, and I would see Oscar every day, as the hound would make sure I didn't try to leave and escape its wrath.
That was yesterday, and this morning I saw Oscar sprawled out on the kitchen floor, only the slits of its glowing eyes visible. Snorting and growling in its sleep.
Except I'm not sure who I'm more scared of, since I've also seen Harold, as corpse like as ever, despite it being devoured in front of me earlier that day, which felt like ages ago. His "second corpse" (the one he had grown after dying the first time) had been eaten in front of him, and I thought after that his soul would move on.
But Harold said he had been sent back to Earth, filled with a rage which seemed incomprehensible even in his previous life. He also mentioned he wanted to be ready when Julius arrived, to "raise some hell," he said.
"I'm not bound by their rules anymore, or anyone's rules."
Honestly, I can't help but see him as a symbol of my own impending death. Maybe he was sent here for reasons unknown to him, forces above him pulling the strings.
I guess I'll find out soon.
Until then, I feel like Oscar in a weird way protects me, that as long as it's around, the rage-filled corpse can't do me any harm.
submitted by MilesCastle to nosleep [link] [comments]

Some Simple tips for CD devs to make CP2077 feel more alive in upcoming DLCs (Please read)

First off, this game was an aesthetic treat and compared to GTAV, it is indeed much more "dense" with the core areas so much more beautiful in that regard... But no game is perfect, nor is it realistic in this decade to expect a full "city simulator" for any dev or in any game, so that's not what I'm expecting out of Night City not even under the most ideal of circumstances... That said, there are plenty of room for improvement, bug fixes sure, but also beyond that I'd like to see more in the upcoming DLC's that make NightCity more alive, not even necessarily newer and larger maps, but just practical added-elements and additional functional components that would go a long way towards making the city appear more 'alive', and immersive and dynamic and all that was illuded to but never fully manifested...

So in terms of most bang for buck and the low-hanging fruit (80/20 principle):

In real life there is a sense of interconnecitivity and permanance... NightCity doesn't have this and is just a disconnected Hodgepodge of static elements that have no effect on one another... for example I should be able to balance the transportation cost of getting to work versus the career path that I want and the amount of money I'm making and taking into account my net worth... it wouldn't make sense for me to accept an entry level position that requires hours of commute every morning when I'm living on the other end of town... and on the otherhand if I'm processed to a VP making bigly bucks I can afford to take the automated air taxi every morning to work in central business district and still live outside by the beautiful beachfront property etc... likewise a downturn in the economy will affect my company and I could get laid off or no bonus for the year, or if I'm working a gig job that is seasonal then come spring I wouldn't need to find a second side gig to make up for the loss of income... and all of that ties into what kind of loft I can afford, what kind of car I can buy/lease/rent and the food I can eat (tv dinner vs fine dining) and the cloths that I can put in my back which affects the sort of women on the street that I can radnomdly hit on and get intro interested into d going on a date with me etc etc etc... its all interconnected and has a continuation that affecst so much more than just mindless NPCs spawning and despawning right in front on my eyes...

1) Bring back (or rather develope for the first time) the promised subway system... this shouldn't be that hard to do... it would add an element of connectivity of the different parts of the city... Leave fast travel as an option, for those that want to ride the train shouldn't be forced to use loading screens
2) Air taxi(s) -- in the age of Telsa self driving cars, hyperloops, drone taxis we should have plenty of automated air taxi options in the world of CP2077, basically like the taxi hailing component in GTAIV (Liberty City) except the player can hail an air taxi that lands close to where he is standing, he gets in, and then chooses any destination and it automatically flys him to the location, while allowing him to look out the windows and enjoy the night city from above / higher perspective... this is simplier than simply giving the player ability to fly hovercars/etc since an air taxi is just from point to point and its trivial to code a system that flys the player from any point in the city to any other point without crashing into any buildings... we've seen NightCity from the ground, now lets see it from the sky!
3) Rented transporation -- user pays to be able to rent jet packs, hoverboards, scooters at different locations in the city so he can use a public transportation but on a personal level... for the jet packs cap a max height so that its still basically hovering at or around slightly above ground level, giving the user the discretion of travel but not allowing him to fly or scale above buildings etc... this requires money to rent and if the equipment is damaged, lost, stolen or not returned properly the users bank account will be deducted for the amount ( see #ECONOMY)

Ability to work a day job to earn steady money and climb a career ladder by taking courses or going to school at night... ability to go on the nightcity job boards or online to hunt and interview for other jobs... to change industries and do other jobs... to participate in the Gig economy... like drive around in some version of ubereats delivering food or packages to people... or a corporate desk job thats basically on the computer all day... for corporate day jobs the game should give the user the ability to fastforward just like he can go to bed and fast forward for eight hours etc....

1) Skyscrapers with observation deck -- in every major city there is a theme like this, take Seattle for example you can visit the tallest building in Seattle downtown and go up on the obs deck and see the city view from high above, I would say incorporate some options like this where user can enter some of the taller buildings in NightCity, ride up the elevator to the higher decks and see the city from that view... maybe even add a floor with fine dinning where user can take a friend/date/group to the restuarant and eat while enjoying watching the scenery of the nightcity below etc...
2) All major buildings enter-able (is that a word? lol) with at least a ground lobby.... right now most of the buildings are just fake exteriors, nice to look at from the outside but completely fake and empty with no insides... Due to system restrains its not practical to simulate every room of every floor of every building in nightcity with furnished interiors and real windows and all that... but at least make the first floor /lobby area of every large and major building enter-able so that the character can walk in and out of them... for certain buildings you may want to make a working/functional lobby elevator that leads to an underground garage and/or allows the user to ride the elevator to above ground higher floors of the building... or have the elevator only allow certain floors to be accessed and furnish these floors with realistic settings/environment and this can tie in nicely with the job/work/career paths discussed in #ECONOMY section with gives you the office space to put a number of companies in which the user can find and switch jobs and work in corporate paths etc... for example allow the user to customize and decorate his own "office/desk", and if he has a window office, then that would provide another unique view/scenery of nightcity from above ground perspective, one that can only be gotten from working at that particular company/job, and gives him an incentive to work late to see the city from nighttime while burning the midnight oil:)
3) Multiple apartments, the user should be able to pick and choose from a vast selection and array of living arrangements and this necessities a lot of hotel/condo/apartment options which means these buildings need to have interiors and furnished and environments fully built out...

1) Ability to find and work a job, with multiple career paths and with ability to move up in the corporate world... this provides the user with a steady stream of income for which he can use to buy fancier cars, to move into newer and better apartments /condos etc.. and to buy fancier items like designer cloths and the suches... not to mention to spend on fine dinning in high end restuarants which can tie in nicely with going on datings, impressing women with luxury cars and expensive meals and "date nights out" at elaborate events.... basically there has to be a purpose and meaning to making more money, and the process of making more money has to be derived from a job or work or career of some sort as the main component...
2) Have a real economy with unemployment, inflation, commodity prices, and all of that impact and influence and affect the user in his everyday life... for example if a major terror event or pandemic causes the Nightcity to suffer an economic depression for a few months then its possible the company that the user is working at has to lay off people and he gets canned and has to downsize to a smaller apartment, loses his girlfriend/wife, and then has to find another lower paying job and stuck in the downward cycle for a few years until he is able to win the lottery (#GAMBLING/SPECUTLATION/BETTING) or his luck somehow changes...
3) Everything should cost money, it costs money to rent an apartement and it should also cost money to eat and drink... basically he user has to spend money to eat otherwise he will starve to death... and the user has to keep paying rent every month for whatever apartment he resides otherwise he gets evicted and could even become homeless and have to live in one of those nasty tents in tenty city or under a highway bridge etc etc
4) Grocery stores, restuarants, movie theaters, hotels, and shopping malls... There should be at least a few convinennce stores, shopping malls, restuarants and other retail places spread throughout nightcity, this is a component and element of the economy as well as a means for the user to spend all the hard earned money he worked towards... for example if you give a homeless a few bucks he should be able to use it to spend at a store on the corner to get something to eat and then that makes him happy because he is no longer so hungry... there should be a tie in for economy, money, and the ability to exchange that for goods and services (barber, tatto artists cough cough) and associate these goods and services to emotional feelings of happiness and satisfication for both the user /player and the NPCs...


There should be a distinction between autumn/fall, spring, summer, winter etc... This gives a big cycle sense of passage of time that cannot be simulated with the current day/night cycles along... in the winter the sun should rise and set at different times/angles than the summer...

In addition, I'd like to see an accurate night sky map/ stars. NightCity takes place in SoCal, its trivial to map the nightsky for the year 2077 in the SoCal area... even in the latest Flight Simulator 2020 the stars are now accurate at night...

Ability to choose LIVE weather based on current user location (see Flight Simulator) so say its raining in Dallas Texas where a user is playing, then in NightCity it will match that and we raining in the game as well... also ability to customize weather on-the-fly in real-time (see Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020) and have that instantly change in the game without reloading...
Along with seasons I'd like to be able to see holiday celebrations for example Christmas time espeically... I want to hear holiday music and see buildings decorated with Christmas lights and the jolly spirits of it all... Think the ambiance and environment of say Polar Express, bring that alive to Night City for Xmas...

#MINI GAMES and other Microcosm

There is a "Go" board in Chinatown... but its fake... and the players aren't even attempting to play Go... See what Google Deepmind did with AlphaGo, Facebook made an OpenGo that they open sourced... there is also LeelaZero and KataGo free AI engines that have already been trained using deeplearning/machineAI to be far better than the Go masters... the same applies to Chess by the way... but I didn't see a Chess board in Night City yet... in any case all these board games the computer AI can now master... make these games playable in NightCity, so the user can watch two NPC's play a round of Go/Chess/etc (Ai vs Ai) or can join and sit down and take a seat and play against an NPC a real game of Go/Chess, (or in the future if CP gets a multiplayer than humans can play against one another etc) basically a microcosms and games-within-a-game....
Spotify/Netflix/youTube integrations... I'd like to see the user have a portable/personal mp3 player or app on his virtual smartphone that allows him to link to his personal -reallife- spotify account to listen to music while in the game... also on the TV screens at home to be able to watch netflix movies while in this virtual apartment chilling with his date/friends... and things like YouTube integration would be nice... maybe even pornhub integration....
Other simple games like darts, bowling and even toys like RC cars or DJI drones... give the use the ability to fly drones (check out DJI Simulator) or operate rc model cars etc... basically toys that he can buy at electronic stores or corner outlets that he can then use these toys in real life for any variety of enjoyments... this also ties into #ECONOMY and why its important to have a good job /career that pays good money!

Have some form of virtual casinos in the game, NightCity reminds me of Vegas, yet not one slot machine and not one means to gamble or bet? How about the ability to play the stockmarket, bitcoins, and make bets and well as go gambling, cards, poker, etc this not only provides a form of entertainment but also gives the user a way to quickly win / lose a lot of money and for the risk takers they may wish to invest their money in high risk high reward speculative stocks in the stock market instead of immediately spending it on a new apartment, new car, new tech gadget etc etc... this would also tie back to #ECONOMY since the more the user earns the more income he has to spend on gambling/stocks and the better the economy does the higher his stocks return on investment...

Should be able to court any pretty woman on the streets, to walk up to her and say hi and have a path/chance to a dialogue that leads to setting up a first date... and following that if it goes well can progress to more dates and evetnually her moving in with the user and eventually even having a kid, getting married, and the works... each female NPC should have a male preference and a threshold of compatiblity... so that for example if on the first date the guy is cheap and takes her to low end resturant, doesn't have a nice car to pick her up with, and otherwise seems like a low life then she wouldn't process/continue with him... whereas if he is already established with a multimillion apartment, supercar, takes her to most expensive restuarant in NightCity, then I could see her going back to his place on the first date and maybe even getting pregnant right then and there that night etc...
submitted by AscendChina to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

The entire Expiration Date script but it’s Hololive

[The screen fades in to a shot of an urban, deserted road, flanked by multiple buildings. A slow downwards pan to a crushed Nissin Curry Meshi cup is punctured by a brass flourish. Suddenly, a truck screeches into view from the right, knocking away the cup and fishtails, nearly ripping off its rear bumper. It continues down the right lane.]
[Cut to a right side view of the van. The camera pans from the rear towards the front while a heavy drum beat plays. The truck is pock-marked with bullet holes and the sky blue paint has been scraped off the sides. The camera continues panning and steadies at the van's open air cab, revealing a sleeping Gura and Botan hunched over at the wheel.]
[Interior shot of the cab. The windshield has bullet holes on the right and is completely knocked out on the left. Gura has a relaxed pose with her feet on the dashboard. Fuzzy dice adorn the rear view mirror. Botan continues to drive the van on the left side of the road when the dashboard monitor begins to softly beep.]
[Cut to a side view of the left-hand side of the cab. Botan looks disapprovingly at the sleeping Gura. She returns her eyes to the road as she runs a red light. The dashboard beeps again and Botan hits Gura without taking her glance off of the road. Shaken, Gura jerks awake.]
Gura: Gwaa! Bwaa! What?! What? Oh.
[Gura reaches over and with her right hand, pushes a button on the monitor. It is a video call from Enma.]
Enma: Gura, it's Enma. Tell me you got the briefcase.
Gura: Yeah sure.
Enma: And nobody saw you?
Gura: Ehhh. [She raises her hands and shrugs her shoulders] Basically nobody.
Enma: [Her expression darkens] Gura, I'm here right now.
Gura: Well that's a funny story...
[The cab's rear door abruptly opens and Haachama steps out, and with her left hand, hastily pushes Gura’s face into her seat. Gura throws up her hands, Botan is startled and momentarily loses control of the van, and Haachama takes over the monitor.]
Haachama: [brightly] Hello, Enma! We killed everyone and took a briefcase!
[She brandishes an ANTI briefcase.]
Enma: Not everybody, Haato. You left seven witnesses, girls.
[A bloodied hand can be seen in the background reaching for help. Enma turns and shoots him with a silenced pistol. The hand collapses.]
Enma: [matter-of-factly] Six.
[The camera cuts to a rear shot of the van pulling into an entrance to an underground parking lot under a Hololive-owned building. A dead ANTI soldier can be seen draped on the roof of the van. As the van drives in, a wooden prop of a construction wall with some construction signs pops up and a painted curtain background falls into place, disguising the entrance.]
Enma: [she continues talking as the camera pans] Look, just keep the briefcase safe okay?
[Side shot of the van rolling down a ramp and pulling into a garage. The rear bumper falls off.]
Enma: Have a good weekend guys.
[Front shot of the van pulling into the garage. Botan looks harassed and brings the vehicle to a stop. The dead ANTI soldier slides off the roof. Botan leaves the keys in the ignition and exits the van.]
Haachama: [her hand still covering Gura’s face] Goodbye, Enma! I am leaving the van now.
[Haachama disappears into the rear of the van and the door slides close behind her. Cut shot to Gura who looks relieved at the hand being removed from her face. She adjusts her hoodie with both hands before looking towards the back at the door.]
Gura: Bye bye. Okay then.
[The background music stops and the van grows quiet. Gura turns back to the monitor.]
Gura: Hey, hey Enma! Before you go. Ahh-
Enma: Uh huh?
[Enma is dragging a body. Gura stammers and scratches her face.]
Enma: [distracted] Gura? What? Say something.
Gura: [regains confidence] You're probably.. real busy this weekend, right?
Enma: [finished with dragging the body, she stands up and wipes the dirt from her hands] Funny you should mention that. Um. Looks like I will be... burying bodies all weekend. [she grabs a Fire Axe and brings her face closer to the camera] So you don't go to jail.
Gura: [stammering] Oh g-good. So.. we're both busy.
[Cut to Enma on the monitor. She looks at Gura quizzically in silence. She returns the glance awkwardly. Suddenly a siren can be heard in the background with guards shouting. Enma reacts and turns hurriedly from the camera.]
Enma: Oh! Gotta go!
[She disappears off-camera. Muffled shots can be heard. The monitor buzzes off. Cut back to Gura with a pained expression on her face. Side view of cab with Gura leaning back resignedly.]
Gura: Lots of people busy... with.. busyness.
[Botan can be seen in the background, checking the fridge's contents. Suisei walks slowly, passing front of the camera left to right.]
Suisei: [smugly] Asking out that dial tone again, I see.
Gura: [sitting up and angrily gesturing] Go to hell, Sui.
[Gura drops her demeanor and looks dejected. She looks down, then chuckles sadly to herself. She gets out of the van. Botan takes a loaf of bread from the fridge and tosses it over her shoulder.]
[The camera pans slowly with Gura walking left to right from the van to the table. She tosses the keys in the air and deftly catches them. Haachama attempts to extricate an ANTI soldier’s body from the hood of the van. Coco takes a quick spin on the Teleporter and disappears. Botan manages to find a rice ball and leans contently on the fridge door before taking a bite.]
Gura: [gestures to the table which holds a freestanding door and a cup of Nissin Curry] Hey, look at all this. What have you two eggheads been workin' on?
[Fubuki and Coco are discussing something, but turn to Gura when she addresses them. Gura tosses the keys. They both glare at her, ignoring the keys which clatter to the floor.]
Gura: [sarcastically] Nice catch...
[Fubuki turns to Coco. She turns to address Gura while Fubuki steps back.]
Coco: Yeah. Listen, now... We've been running some experiments on an Anywhere Door that we just bought across the street.
[Coco gestures with her head to the door, which stands on the table, closed. Haachama wanders over, interested. Botan remains at the fridge door, eating her rice ball, but observing.]
Coco: Well yeah. Y'all might wanna take a look at this.
[Coco picks up a device and pushes a button on it. The door begins shaking. Haachama stands with her arms akimbo. Suddenly, the door opens and ejects another Nissin Curry cup onto the table. Botan is somewhat intrigued, but Haachama is utterly amazed, reaching out with both hands to grab the cup as the door closes itself. Gura, however, is unimpressed.]
Gura: [disinterestedly] Wow. You can teleport curry, besides me not knowing these doors even existed, that is big news. Um, is Marine back with the beer yet? ‘Cause I..
[She turns back while Fubuki opens the top of the cup. The interior of the curry cup contains pulsating green lumps and teeth. Coco winces while Gura yelps and throws her hands in the air.]
Gura: EUGH!! What the hell is that?!
Fubuki: [cheerily, gesturing slightly with a half of the throbbing rice] Tumors!
[Cut to Botan. She looks concerned and stops eating her rice ball.]
Coco: [adjusting her right horn] Y’all know what this means, right..?
[Suddenly, Haachama grabs Gura by the neck and slams her onto the table.]
Haachama: Arrghh! We cannot teleport curry anymore!
[She chokes Gura and raises a hand as if to punch her face. Botan still leans nonchalantly on the fridge door. Coco intervenes, raising her hands.]
Coco: Whoa! Whoa... Not exactly, Haato. [she places her hand on Haachama’s back and smiles] You can teleport as much curry as you like.
[Her smile fades.]
Coco: That goes for all of you. If there's something any of you wanted to do before you... Well, died, now would be a.. good time.
[Suddenly, Suisei’s voice is heard. Coco turns. Cut to Suisei, leaning on the wall.]
Suisei: How long before these...tumors kill us?
Fubuki: Well, let's see. [she gestures, thinking out loud.] We all use the teleporter, let's say six times a day...
[Cut to the rest of the group, Gura is still rubbing her sore neck, Haachama stands stoically, Botan still leans on the fridge door, rice ball now half-eaten, and Coco adjusts her horns. Cut back to Fubuki]
Fubuki: Times four years. Minus... we’re not bread. Hmm...
[She turns abruptly. Suisei is startled]
Fubuki: Three days. Yes...
[The strings rise to a crescendo while the camera dramatically zooms to Fubuki’s face. Deep chimes accent the moment]
Fubuki: We all have three days to live!
[The strings slow then stop. Cut back to the group. Gura and Botan look worried while Coco looks down at the floor. Haachama, confused, counts off on her fingers: one, two...]
Marine: WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Woooooo!!
[Marine bursts through the Anywhere Door and triumphantly celebrates her own arrival with a crate full of beer with limes wedged in the necks. As she wobbles precariously on the table, we can see that she is also festively clad in a sombrero and novelty Margarita shaped sunglasses while also carrying another beer.]
Marine: Woo... [she looks around at their faces as the door closes itself] What?
[Expiration Date title card]
[Cut to the Hololive Office building. It is now in the middle of the night.]
[Cut to a close-up of a poker table. Suisei unceremoniously drops a metal pail. It is filled with note cards. A literal bucket list.]
Suisei: This... is a bucket.
[Cut to a side shot of the Idols at the poker table. With Marine on the far right in the foreground grasping her bottle, everyone else is arranged counter-clockwise from her: Korone, Ayame, Botan, Gura, Haachama, and Suisei on the right foreground. Everyone is wearing an odd watch with a large digital display. Half-standing, Haachama examines the bucket.]
Haachama: Dear God.
Suisei: There's more.
Haachama [astonished] No!
Suisei: [ignoring her] It contains the dying wish of every Idol here. [turns] Gura. You did collect everyone's dying wish?
Gura: Oh, you bet!
[She salutes. Botan slowly folds her arms.]
Suisei: Excellent. Everyone, synchronize your death watches.
[Cut to a close-up of the watch. Red embossing tape declares it a "DEATH CLOCK". The display beeps as the various Idols set their watches. It reads 70:00:00. 70 hours left to live and counting.]
[All the Idols are expressionless except for Botan who is on the verge of falling asleep with her arms folded. Suisei steps from the front of the table and walks from right to left, hands firmly clasped behind her back.]
Suisei: We have seventy hours to live. For most women, no time at all.
[The camera cuts to a shot of Suisei walking behind Botan’s back. The music swells from mournful to patriotic. She places a hand on Botan’s shoulder, jerking her awake. Botan momentarily looks guilty.]
Suisei: We are not most women.
[Suisei now walks behind the table. The camera pans to a shot showing all the Idols gathered around the table intently focusing on her words.]
Suisei: We are Idols. We have the resources. The will. To make these hours count! [she gestures emphatically while the trumpets and drum beats swell]
Suisei: [sudden close-up while the background music cuts off] The clock is ticking, people. Let's begin.
[Reverse shot with the bucket in the foreground. The Idols' expressions show varying degrees of interest. Suisei draws a note card from the bucket.]
Suisei: Our first dying wish is Gura’s. [she gestures] She’s...
[Suisei examines the card. Her brow wrinkles]
Suisei: ...drawn a picture of me getting hit by a car.
[The drawing is somewhat crude. The muscle car is drawn in much greater detail than Suisei who is thrown up into the air, becoming disemboweled with blood spurting everywhere.]
Suisei: [he peers closer] I have something radiating off of me.
Gura: Yeah, those are stink lines.
[She turns to the rest of the Idols in a mock whisper. Botan is mildly amused.]
Gura: That's why the car hit her. Cause she smells.
Suisei: [rolling her eyes as she draws another card] Yes I see. Here you've drawn me having...
[The camera tastefully remains on her face.]
Suisei: [somewhat bemused] ...sexual congress with the Eiffel Tower. [she tosses it and draws another while Gura giggles] The Eiffel Tower having sexual congress with me. [toss and giggle] Both of us relaxing post-coitus.
[Marine confusingly mouths "post-coitus" and Gura is nearly in tears with laughter.]
Suisei: [growing more irritated] I'm crying and the Eiffel Tower has stink lines coming off of it. [she angrily throws the card down] Did anyone besides Gura put a card into the bucket?!
[Botan and Ayame are slightly amused. Gura is near breathless with laughter.]
Gura: [giggling] Oh man, classic Gura.
Suisei: [sighing] Fantastic. This was a huge waste of my time.
Haachama: [pulling out a card] You did not read mine!
Suisei: [another sigh] Does it say you want the bucket?
Haachama: [interrupting] Yes!
[Disgusted, Suisei slides the bucket over as the rest of the Idols get up to leave. Haachama greedily grabs the pail with both hands. The camera moves to an overhead shot of the now-empty table.]
Suisei: See you all in hell.
[The camera switches to the Idols walking down a hallway. Haachama stops and examines her new bucket next to a sign pointing to the "LAB". Coco and Fubuki walk by pushing doors and cups of Nissin Curry on two carts to the lab. A curry cup falls off of the pile and Haachama gasps before she grabs her bucket more tightly. The camera spotlights the curry cup with ominous bass piano notes. A grin appears on her face as she stares at the fallen cup. The screen cuts to black.]
[Cut to rear shot of Suisei sitting back in her leather arm chair. The room is dimly lit with moonlight and the warm glow of the fireplace. Suisei swirls her cut crystal glass and takes a drink whilst reading an “50 Among Us Imposter Tips" magazine. Someone knocks on her door.]
Suisei: Go away.
[She flips a page and frowns. Gura opens the door and peeks in.]
Gura: Hey, ah, you got a second?
Suisei: Oh, Gura. Please. Go [bleep] yourself.
Gura: [nervously] Yeah. Hey that's, that's funny. Um. Anyway I-
[Suisei suddenly lunges towards the door, slamming it shut on Gura’s body. She leans on it trying to force Gura out.]
Gura: [in pain] Wait! Wait! Wait! Ow. Come on, Suisei.
[Suisei raises her knife, threateningly]
Gura: I'm wedging my head through a door here to tell you I'm sorry!
Suisei: [rolls her eyes and gets off the door, light chimes and strings play] Make it quick.
Gura: [straightening herself out] So, I did write down a last wish. [she brings out a card] I'd uh. I'd like to go on a date, with...Enma.
Suisei: [turns] You? You're terrible with girls.
Gura: What? No. No. No. Sui, look at this. And this. And this here. Suisei, look at all of this. [she gestures to different parts of her body and spins around] Heh. No. I'm great with girls.
[Scene flashes back to a cheap fast food joint. Gura and a woman wearing a burlap coat and hat are standing at a counter with buckets of "Kiara Fried Giblets" brand chicken drumsticks.]
Gura: We both got buckets of chicken. Wanna do it?
Amelia: [shrugs] Eh, okay.
[Scene switches back to Suisei and Gura.]
Suisei: [frantic yet hushed strings play] But you, Suisei. You are amazing with ladies. You know, classy ones. The kind that smell good, and can read. And that always have their glasses on just kind of crooked. You know? The ones that don't go for a girl like me.
[Suisei looks at Gura with a smug grin.]
Suisei: Hmm, and why is that, do you think?
Gura: C'mon, Suisei, I don't know.
Suisei: Well, a mystery we will take to our graves then. Goodbye.
[Suisei walks away to pour a drink. The bar has several bottles of Hololive-themed wine, glasses, and a PlayStation 4. She selects a rocks glass to pour a hard liquor.]
Gura: Wait. Wait. Ah. [sigh] Okay. Look. Fine. Suisei. This never leaves this room [sigh]. You are better than me. All right? I need your help.
[Suisei stops pouring, looks up, and turns towards Gura.]
Suisei: I'll do it. On one condition.
[Suisei pushes a button on the console and a microphone pops up. She blows into it, causing feedback which reverberates throughout the building. The camera goes from the poker table with Coco drinking, Botan and Ayame dozing, and Korone reading a magazine; to Fubuki and Coco in a lab, with the tumorized curry cup; and to Haachama carrying away a giant pile of Nissin Curry cups in her arms. All perk up to the sound of feedback on the speakers.]
Suisei: Say that [pushes microphone towards Gura] again.
[The strings hold, then fade as the scene cuts to black.]
[Camera slowly pans into a nearly empty gymnasium. Gura bounces on her feet on the right, looking nervous. Suisei calmly places a wine bottle on a cart and inspects two wine glasses. Behind her is a crash-test dummy, hanging on a stand. She places down a glass. Ominous bass strings play.]
[*Gura coughs and Suisei delicately places the second glass down. She pushes the cart which rolls to a stop in front of Gura. It also holds a bucket of drumsticks, red roses, a vase, and a box of Hololive-themed chocolates.]
Suisei: [nonchalantly] Seduce me.
[Gura looks back, confused, and turns forward, arms akimbo.]
Gura: You?
Suisei: [pointedly] Seduce me.
Gura: What, Sui? I ain't gonna...
Suisei: SEDUCE ME!!
*Gura: [taken aback] *Right! Right. Okay. [She looks down at the cart. She immediately picks up the bucket of fried chicken and lets out a quick sigh.] Okay... [She walks up to Suisei] H-hey there, good-lookin'... I got a bucket of chicken...
Suisei: [She slaps the chicken out of Gura’s hands.] I'm not one of your fried chicken tramps! I'm a woman! I like my men dangerous... *Mysterious... [Suisei takes the dummy into her arms and starts dancing with it briefly before holding it in front of her.] You want to be my lover?! Earn it! Seduce me! [She uses the dummy to slap Gura across the face, who looks up at her with a hurt expression in her eyes. Suisei simply looks down at her with a smug grin on her face.]
[The camera cuts to a shot of Suisei and Gura in a classroom setting. The word DINNER is written on the chalkboard as Suisei says something to Gura. Later, Gura can be seen sitting at the head of a long banquet table. At the other end, Marine and Ayame can be seen playing the Piano and Saxophone, respectively. Behind her, Korone and Suisei are holding a bottle of wine and a bucket of chicken. Gura reaches for the bucket of chicken with a grin on her face, but Suisei slaps her hand away. The fork flies out of her hand and lands on Marine’s eyepatch, whose other eye immediately widens.]
[Cut back to Suisei and Gura in the classroom, only this time DANCING is written on the chalkboard. Back in the previous room, Gura can be seen awkwardly dancing energetically. She points both her fingers at Suisei, who merely shakes her head with disgust. Suisei proceeds to show Gura the proper way to dance, while Gura looks on in confusion. She attempts to mimic Suisei’s actions, but instead sends the dummy flying into the Reel-to-Reel player behind them.]
[In the classroom, the word DEMEANOR is now written on the board as Suisei continues to educate Gura, who is busy drawing a picture of Suisei being shot in the head. She hits Gura in the face with the pointer, who reels back in pain.]
[Gura can be seen reading a book titled Pick-up Lines for Aquatic Junkies. Jump cut to the future, and a pile of books has begun to accumulate around Gura, who has a pencil clenched between her teeth, and is now reading a book titled Dating Badass Girls. Another jump cut, and the pile of books has been turned into a makeshift throne, which Gura reclines in it, a more confident expression on her face.]
[Cut to Gura back at the banquet table, and she extends her pinkie out as she holds the chicken. Later, she can be seen gently kissing the hand of the dummy as Suisei watches. Gura then can be seen dancing around the room with the dummy. She lowers the dummy down, holding onto its back with one hand as she looks up to Suisei, who nods her head in approval. The head of the dummy falls off as the music reaches a crescendo, and Suisei eyes it with a bemused expression on her face. Cut to black.]
[Floodlights come to life, illuminating Gura, who is sitting in a classroom chair in the middle of a wrestling ring. After a brief delay, she raises her hand in front of her to shield her eyes from the bright lights.]
Suisei: Final Question... [Cut to a shot of Suisei, who is silhouetted against the floodlights.] You have a dinner date for seven... what time do you arrive? [She walks across the ring, awaiting Gura’s answer.]
Gura: Seven. A.M. Case the restaurant, run background checks on the staff. Can the cook be trusted? If not, I gotta kill him. [She makes a gun formation with her right hand. Suisei can be seen walking around Gura as the camera rotates around her in the opposite direction.] Dispose of the body, replace him with my own guy no later than 4:30...
[Suisei looks down at Gura, and after a few seconds of thought, speaks...]
Suisei: You're ready.
Gura: [hopeful] Really?
Suisei: [chucking softly] No. Everything you just said was insane... and, we are out of time. [She sets a glass of liquid in front of Gura.] Congratulations. You're a failure.
Gura: Oh... [She stands up, accidentally bringing the desk with her. She sits back down and slides out of her chair. Suisei rolls her eyes and shakes her head in amusement.] I failed, did I?
Suisei: [grinning] Yes.
Gura: Did I?
Suisei: Yes...
Gura: Did I?
Suisei: [Annoyed] Gura, where is this going?
Gura: Where it's going is, I don't need you. I'll put this date on myself!
Suisei: [An expression of disbelief crosses her face] Yourself...?
Gura: That's right, fancy pants, myself! [Suisei’s mouth twitches as she stops herself from laughing] So why don't you take your little failure, roll it up sideways, and- [Suisei taps her watch, voicelessly reminding Gura of the death watch] -Okay, crap, I gotta go... [Gura quickly downs the rest of her drink and begins to walk off-screen, but leans back towards Suisei.] Screw you, though... [She walks by an alarm that's labeled IN CASE OF IDENTITY LEAK PUSH BUTTON. As she does so, she turns around, casually hits the button with her fist, and points at Suisei as she walks away. Klaxons start going off and red alarm lights begin flashing.]
[Fade to a shot of Fubuki in the laboratory.]
[The blackboard has the results of previous Anywhere Door experiments written on it. The camera slowly pans to the left, revealing Coco and Fubuki with a pair of doors set up between them. As Fubuki inspects her side of the door, Coco calls out to her.]
Coco: Y'all ready?
Fubuki: [Turning to Coco] Ready!
[Coco picks up a cup of Nissin Curry. The tumors are now plainly visible on the outside. She sniffs it briefly, then recoils backwards, making a noise of disgust. She opens her door and pushes the cup into it before it closes itself. About a second later, the Curry Cup is ejected out from Fubuki’s door onto the table and begins chittering loudly, squirming in place.]
Fubuki: Ooh!
[Fubuki leans forward with interest. The cup grows teeth and roars at Fubuki, who lets out a scream of fear as the curry cup creature leaps at her ear and latches onto it. Fubuki continues to scream as she grabs onto the curry creature and attempts to pry it off.]
Coco: Aww hell...
[Coco walks off-camera as energetic drums start to play in the background.]
[Cut to a shot of Enma on a scooter, speeding towards the Hololive Office. A loosely zipped duffel bag can be seen strapped to the back of it, containing a blue shirt and a white suit. She ramps off the wooden construction sign and flies right through the curtain. A look of determination can be seen on her face. She comes to a stop outside a steel plate door and hops off of the scooter, sheath on her back.]
[As Enma walks towards the door, the scooter falls onto its side. Enma briefly turns towards the scooter, debating to set it back upright or not, but ultimately continues on towards the door. She places her back up against the wall to the left of the door and glances upwards briefly.]
Enma: [Quickly] You're ready. Alright. [She lets out a deep breath, brandishes a Katana from her sheath and holds it at the ready before pushing the door open, spinning around and bumping into Gura, who's waiting for her there.]
Gura: [unconvincingly] Enma. What an unexpected surprise.
Enma: The ANTIs found out an identity... Don't worry, we can fix this. [She pushes past Gura, who follows her.] We'll just silence them, and the public never has to know.
[A security camera tracks their movements as Enma adjusts her glasses.]
Gura: You look... You look... aahhhhhh...
[Close up of the camera, then cut to a shot of Marine, Haachama, and Suisei in a room full of monitors, watching the two interact. Suisei is sitting in the chair in front of the monitors while Haachama and Marine stand behind her.]
Marine: DRUNK!
Haachama: Round! Soft! No, round!
Marine: Blurry!
[Suisei shakes her head, lowers her eyes, and brings her fingers to her temple in annoyance. Cut back to Gura and Enma.]
Gura: Ravishing.
Enma: [Briefly glancing over at Gura] Uh-huh. You too. [Brief flash over to Suisei, whose gaze returns to the monitor.] Hold on... [Enma motions to the briefcase sitting in a safe] That’s our identities right there... Gura, you... [She turns to Gura before she notices something off-screen.] Gura, are we having a prom?
[Cut to a shot of the room behind them, which is decorated with ribbons, balloons, streamers, and various themed decorations while rocking jazz music plays. A white dove can be seen on one of the banners in the background.]
Gura: Yeah. Nah. Yeah-ah. Well the... Yeah, the thing is...
[Cut to a shot of Haachama, Suisei, and Marine watching the monitors. Haachama has a grin on her face, Marine looks concerned, and Suisei looks very worried. Suddenly Coco bursts in through the door behind them.]
Coco: Guys! Hey fellas, listen! It's just curry that gets tumors!
Fubuki: [Appearing behind Coco] It's not even tumors! It's some form of self-aware beauty mark that only metastasizes in an environment of pure wheat. Here, watch this.
[Fubuki shakes up the jar she's carrying, which contains the curry creature from earlier. It spins around in the jar and comes to a stop.] Ooh, look! It hates me so much! [The curry creature attempts to bite Fubuki again as Haachama leans in for a closer look. The curry creature flips itself in the jar and gnashes its teeth at the bottom of the container, and Haachama chuckles to herself at its actions. Coco walks up to Haachama and Fubuki and places her arms around their shoulders.]
Coco: [Laughing] So, we're fine. As long as nobody, teleports any curry.
Haachama: Question.
Coco: What's your question, Haato?
Haachama: I teleported curry.
[Background music stops.]
Coco: what?
Haachama: You told me to.
Coco: [Threateningly] How... much...?
Haachama: [Leaning backwards] I have done nothing but teleport curry for three days.
[Fubuki throws the jar containing the curry creature onto the ground. Shattering glass can be heard.]
Fubuki: Where?! [She grabs Haachama by her coat.] Where have you been sending it?!
[An ominous rumble shakes the entire office as the group look up at the ceiling. Cut to Gura and Enma, who are also looking up at the ceiling].
Enma: Gura.. I get one day off a year. And you just wasted it on-- [She looks around her, pausing mid-sentence.] --this! Goodbye!
Gura: Wait! Wait! Wait! Ah... [Gura walks towards a door labeled Dining Area.] Why don't we discuss it over dinner...? [She opens the door to reveal the maw of a giant curry monster, who lets out a loud roar, all while an epic orchestra plays.]
Enma: [Yelling] What the hell is that!?
[The curry monster crashes through the door as Enma pulls Gura out of harm's way. The two run for the exit as the curry monster lunges after them, crashing through a wall. Gura backs up as one of the tentacles swipes at her. The dove from earlier flies at the monster and is promptly eaten by it. The wooden platform they're standing on creaks from the weight of the monster. Both Gura and Enma look down at the wood below them. Another jolt knocks them off their feet. Now weakened, the wooden platform starts to break apart. Enma slides down a smooth plank, hitting the ground in a combat roll but losing her Katana as the platform collapses, while Gura bounces off the bread monster and lands on her feet in a battle stance. Gura glances down to her right, and picks up a long piece of twisted metal with a spike on the end of it to use as a makeshift weapon.]
Gura: Enma, run!
[Gura motions for her to escape to safety. Enma darts away, avoiding a tentacle swung over her head before backing up on a wall. Botan, Fubuki, and Korone rush to the aid of Gura and Enma. Botan and Fubuki pause and look at the curry monster with fear in their eyes.]
Botan: [Turning to Fubuki] Stay behind me, Fubuki!
[Fubuki nods before pulling out an R-301 Carbine, opening fire on the monster. Botan chambers her Spitfire LMG and walks towards the curry monster, firing in bursts. Korone can also be seen firing with a double barreled shotgun before reloading. The monster smashes the cliff face with a tentacle, causing rock to come tumbling downwards on Botan, who rolls to the side, barely missing the debris.]
[Cut to a shot of Enma running towards something off-screen. Korone can be seen dashing back to the battle, having presumably been knocked back by the curry monster. Enma steps forward and turns to look at a newfound bomb on a cart. The camera zooms in on the top of the bomb where the words DANGER: BOMB are spray-painted onto it.]
[Cut back to the battle, and Korone stomps on one of the tentacles. The curry monster turns its attention towards Korone, and immediately has its mouth filled with shotgun pellets from Korone firing a double burst. It recoils in pain, letting out a loud roar. Gura can be seen dodging the tentacles, jumping onto one and using her makeshift weapon to impale one of the other tentacles. In the background, Botan and Fubuki push forward while Coco and Marine stay behind to regain focus and lob grenades at the bread monster, respectively. Coco, after a brief moment, successfully transitions into her dragon form, and she motions for Marine to move up.]
[Enma has now removed the panel off of the detonation mechanism of the bomb, with a knife on the ground implying she pried it open, and can now be seen frantically messing with the wires. Gura, meanwhile, runs up to the side of the curry monster and slams her club into it. She then gets grabbed by a tentacle and is yanked into the air. Ayame arrives at the battle, and after a brief moment of aiming, shoots the tentacle holding Gura, freeing her from its grasp. The monster throws Gura at Marine, and they both collapse onto the ground. Gura scrambles to her feet and rushes forward, but is stopped by Suisei.]
Suisei: I think it's going pretty well... [she gives Gura a pat on the back as a cloud of dust rolls over them.] Now go...! [She waves Gura off and runs forward into battle. Gura turns back to Enma.]
Gura: Hey, Enma. Oh, I am so sorry...
Enma: [Looking up from the wires] God, Gura, what for? Pressing the one button you're never supposed to press? Do you have any idea what's in a briefcase that-- [Enma spots the watch on Gura's arm] --Oh, oh! Give me your watch! [She holds her hand out expectantly]
Gura: Yeah. Exactly! [She removes the watch from her arm and gives it to Enma] See, that is where this all starts! No, actually, uh, wait...
[Gura is interrupted by a scream, and Haachama flies into the hangar and lands on the ground.]
Haachama: [proudly] HA HA HA! I TELEPORTED CURRY!!
[Haachama is grabbed by a tentacle, dragged over towards the monster, and then thrown into a pile of broken lumber. In the distance, a tentacle knocks over both Korone and Marine as Coco, in her dragon form, breathes a wave of fire onto the monster before hastily backing up to avoid a blind tentacle swing. Ayame attempts to take another shot at the monster with her Hecaté II, but instead is lifted into the air by a tentacle that has grabbed a hold of the barrel of the rifle. She gets swung to one side and loses her grip on her sniper. Ayame tumbles through the gravel briefly before getting back to her feet and taking out her Katana. She’s about to rush forward to attack the monster but pauses as the Bomb Cart trundles into view.]
Gura: that brings me to the point of this story, which is I like you, and you should probably be sitting for this...
[In the background, Fubuki hurriedly rushes forward and drags an incapacitated Korone while firing an RE-45 Auto with her off hand. Her discarded R-301 is seen being lifted by another tentacle to be thrown off screen.]
Enma: GUYS! CLOSE THE BLAST DOORS! [She points at the hangar they just exited from.]
[Coco, reverting into her human form, acknowedges Enma with a nod before rushing into the hangar. Botan can be seen next to her, backing up while firing her LMG. Fubuki supports a limping Korone past the camera as it focuses back on Gura and Enma.]
Gura: Enma. Look, my last few hours I just wanted...
[The curry monster grabs a hold of the bomb and swings it around in the air. It lets out another roar.]
Botan: [Struggling to keep the blast doors open] COME ON!
Gura: Um, never mind...
Enma: GO!
[The two rush towards the hangar, but they get cut off by the bomb being thrown at the blast doors, bending them and denying them access.]
Gura: Oh God...
[They back up towards the blast doors as the curry monster lumbers towards them slowly. A large fire has broken out behind it. Cut to a close-up of Gura and Enma. Enma is busy searching for an escape route while Gura has a look of terror on her face. Enma grabs a hold of her and yanks her off to one side as the bread monster knocks the bomb around. They take shelter behind it. Gura looks at the monster, which lets out a long roar. Fast zoom to the inside of its mouth, and the dove it swallowed earlier is seen sitting inside it. Gura and Enma look on, amazed, as the dove takes off and flies away.]
[Enma looks Gura in the eyes, grabs a hold of her arm, and gives her a nod of approval. She lets out a yelp as one of the curry monster's tentacles slams into the ground. Gura grabs a hold of her and, making use of the dance moves she learned from Suisei, keeps her safe from harm as they dodge a tentacle. They stop as Gura holds her up and looks at her. Enma looks back at Gura for a few moments, then shoots an oncoming tentacle with a P220 Pistol in her hand. Gura twirls Enma back onto her feet and the two start running.]
[Cut to a close-up of the timer, which ticks down to two seconds. Gura and Enma run at the curry monster as she lets out a yelp. The timer ticks down to one second as they leap straight into the open maw of the monster. It closes its mouth as the bomb explodes. A bright flash of light can be seen engulfing the monster, then the screen cuts to black.]
[A match is lit, revealing Gura and Enma pressed up against each other in a dark enclosed space.]
Gura: [Struggling] Aaahhhh... Ah... Enma, you all right?
Enma: [Opening her eyes] I can't feel anything below my neck...
Gura: Oh God...
Enma: Oh. Now I can feel it. Ow. Ow.
Gura: Oh God, I am so sorry. This is...
Enma: That... was so... much... FUN! [A smile forms on her face]
Gura: [A look of confusion on her face] You're not mad?
Enma: [quickly] I was furious. Oh my God, you set off the identity alarm and you were having a prom for some reason. But then there was this monster and we shot it and we built a bomb and I think my leg's broken. Can we do this again?
Gura: Yeah, sure! [She smiles, then it quickly turns into a frown] Wait, nah. We can't. I'm going to be dead.
Enma: [Confused] Wait, what?
Haachama: [Poking her head into the cavity] Good news! We're not dying! We are going to live forever!
[Botan lifts up the side of the monster's body, allowing light to flood over Gura and Enma.]
Fubuki: I didn't say that! I just said we're not filled with tumors!
Gura: Oh thank God. [relaxes and chuckles] So yeah, Enma. I guess it's a date.
Enma: Actually this is my only day off this year.
Gura: Oh...
Enma: Oh, but you can ride along with me on some jobs. [brings out a flip notebook]
[The camera slowly pulls back to reveal the body of the monster, which now lays motionless. Coco and Fubuki are seen at the bottom of the shot discussing something. Botan grabs one of the detached tentacles and heaves it off to one side, then walks over to the Marine, who is carrying a case of beer under her arm. Ayame is on the backside of the monster, cleaning her Katana. As the camera pulls back farther, Korone can be seen coming into the shot, who has the small curry monster darting around her legs like a puppy as they try to keep track of it.]
Enma: Tomorrow... I’m making sure schedules are cleared for future streams..
Gura: Ah, no.
Enma: Oh! You can help me carry the rest of Holomyth in L4D2!
Gura: No to that.
Enma: Well, on Friday I got to kill someone who pressed a false alarm button and... oh.
[Cut to black]
Enma: You're already going to be at that one.
[The screen then cuts to a text with the Hololive logo with the sharp tolling of a bell. Another ring comes with the appearance of the text "". The bell rings a third time and the screen blacks out again]
This took almost 2 weeks to type, firstly by copy pasting the actual script and then fine tuning it by adding in extra scenes, dialogues, fixing others so they fit the narrative, and overall tidying it up to be Reddit friendly via formatting, italics/bolds etc. This was all done on mobile and typed in Notepad, I’m sorry if there were any mistakes I missed out on. I highly recommend you watch Expiration Date if you haven’t, it is just as funny as it is here. If anyone’s interested, here’s my previous take: The entire Meet the Spy script but it’s Hololive.
submitted by AngryWhale94 to Hololive [link] [comments]

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