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Colossus Bets CEO Bernard Marantelli says more areas should adopt cash-out

Colossus Bets CEO Bernard Marantelli says more areas should adopt cash-out submitted by OpenVisionZ to SportsReport [link] [comments]

Mr Fixit wrote a new post, My Colossus Bets £800,000 Syndicate Starts Today, on the site MrFixitsTips For More Info

submitted by BasicDegree to Bettingtips [link] [comments]

neosam commented on the post, Join the Mr Fixit Syndicate to play for £800,000 at Colossus Bets, on the site MrFixitsTips For More Info

submitted by BasicDegree to Bettingtips [link] [comments]

Colossus Bets

Anyone had any success with the syndicates offered on the site? I've been experimenting recently, with mixed results. Just wondering what other people's opinions on it are!
submitted by Tronck to SoccerBetting [link] [comments]

Colossus Bets Review

Colossus Bets Review submitted by sport3000 to sportsbookextra [link] [comments]

A small community that I am a part of is looking for preview / bets disks for Shadow of the Colossus. If anybody has any leads as to where we can find one please let us know :)

A small community that I am a part of is looking for preview / bets disks for Shadow of the Colossus. If anybody has any leads as to where we can find one please let us know :) submitted by Mayflex to gamecollecting [link] [comments]

[Discussion] Bet the Wendigo Colossus tomorrow is going to give us the same drops too... Please no lol

[Discussion] Bet the Wendigo Colossus tomorrow is going to give us the same drops too... Please no lol submitted by raphie201 to Market76 [link] [comments]

Six Flags Magic Mountain lost a bet to Six Flags America and now Twisted Colossus is being renamed in honor of the Washington Nationals

Six Flags Magic Mountain lost a bet to Six Flags America and now Twisted Colossus is being renamed in honor of the Washington Nationals submitted by RaccHudson to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

How Much Would you Bet that Colossus will be "Farmable" in the War Store

It's pretty much a given that Foxnext/Scopely will make Colossus "farmable" (notice the quotes) in the War Store, which really means he's not farmable unless you want to give up on orange gear, tier 14, and DD3. So in that regard, how much would you be willing to wager on the face that Colossus will become "farmable" in the war store? $100? $1000? $1000000? The life of your favorite pet? Your first born child? Your own life?
submitted by MistbornVT to MarvelStrikeForce [link] [comments]

@nytimesbusiness: Even as analysts have trimmed earnings expectations for giants like Microsoft, Apple and Amazon — the country’s three most valuable companies, investors are betting that the Covid-19 crisis accelerates the growing power of America’s corporate colossuses.

@nytimesbusiness: Even as analysts have trimmed earnings expectations for giants like Microsoft, Apple and Amazon — the country’s three most valuable companies, investors are betting that the Covid-19 crisis accelerates the growing power of America’s corporate colossuses. submitted by -en- to newsbotbot [link] [comments]

The Mox Opal Manifesto

Forgive me, but this is a long one.
I would like to start by addressing that the topic of whether or not [[Mox Opal]] should be unbanned is contentious. If you disagree with anything I say, or I get something wrong in this post, feel free to rudely correct me in the comments.
On January 13, 2020 [[Mox Opal]] along with [[Oko, Thief of Crowns]] and [[Mycosynth Lattice]] were all banned. Wizards main justification for the bans was the prevalence of "base blue green decks using Urza," citing their "55 percent non mirror win rate."
At the time these decks, collectively known as whirza, utilized [[Arcum's Astrolabe]], Oko, and Urza to startling affect. Upon the banning of Opal and Oko, whirza as an archetype would effectively disappear from modern.
Opals banning did not just affect whirza however. Affinity would become unplayable, hardened scales would drop from 4% meta presence (via wayback machine on mtggoldfish) to only 0.8%. Lantern control would also leave the format, along with various miscellaneous decks that relied on Opal.
At its height in December of 2019, whirza only constituted a combined playrate of 6 percent (again, via wayback machine), over its 3 main versions.
Why Opal was The Wrong Choice
Anyone who played during that time remembers the disgusting levels of value Oko and [[Emry, Lurker of the Loch]] could generate to say nothing of Urza or Thopter sword. The deck was definitely way to strong.
Modern never got to see what whirza would have looked like without Oko and without Astrolabe. It is highly unlikely that the deck would have been nearly as dominant without either of these. Astrolabe, in my opinion, represents one of the greatest blunders wizards has ever made.
Oko's banning is self explanatory, and I wont touch on it much here, as the card should never have been printed in the first place.
Astrolabe is a one mana cantrip with three major upsides. First, it automatically fixes your mana, allowing 4 color decks to flourish and invalidating hate cards like [[Blood Moon]]. Second, it provides a source of snow mana allowing cards like [[Ice-Fang Coatl]] to be played more easily. Third, it is an artifact permanent, bringing with it all of the associated advantages. You get all this, in addition to another card into your hand simply for the price of playing some snow basics. [[Arcum's Astrolabe]], not [[Mox Opal]], was the enabler broke whirza. It could even be recurred with Emry and [[Goblin Engineer]] for disgusting results.
How do we know the Astrolabe was truly the problem and not Opal? Because of Uro snow. When whirza was banned, almost the exact same deck would appear in modern again, this time with Uro instead of Oko and no [[Mox Opal]] in sight. If you played against Uro snow, you can attest to the similarities: soul crushingly grindy games with the exact same culprits as before. And what was the enabler that both decks shared in common? Astrolabe.
Allow me to back up for a moment. I am not saying that Opal was not problematic in that context. My case is instead that Astrolabe makes Opal more powerful, and enabled more broken decks than Opal on its own.
The Modern format never got to see what Opal would look like without Astrolabe or Oko.
As a side note, Urza was not the problem either, because Uro Snow stopped playing Urza in exchange for [[Jace, the Mind Sculptor]] BEFORE ASTROLABE WAS BANNED.
The Case for Opal
Since Oko and Astrolabe are no longer in the format, the question of "should Opal be unbanned" really boils down to can Opal and Urza exist in the format at the same time? I think that the answer is yes. In fact, I think that the strongest decks with Opal likely wouldn't even run Urza.
The funny thing about Urza is that in the current modern format he is either too slow, too easy to remove, or not impactful enough upon entering. Most of Urza's value comes from long grindy games, but with how creature focused modern is right now, he really has trouble competing with the likes of Uro or Blitz/Prowess.
Why Now is The Correct Time to Bring Opal Back
Fast forward to today. Uro piles have come to dominate the format, making up a combined total of 14% of the meta, over 3 deck variations.
Though they use different shells, they remain weak to similar things. Fast combo decks, like Hammer Time and Prowess are usually the main answers, but when [[Colossus Hammer]] is your best bet at beating Uro, you know that something has gone wrong. Graveyard hate is another potential answer, but Omnath and Temur varieties can usually beat it post board simply by swinging with disruptive elements.
If Opal were to return to the format, uro would have 4 new decks that beat it. Affinity, Hardened Scales, [[Grinding Station]] and Lantern Control all beat Uro handedly with Opal.
Affinity is in all likelihood simply too fast for Uro to compete with. [[Inkmoth Nexus]] and [[Cranial Plating]] are difficult for Uro decks to deal with if [[Welding Jar]] is taken into account.
Hardened Scales with Opal is similarly quick and has the added bonus of being able to out grind Uro if it is not heavily disrupted.
Grinding station combo can win without interacting fairly consistently by turn 3. This deck is usually dealt with via graveyard hate, which Uro does not run much of in it's sideboards.
Lantern Control is by far the worst matchup for Uro. [[Surgical Extraction]] and heavy hand and draw disruption are things that Uro just cant deal with.
Would whirza come back? probably. The problem with whirza is that Uro grinds better, and it is essentially a less efficient version of that deck, albeit with some upsides. It would not be nearly the same whirza that terrorized modern before.
In my view, the reintroduction of Opal can only help meta diversity at this point.
One other thing to note, The modern format is virtually devoid of artifact decks currently. If you consider Hammer Time an artifact deck, really more of an equipment deck, than you only have hardened scales and Dice Factory (astral cornucopia shenanigans) to speak of in the top 50 decks of modern.
My Proposition
Could I be overlooking something here? In all likelihood I am overlooking many things, but luckily there exists a way to test if Opal could be unbanned safely: MTGO.
My proposition is that Opal is unbanned on MTGO for a month. Since there is no paper magic right now, it is the perfect testbed to see if Opal really is safe to unban. Worst case scenario, it's too strong and stays banned. If the London mulligan can be tested out on MTGO, why not and unbanning?
Honestly there is a lot more I could talk about, like the poor design decisions of recent sets and just how bad modern horizons was for the format. Another point is that the argument that "opal cramps design space" is stupid, and the whole 3feri design rabbit hole, but this post is getting long.
What do you think? Am I a dumbass for thinking that Opal could be Unbanned? Is there a glaring detail that I missed? Tell me in the comments.

Edit 1:
Since I have some time, I would like to address the power creep argument. Stop me if you have heard this before. "Its not what Opal would do to modern currently, but what broken decks might exist in a year or two." The answer is simple. It is wizards responsibility to not print cards that ruin formats. Astrolabe, Oko, and Urza were all mistakes. Hogaak was a mistake. And because wizards wants to sell packs, the "shiny new cards" often remain in the format for too long, public opinion sowers, and then wizards overreacts by banning both the problematic cards along with the enablers, taking unintended decks with them. Faithless looting is a perfect example of this same exact thing. "Faithless and Phoenix cant exist in the format at the same time" misses the point that PHOENIX SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN PRINTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
submitted by CoronaConnoisseur to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

Possible Ramp Paladin optimization - adding the quest

There's no question Ramp Paladin aka Highroll Paladin aka Tip the Scales Paladin aka "oh of course he would have Alura on turn 4" Paladin is currently one of the best decks in the meta. But what if you could reduce some of the RNG for the Alura highroll, making the deck perform even better?
I got an idea a few days ago: what if you cut the Wandmakers and replace them with the quest "Making Mummies", so you're always guaranteed to have a spell to trigger Alura since the quest always starts in your hand? I've been trying it out recently and have had a fast climb to Diamond 5 so far with a 70% winrate, expecting to hit Legend in the next few days because this deck is nuts.
Here are some of the pros and cons of running the quest over Wandmakers:
Pros Cons
probably increases the winrate without coin quite a bit quest does nothing while Paladin 1-mana spells are actually pretty decent
when you do have the coin, you can use the quest to trigger Alura and save the coin to get your expensive stuff out a bit faster you essentially have less cards in your starting hand because of the quest, can't get rid of it (has a chance of ruining the Alura highroll if you choose to not keep it)
you can run cards that synergize with the quest such as Licensed Adventurers or Questing Explorers, even Sky Gen'ral Kragg might be good? the opportunity cost of not having 2 mana 2/2s in your deck anymore, making your early game weaker. however, you would have one free spot in your deck now for an early game minion so this matters less
I've been running Licensed Adventurers with the quest (cutting Darkmoon Rabbit in addition to Wandmakers), and so far I don't feel like I regret it at all. Even if you don't draw Alura or Nozdormu, you can still at least get a Turn 6 Tip the Scales or a Turn 8 N'zoth/Scrapyard with the coin(s) which definitely helps. Also, it's not likely or all that impactful but including the Licensed Adventurers theoretically lets you play Alura/Noz already on turn 3. Should also mention the coins let you do something like N'Zoth coin Broomstick which can matter (and has mattered in like two games for me so far).
This is my current decklist, although I bet it's not the best list I could be running: thinking of putting Darkmoon Rabbit back in but I don't know what to cut for it, everything else seems important too.
1x (1) Animated Broomstick
2x (1) Armor Vendor
1x (1) Making Mummies
1x (1) Sphere of Sapience
2x (2) Crabrider
2x (2) Licensed Adventurer
1x (2) Murgur Murgurgle
2x (2) Redscale Dragontamer
2x (3) Murloc Warleader
2x (3) Underlight Angling Rod
2x (4) Circus Amalgam
2x (4) Fishy Flyer
1x (4) High Abbess Alura
1x (4) Nozdormu the Timeless
2x (8) Tip the Scales
2x (9) Carnival Clown
1x (10) N'Zoth, God of the Deep
2x (10) Scrapyard Colossus
1x (10) Y'Shaarj, the Defiler
What do you think, could this be an even better version of Ramp Paladin or is it not worth it? For what it's worth I have a 78% winrate in the mirror matchup (it's probably even higher actually since I ran into some Libram Paladins and lost to them) so that gives me a bit of hope this is a good idea.
Hoping for high/top level players to experiment with this!
submitted by SiKBiT to CompetitiveHS [link] [comments]

I've Found 929 Discs Over 4 Years - Here's Some Data!

Over the last 4 years I’ve collected data on the discs I’ve found, broken it down into chunks and trends I thought were interesting, and shared it with the community. Previous year’s posts can be found 2019 Post and 2020 Post.
This post deals with averages for the entire data set collected over the years. There are some comparisons from the previous years’ averages just for giggles here and there but if you’re looking for trends by comparing old posts you’ll need to remember that all of the data keeps getting rolled over into a larger and larger aggregate. I do plan on breaking finds down by year as well as location in future posts. Lots of neat data so may as well play with it, right?
I’ve explained my data collection a bit more near the end of this post. If you notice some math and number discrepancies, it’s likely due to rounding or an incomplete data set. Or maybe it’s just me.
As is tradition, I’d like you to ask yourself some questions about found discs. Take a guess, maybe ask your buddies what they think, and see how close you get to the actual data. Put a couple of bucks on it if that’s your thing. I’ll give you a little location context so you know what you’re working with.
Where were these discs found?
Basket - 2
Brush - 9
Fairway - 43
Marsh/Mud - 17
Woods - 91
On Ice - 7
Roof - 2
Water - 429
SCUBA - 323
Summarized into some cleaner percentages:
Water - 81%
Land - 19%
I’ll talk about some thoughts on the locations a bit later. I split Water and SCUBA in the table even though there’s some overlap. If a disc was listed as found in the water, it was recovered either using a retriever or wading. SCUBA is self explanatory. While there are no doubt some SCUBA discs that were found close enough to shore for wading, these were generally deeper and more inaccessible for somebody out just playing.
Here are your questions.
1. How many discs were marked with a name and number?
2. What’s my disc return rate?
3. What brand/manufacturer was lost most frequently?
4. What speed of disc was lost most frequently?
5. What color of disc was lost most frequently?
6. What type of plastic was lost most frequently?
7. What molds were most commonly lost?
I don’t recommend scrolling down much more prior to taking your guesses.
1. How many discs were marked with a name and number?
This, along with return rate, was actually one of the pieces of information I wanted to know about when I first started thinking about the discs we were finding. It’s certainly a populacontroversial topic on discgolf.
Discs marked with number: 47%
Unmarked discs: 51%
Marked, but no number: 2%
So basically half of the discs I find are uninked. That number has fluctuated a bit over the years by a % or two but has really been consistent. The marked but no number discs usually have a PDGA #, but sometimes it’s just a name. In retrospect, I wish I kept track of how many times a bad number was present on the disc but oh well, that ship has sailed.
2. What is my disc return rate?
Total Return Rate (All Discs): 30%
Total Return Rate (Marked Discs Only): 65%
Total Return Rate (Unmarked Discs): 9%
We text the numbers on the discs we find. Ideally we get it done immediately when we find it as it makes meet-ups easier, but sometimes they’re too dirty and need a good scrubbing before we can read the number. If the text doesn’t work, they get a call. We also scan the local league page, which has a running lost disc thread, and see if we recognize anything. From there we either meet up at a course, arrange a drop-off location like under a trash can, or give it to a league person that can run the disc to its owner. We increased our efforts quite a bit to run “iffy” discs back this year. Last year we only bothered with numbered discs. This year we tried to run back pretty much everything. There’s a story behind it but figured I wouldn’t clutter up a data post too much.
There’s actually a lot to unpack with these numbers. For example, 65% of marked discs are returned. Seems kind of low, right? But many of those owners tell us to keep the disc. My numbers on this data isn’t great as I only kept track of it this last year, but I have records of being told to keep a found disc 49 times - that’s 12% of marked discs. If we consider those discs “returned”, our rate goes up to 77%. Those numbers are low - I’m guessing if I had kept better records of “keep its” it would bring us closer to 80% but that’s speculation.
Additionally, my buddy has a duffle bag of marked discs waiting to be returned sitting in his car. There’s 35 of them in there that have had positive contacts and are pending being returned. That’s another 9% if they ever get around to trying to get their stuff back (I know, it’s COVID, we’re trying to be understanding - most of these discs have been in there for months though). Anyway, moral of the story? 86% of marked discs are “accounted” for per their owners wishes and a good chunk of the 14% that’s left just had bad numbers. Others never get back to us and a few drop off the face of the earth after replying once or twice. A couple of times the owner had passed. It’s an unusual feeling when you find one of their discs.
That still leaves us with a lot of unmarked discs. This year we got a small chunk (9% of all unmarked discs, 4% of total discs found) of them returned. Part of it was coordination with the local league. Part of it was just conversation with other players on the course. My buddy is a talker and likes meeting people. One of the first things he asks is if they’ve played a given course before and if they’ve lost anything. Surprisingly, we’ve returned quite a few discs from these conversations.
What do we do with all the unreturned discs? After a few weeks I suppose we take ownership of them and do what we want. Usually we end up giving them away. We adore giving families and groups that are just starting piles of discs. One of the new things we picked up doing this year is making people whole when they’ve lost a disc. Sometimes we haven’t found the specific disc somebody lost but have an identical(ish) unmarked, unwanted, or unclaimed mold that we found that we can give them as a replacement. Sometimes we’ll sell a batch off if we’re getting ridiculous on storage. Helps pay for gear and gas and keeps the clutter down. It’s pretty rare we need to do that though - we’d rather give them to new players but that becomes a tricky proposition with the high speed stuff. A few we’ll keep and bag ourselves, but it’s pretty rare beyond maybe just trying a new mold out for a round or three.
3. What brand/manufacturer was lost most frequently?
Innova - 46%
Discraft - 23%
Dynamic - 6%
MVP - 6%
Westside - 4%
Latitude 64 - 4%
Axiom - 3%
Prodigy - 2%
DGA - 2%
Discmania - 1%
Streamline <1%
Gateway <1%
Legacy <1%
Vibram <1%
Unknown <1%
Millenium <1%
ESP <1%
Essential <1%
Lightning <1%
Plastic Addicts <1%
Wham-O <1%
Yikun <1%
Innova holds a commanding lead with Discraft being the only other significant contender. Merging companies like Trilogy and the MVP/Axiom/Streamline narrows things a bit, but not much. Last year I chunked the companies together based on who was manufacturing what, but with Discmania shopping around their sourcing I’m no longer certain who’s making what nowadays.
4. What speed of disc was lost most frequently?
2 - 3%
3 - 3%
4 - 4%
5 - 9%
6 - 5%
7 - 5%
8 - 3%
9 - 13%
10 - 7%
11 - 7%
12 - 15%
13 - 20%
14 - 5%
15 <1%
Data was taken from Infinitediscs’s flight information for each disc. I know there’s occasionally discrepancies between them and the manufacturers but I figured it would be best to pull information from one source.
Top 5 lost speeds:
Speed 13 - 20%
Speed 12 - 15%
Speed 9 - 13 %
Speed 5 - 9%
Speed 10 and Speed 11 - 7%
Loss % By Type:
High Speed Drivers (11-14) – 47%
Fairway/Control Drivers (7-10) – 28%
Mids (4-6) – 18%
Putters (1-3) – 6%
As is tradition, the high speed drivers dominate the lost disc category. I’m looking forward to breaking the land and water data apart as nearly all of the water holes I find discs on are under 300’ from tee to basket but hey, people are going to throw what they’re going to throw. It’s also a bit of a nuisance that putters and mids are the least frequently lost but the most useful disc to give to new players. If y’all could start trying to emulate Lizotte with some unmarked putters on water hazards I’d appreciate it. If he can clear nearly 500’ of water, surely you can manage 250’, right? Go for it... cough
5. What color of disc was lost most frequently?
Blue - 18%
Red - 14%
Yellow - 13%
Orange - 12%
Pink - 11%
White - 10%
Black - 9%
Green - 8%
Tye Dye - 4%
Purple - 3%
Gray - 2%
Violet - 2%
Brown, Clear, Copper, Gold, and Peach each represented less than 1% of found discs.
From year to year, the color averages seem to change the most with the exception of blue being on top. One thing I noticed, however, is that I lump all blue discs together regardless of shade while most of the other colors have a “lighter” and “darker” version so that is likely bloating its numbers a bit. I’m not certain why I recorded them that way. Lord knows I got creative with plenty of other shades. For the purpose of simplicity, all discs marked “burgundy, wine, chartreuse, seafoam, turquoise” or any other oddball description got shoved into an arbitrarily “close enough” color category. Apparently some days I must feel poetic while recording these things.
6. What type of plastic was lost most frequently?
Premium Grippy "Star, ESP, Neutron, etc" - 40%
Premium Translucent "Champ, Opto, Z, etc" - 34%
Base - 14%
Pro - 5%
Flexible - 4%
Glow - 2%
Light - 2%
I lumped all the different plastic brands into “close enough” varieties. Flexy, glow, and lightweight discs all got dumped together regardless of what plastic variety they were built into.
I’m guessing a lot of folks thought base plastic would be the most common, but turns out it’s fairly rare in comparison to the premium plastics. I wonder if a lot of it gets retired into peoples’ garages and basements when they decide they like the game and upgrade. Those starter kits have to end up somewhere….
7. What molds were most commonly lost?
As is tradition, I’ll be listing these according to the total number found instead of %. Unfortunately there wasn’t a clean “break” point so I’ll just arbitrarily pick...double digits I guess.
Destroyer - 63
Boss - 26
Katana - 25
Valkyrie - 23
Beast - 20
Wraith - 20
Shryke - 19
Nuke SS - 18
Buzzz - 17
Nuke - 17
Teebird - 16
Firebird - 15
Sidewinder - 15
Leopard - 13
Tern - 13
Vulcan - 13
Sheriff - 12
Avenger SS - 11
Thrasher - 10
Crank - 10
Colossus - 10
Ah, Destroyers - I knew you were the disc we were finding the most of, and every year you prove me right by preposterous ratios. Actually, I’m a bit surprised to see so many Innovas firmly entrenched in the top 10. The list has definitely shifted through the years. Heck, the first year Drones (of all discs) made the top 5. I don’t think I’ve found one since….
Anecdotally, the Kong/Zeus/McBeth Driver just barely missed the list - it’s definitely trying hard to catch up. I have a sneaking suspicion it may actually have made the double digit list but I think two “Prototypes” got marked as Hades due to what the owners indicated they thought they were, but I’m not so sure they weren’t Zeuses. Eh, who knows - we’ll see it on the list next year I’m betting.
For the morbidly curious - there were 118 “Unicorn” discs, of which only one example of that given mold was found. Definitely not bitter about having to look up the flight numbers for every single stinking one of them….
A grand total of 271 different molds were found. 4 discs I was unable to identify - two oddball Innovas that had no markings and I just couldn’t figure out and 2 generic ones that probably came out of a Costco “Frolf” set or something.
And some stats for funsies….
Total discs I’ve found courses on: 23 out of 43 played - or 53% of courses played I’ve found a disc on.
Disc finding rate: 606 discs found over 503 rounds played = 1.2 discs a round
Note: I’ve removed the SCUBA discs from this but there were instances we went out just to wade instead of playing a course so this number is inflated a bit. We do find a lot of discs while playing - 2 or 3 isn’t all that weird. More if we have to go into the water to get one we lose ourselves. Also, this is not accounting for rounds played prior to U-Disc, but I wasn’t finding them at nearly the rate I do now. It’s accurate enough for a hipfire statistic. Most discs found in one day: 73 - SCUBA diving, two tanks of air
Average Discs Found on 1 Tank of Air - 25
u/mechanickzilla made a comment in a recent thread about lugging out a bunch of gear to a pond and searching for hours for 30 discs. It amused me because it sounded right. Turns out to be a pretty darn close estimate! A tank of air lasts roughly an hour. If I average out all SCUBA time it works out to be 25 discs per tank/hour in the water. I did refine my technique from early days and upped my efficiency quite a bit this year - turns out if I bring a salvage bag and don’t rise to toss discs to shore every time my hands were full I get a LOT more search time out of a tank and my average rises to 32 discs per tank, or about a disc every 2 minutes. There is some prep and cleanup time involved so I suppose strictly speaking the rate is lower if I want to account for the entire process instead of just time in the water.
Where discs are being found - 34% on one course, 48% on another, so 82% of discs were found on only two courses.
Most discs returned to one person - I’ve honestly lost count. I know he’s up to 12 or 15 and that’s a conservative estimate.
Most frequently found disc - A blue teebird we’ve returned 4 times. Haven’t seen the previous champion blue Rogue for quite some time. I’ll have to ask the owner what happened to it.
Find anything else interesting?
A half dozen vape pens, a jar of marijuana, 8 golf clubs, hundreds of golf balls, 4 golden retrievers (the disc retriever, not the dog), 3 sunglasses, a couple of cell phones, 3 unopened beers, a couple of rakes, untold millions of towels, a bluetooth speaker, 3 sets of car keys, 1 pair of kid-sized glasses, 5 bicycles, and a rifle case.
About Location
Location turned out to be a bit trickier to classify than I thought and I’ve changed and reclassified things several times now. For a while it was just woods and water, but that really didn’t do a good job of describing finding something on shore or in a basket. Here’s what I ended up with:
Brush - anything not mowed without trees. Includes briars, bushes, and long grass. You’ll notice there are not a lot of these - that’s because I HATE walking through these areas and avoid them. A lot of the ones we found in this condition were there because we were looking for one of our own or we were cleaning up the course and happened to stumble across one while brushwhacking or something. Seriously, long grass is the WORST to look through. I feel for those of you that fight with it and really, really appreciate the courses that cut search paths through it.
Marsh - the swampy, mucky crap that disc golf courses love to get built on because what else are you going to do with the land? Not quite enough to be able to submerge your disc, but plenty soggy enough that you’ll ruin a pair of shoes trying to walk through it. A lot of shore finds were reclassified to this.
Fairway - anything mowed. I’m always surprised at how many discs we find on the fairway. I suspect some of them are blown down from being stuck in trees. Others are no doubt forgotten. A few are probably bad throws that rolled to someplace ridiculous. A lot of times we get these back to groups actively on the course, but a surprising amount of times we don’t.
I think the rest are pretty self-explanatory.
Why? Just...why?
Nearly 1000 entries is a lot to monkey with (believe me, I entered every damned one of them - many of them two or three times as I revised and improved my organization). The data collection started more or less by accident. My buddy and I were playing nearly daily and we were stumbling across a steady stream of discs. We speculated about what disc we were finding the most of (there were three or four reasonable contenders) but really didn’t have firm answers, just hazy recollections and some finger counting.
In an attempt to answer our whimsically discussed question, I dug through my storage bin and counted. That left me with some numbers, but not the whole picture. I realized that there were quite a few discs that we’d returned, given away, or sold over the year prior. Fortunately, I had been in the habit of texting numbers to try and return discs and we both tended to take pictures if we found something on the course to show our friends. I had also started a disc golf journal I was keeping on Google Calendar and, for whatever reason, had been noting when we found a disc on the course. Between that documentation and memory (there were less than a hundred or so discs at the time, so it was easy to remember where I had found a given disc) I was able to put together a fairly decent, but somewhat incomplete, starting point for data. Sometimes data was missing, like color or plastic, but it was something to work with.
I did what I could to keep the data “true” and no doubt neglected to account for some discs simply because I didn’t have documentation for them. I guarantee, for example, some discs were found on the course that were left by the group ahead of us and returned nearly immediately that did not get recorded. I also didn’t record discs lost and found from my own party. When in doubt, I left it out. It means some of my numbers are a bit different from one category to another as well. For example, I may have had documentation on the mold found, but not its color. As I collected the data and put them into an actual spreadsheet (Let me assure you, tracking data in Google Calendar is...not recommended) I realized there was certain data I wanted and began making a concentrated effort to keep track of it. There’s still mistakes and omissions, no doubt, but it should be pretty darn solid.
Is the data good for anything? Hard to say. It’s a significant data pool, but the questions that can be asked of it are not always clear. The reason we find so many Innova discs, for example, is probably not because they are more prone to being lost than other brands, but rather that they are more popular and more thrown, and thus more likely to be lost and found.
Color becomes more tricky - am I finding a lot of blue discs because they are more popular or are they easier to see and thus be found? Discs found with SCUBA are usually felt rather than seen, is there a difference between colors found on land and water?
Finding trends may also be possible. It’s possible to isolate discs found by park per year they were found (heck, down to the date if need be) so perhaps we can find changes from year to year in a given location. It’s something I plan to dig into and post about from time to time.
One area I could use some advice on is classifying discs by stability. The spreadsheet currently includes Speed, Turn, and Fade numbers along with quantity. For each mold of disc. I had planned on identifying discs on stable/neutral/understable but those definitions are not particularly clear. If anybody has thoughts on how this could be organized I’d love to hear them. Right now I’m looking at maybe displacement from 0 or something but I have a hard time calling a -2/2 disc like a Valk “Neutral”. I suppose I could break them down strictly by the listed fade/turn numbers. Shouldn’t be more than a dozen combinations.
Anyway, I suppose there is no “why” other than curiosity and a desire to contribute to the community. I think it’s interesting so I’m posting it. Not going to lie, I like seeing if it’s enough to earn a “Quality Post” tag as well. As bad as a kid with a sticker chart, I swear.
Feel free to ask questions - I do plan on breaking down data by year, location, and stability (once I figure out how to organize it) so there will likely be a few extra posts this year.
submitted by 1-Down to discgolf [link] [comments]

Arena Guide - Countering Classes - Skill Capped Summary

Being totally new to arena, I had absolutely no idea where to start on learning other class abilities and how to play against different comps. I saw another post mentioning Skill Capped's YouTube series from BFA 8.3 as a good starting point, so I watched them and took notes for myself and my arena partner. Just thought I'd share in case it helped somebody else who also has no idea what they're doing. I realize some points might be out of date (I updated tooltips) and Shadowlands elements (like leggos) aren't included, but I feel a lot of the core gameplay is reasonably the same. If you disagree, feel free to comment with corrections. Also didn't include a couple of classes because they either weren't in the vids, have changed drastically for SL, or are heavily underrepresented. Happy hunting.
**None of this content is mine. The advice and tactics outlined are not mine. It is from freely available YouTube videos produced by Skill Capped in a series called "Knowing Your Enemy". I'm simply paraphrasing so I (and now you) have a quick cheat sheet.
Disc Priest
- Two schools of magic - holy(damage)/shadow(burst heals/cc).
- Kicking smite/penance will negate some dam and some low mana cost healing.
- Kick shadowmend to nuke burst heals.
- Avoid allowing for freecasting smite. Try to LOS when possible.
- Mind Blast has more healing/damage/absorb than smite. 1.5 sec cast. 15 sec CD.
- Kicking Shadow if they recently used Penance, don’t have any instant radiances or if they are on CD will shut down a ton of healing. Kicking Penance when you know Radiance is up and they have plenty of mana is good too. Shadow Mend is good but forces a class that wants to be aggressive into a defensive heal spam, not able to purge and runs them out of mana.
- Defensive:
o Rapture – Buffs shields by 200% and makes them spammable. Purge, purge, purge.
o Power Word Barrier – Stronger when pvp talented. Dome.
o Pain Suppression – Can use while stunned.
- Mindgames is extremely strong for both disc and shadow. Kick or dispel is almost always the play.
- Immobile healer. Use slows whenever possible.
Holy Priest
- Focus on Greater Heal – Main heal (65% of target’s hp pool) but has 3 sec cast. Outside of Greater Heal they have very little sustained healing. Wait until end of cast to interrupt. Do not spend interrupts on anything else.
- Greater Fade – 45 sec cooldown and 4 sec duration damage immune with 50% movement speed increase. Interrupts and knock backs punch through.
- Holy Ward – Immunes target from next CC. 30 sec cooldown and uptime. Self or target cast. Purge it. If you can’t, use worst CC to remove it. Repentance/rake stun/clone.
- Holy Word Chastise – Ranged, 4 sec stun on 1 min cooldown. Smite reduced cooldown 4 sec per. LOS Smite when possible.
- Train the Priest – Outside of Greater Heal and cooldowns, they have very low healing and no passive heals. Sit on DPS until they blow big offensives then switch to Holy and delete.
Holy Paladin
- Play around Avenging Wrath (Wings) - Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, increasing your damage, healing, and critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec. 3 min CD. Big heals in this window and lower cooldown on Holy Shock (their instant heal). During this CD, there is little chance of creating pressure or scoring a kill. Save offensive cooldowns for when it drops (either it runs out, you CC it, or you interrupt it).
- Look to Crowd Control – Very vulnerable to CC. Rather than punch through heals, CC them to score your kills.
- Purge Important Buffs – Blessing of Protection, Light’s Grace, Blessing of Freedom
- Clever Interrupts – Expect lots of fakes. Pay attention to Infusion of Life buff. If the buff is up, expect a Holy Light cast (not Flash of Light which is weaker). If the buff is up, be ready to interrupt.
- Look for Swaps – The below can create opportunities to swap and punish Paly.
o Blessing of Sacrifice - Blesses a party or raid member, reducing their damage taken by 30%, but you suffer 100% of damage prevented. Last 12 sec, or until transferred damage would cause you to fall below 20% health. 2 min CD.
o Light of the Martyr - Sacrifice a portion of your own health to instantly heal an ally for (210% of Spell power). You take damage equal to 50% of the healing done.
Resto Druid
- Guardian/Resto/Balance affinities
o Guardian – Ironfur (dam reduction), Frenzied regen (1/3 hp self-healing dot), passive 6% dam reduction. Less desirable as a target.
o Feral – Aggressive. Can move in to DPS. Passive movement speed. Will pop cat form. Look for rake/stuns from stealth. Desirable target. Prevent restealth.
o Balance – Rarely seen. Taken for mages. Poly immune. Desirable target.
- HoTs – single target healing based on HoTs. Purge, purge, purge.
- Soul of the Forest talent – Swiftmind buffs main single target heal regrowth.
- With No Purge – Swap target if full HoTs are up.
- Punish Aggression – Cat is very squishy and can’t cast. Destroy it. Cyclone requires 20 yd range which will most likely require sacrificing position and opens to interrupts. Cyclone is same school as heals, if you kick cyclone, you’re kicking heals.
- Thorns – 12 sec, slows targets by 50%, 2k per melee hit when active. Swap target or pause damage.
Mistweaver Monk
- Play offensive – They have strong passive healing. Make offensive setups focusing on the MW or their partner. Alternatively, heavy CC chain the healer while killing their DPS.
- Play around Life Cocoon - Encases the target in a cocoon of Chi energy for 12 sec, absorbing [Total health * 60 / 100 * (1 + Versatility)] damage. | Burst of Life – Cooldown reduced by 20 sec. On expiring, releases burst of mist that heals for ridiculous amount split among target and nearby allies | AND| Chrysalis – Reduces cooldown by 45 sec),
o The play – Heavy CC Monk during DPS kill attempts. Reduce/negate the healing done by Burst of Life at the end of Life Cocoon with cyclone.
- Play around Counteract Magic – Counteract Magic - Renewing Mist heals for 135% more when the target is affected by a magical damage over time effect. Pressure MW Monk in Melee Cleave Matchups – They’re squishy to stuns.
Windwalker Monks
- Stop Fists of Fury 4 second channel on 24 sec CD. Use instant CC. Avoid channel to kite away as they are running at reduced speed.
- Watch Offensive CDs –
o Storm, Earth, and Fire (1.5 min CD) Split into 3 elemental spirits for 15 sec, each spirit dealing 45% of normal damage and healing. You directly control the Storm spirit, while Earth and Fire spirits mimic your attacks on nearby enemies. Heavily CC or have defensive CDs ready.
o Touch of Death (Instant cast, 2 min CD) - You exploit the enemy target's weakest point. Deals damage equal to 35% of your maximum health against players and stronger creatures under 15% health. Heavily CC or have defensive CDs ready. Can be removed with Blessing of Protection, Ice Block, and Divine Shield.
- Force them to kite – Setups and big dam forces defensive CDs and stops them from doing dam.
- Squishy by nature – If they don’t kite, they have to use defensive CDs to live. Four major include:
o Touch of Karma - Absorbs all damage taken for 10 sec, up to 50% of your maximum health, and redirects 70% of that amount to the enemy target as Nature damage over 6 sec. 1.5 min CD.
o Diffuse Magic - Reduces magic damage you take by 60% for 6 sec, and transfers all currently active harmful magical effects on you back to their original caster if possible. 1.5 min CD.
o Fortifying Brew - Turns your skin to stone for 15 sec, increasing your current and maximum health by 15%. Brewmaster (Level 48) increasing the effectiveness of Stagger by 10% and reducing all damage you take by 15%. 6 min CD
o Dampen Harm – Reduces all dam you take by 20% to 50% for 10 sec with larger attacks being reduced by more.
- Make heavy swaps to force defensive cooldowns when healer in CC
- Be careful with your trink – Storm, earth and Fire/Touch of Death can delete you if you don’t have a counter.
- You can use their Invoke Xuen to break on-dam CC of your teammate as it does aoe dam around the ability. Bait it over.
Ret Paladin
- Play around Avenging Wrath (Wings) - Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, increasing your damage, healing, and critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec. 3 min CD. CC, use defensive cooldowns if needed to survive. Kite.
- Cross CC to avoid Blessing of Sanctuary - Instantly removes all stun, silence, fear and horror effects from the friendly target and reduces the duration of future such effects by 60% for 5 sec. 45 sec CD.
- Kite them – Saving CC for Blessing of Freedom and Devine Steed
- Kill them – Burst down if you’re caster. Melee has to deal with Blessing of Protection (6 sec physical dam immune) and Eye for an Eye (10 sec 35% reduced physical dam taken).
- Careful of Shield of Vengeance - Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs [30 / 100 * Total health * (1 + Versatility)] damage for 15 sec. When the shield expires, it bursts to inflict Holy damage equal to the total amount absorbed, divided among all nearby enemies.
o Avoid by kiting
o Soak damage with partner (damage is spread between targets)
o Use defensive CDs to absorb
- Watch the off-heals – Offheals comes mostly with huge Word of Glory dumps.
- Divine Toll is a huge CD to watch out for as it can one-shot if they get a triple Judge proc after Final Reckoning from it.
Elemental Shaman
- Dispel Flame Shock – Sears the target with fire, causing (19.5% of Spell power) Fire damage and then an additional (104.4% of Spell power) Fire damage over 18 sec. Dot. Key to their big dam (lava burst). Get rid of it.
- Stop Lightning Lasso – Grips the target in lightning, stunning the target and dealing $O2% of the target's maximum health in Nature damage over 5 sec. Can move while channelling. Worth saving an interrupt/stun for. Worth setting up a tracker for.
- Watch for Totems – 4 big ones to kill on sight – Sky Fury (20% inc healing and dam for team on crits), Grounding (lasts 3 seconds - all spells go to totem instead of target), Counterstrike (lasts 15 seconds - reflects all dam back at you), Capacitor Totem (8 yard radius, 2 second delay, stuns for 3 seconds).
- Pay attention to burst
o Earth Shock - Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing (210% of Spell power) Nature damage.
o Stormkeeper - Charge yourself with lightning, causing your next 2 Lightning Bolts to deal 150% more damage, and also causes your next 2 Lightning Bolts or Chain Lightnings to be instant cast and trigger an Elemental Overload on every target.1 min CD.
- Talents to be on the lookout for.
o Primal Elementalist - Your Earth, Fire, and Storm Elementals are drawn from primal elementals 80% more powerful than regular elementals, with additional abilities, and you gain direct control over them.
§ Fire Elemental – Calls forth a Greater Fire Elemental to rain destruction on your enemies for 30 sec. While the Fire Elemental is active, Flame Shock deals damage 25% faster Elemental (Level 58) and newly applied Flame Shocks last 100% longer. 2.5 min CD. Respect the cooldown. Try not to let it freecast.
Shadow Priest
- Dispel when viable. Priority Shadow Word Pain and (conditionally) Vamp Touch as they make up 90% of dam. Note that dispelling Vamp Touch causes 3 second fear and can be especially problematic with talents like Shaman's Cleansing Waters.
- Voidform – 10% dam buff, stacking increase to haste, and void bolt. LOS so he can’t build insanity. CC.
- Shadow Word Death - A word of dark binding that inflicts (85% of Spell power) Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target. Damage increased by 150% to targets below 20% health.
- Mindgames is extremely strong for both disc and shadow. Kick or dispel is almost always the play.
- Interrupts – All dam and defensives are in Shadow school. First priority is kicking Vamp Touch but there are limited windows for it since the meta right now is Damnation plus Unfurling Darkness (instant vamp touch after a vamp touch is cast but works with Damnation).
- Keep slowed. Very immobile. Roots are great for this.
- Defensive
o Dispersion - Disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 75% for 6 sec, but you are unable to attack or cast spells.
o Greater Fade - Fade out, removing all threat, increasing your movement speed by 50% and causing most melee, ranged and spells to miss you. Lasts 4 sec or until you take a hostile action.
o Psychic Scream – 8 yd range. If they’re running towards you, it’s to do this.
Unholy Death Knight
- Dealing with the Abomination – Instant cast. Pet has 25 sec duration. Applies Festering Wound that gives Virulent Plague to nearby friendlies. Kill it with pressure damage or kite it. You can also shackle undead but it breaks easily (void eruption will auto break it pretty much unless you're really far away).
- Pets stun which is unavoidable. They can also gain access to a ranged kick and more dam when it switches forms.
- Epidemic – Dot. Dispel it.
- Will be running one of the two below talents
o Spell Eater – Antimagic shell absorbs 30% more magic dam and lasts 5 sec longer
o Wraith Walk – Removes all root and increases movement speed by 70% for 4 seconds. Action cancels effect.
- Death Strike - Focuses dark power into a strike that deals (46.4256% of Attack power) and heals you for 25% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 5.0% of maximum health.
Frost Death Knight
- Play Around Chill Streak - Deals up to X% of the target's total health in Frost damage and reduces their movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Chill Streak bounces up to 9 times between closest targets within 6 yards.
o Typical offensive setup: Death Grip (if needed) > Double/Triple Blinding Sleet>AoE Stun (Chaos Nova/Leg Sweep). Typically want to trink out, get away from partner and negate big dam. Can also bounce off pets so keep that in mind. Grounding totem can also negate.
- Avoid Cleave Pressure – Chill Streak/Remorseless WinteHowling Blast. Grouping up will get you both killed. Their single target pressure isn’t that great. If melee cleave, it’s best to target/tunnel partner.
- Dispel Delirium when possible
- Capitalise on Killing Frost DKs – Most comps can kill them. If they use their defensive cooldowns to peel for their partners (trinket or antimagic shell) you can make big swaps and take them down.
- Disarm = No Death Strike.
o Death Strike - Focuses dark power into a strike that deals (46.4256% of Attack power) and heals you for 25% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 5.0% of maximum health.
o Deny Death Strike with Evasion, Die by the Sword, Blessing of Protection or avoid melee range
Arms Warrior
- Kiting – Play around Charge (20 sec CD) 11% attack power plus 1 sec root. And Heroic Leap (45 sec CD) 10.2% attack power within 8 yards. Try to pull them out of LoS if with healer.
- Force Defensive Stance – Reduces all damage taken by 20% and damage done by 20%. Pressure if in battle stance. Stun swap if in battle stance.
- Avoid Cleave pressure – Deep Wounds, Rend, Sweeping Strike, Warbreaker, Bladestorm all do big dam when opponents are stacked. Split team to avoid especially during offensive cooldowns (Sweeping Strikes, Warbreaker, Bladestorm).
- Play around War Banner – Offensive cooldown. 1.5 min. You throw down a war banner at your feet, rallying your allies. Increases movement speed by 30% and reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 50% to all allies within 30 yards of the war banner. Lasts 15 sec. Killable and should be gone before using CC.
- Watch for Avatar - Transform into a colossus for 20 sec, causing you to deal 20% increased damage and removing all roots and snares. Generates 20 Rage. 1.5 min CD.
Fire Mage
- Play Around Combustion – Engulfs you in flames for 10 sec, increasing your spell’ crit strike chance by 100% and granting you Mastery equal to 50% of your Crit Strike state. Castable while casting other spells. 2 min CD.
o Trade defensives/trinkets.
o Standard combustion rotation = Meteor>combust>rotate fireblast/pyroblast. Majority of damage comes from stacked Ignite afterwards. A portion of rotation damage turns into ticking debuff called Ignite. It needs to be instantly dispelled/purged.
- Abuse Meteor – 45 sec cd and hits like a truck. Damage is shared w/in 8 yards. It also leaves low dam AOE that will keep you from getting CC’d by abilities that break on dam.
- Dragon’s Breath – Enemies in a cone in front of you take 58.25% of Spell Power Fire dam and you are disoriented for 4 sec. Dam cancels effect. 20 sec cd. Often used to setup CC like Poly so be looking for it and stop it.
- PvP Talents
o Greater Pyroblast – 4.5 sec cast. Immense fiery boulder that deals up to 35% of target total health in fire dam. LoS or interrupt. Mages can blink while casting with Shimmer so be aware you might keep your LoS break.
o Flamecannon – After standing still in combat for 2 sec, max HP is increased by 3%, dam increased by 3%, range of fire spells increased by 3 yards. Stacks up to 5x and last 5 sec.
o Firestarter – Fireball reduces cooldown of next Combustion by 5 sec.
- Train the Mage – No slows as fire and 1 root on a 30 sec cooldown.
Assassination Rogue
- Keep your distance – Close/stacked targets leads to multiple dotted targets. Shadowstep (Appear behind your target and gain 70% inc movement speed) has 25yd range. Keeping apart makes it harder for them to swap.
- Respect Vendetta – Marks an enemy for death for 20 sec, increasing the damage your abilities and auto attacks deal to the target by 30%, and making the target visible to you even through concealments such as stealth and invisibility. Generates 60 Energy over 3 sec. 2 min CD. Counter by trading defensive CDs. Paly pops BoP which removes.
- Don’t Waste Trink
- Keep dots up, even if just magic. Bleeds preferred.
o Smoke Bomb - Creates a cloud of thick smoke in an 8 yard radius around the Rogue for 5 sec. Enemies are unable to target into or out of the smoke cloud. Allies take 10% less damage while within the cloud. Often waits for trinket and then pops smoke bomb to secure the kill.
o Blind - Blinds the target, causing it to wander disoriented. Damage will interrupt the effect. Limit 1. Mainly focused around healers. The play is it allows them to drop you out of combat, vanish, and sap. Can also be used to bait trink.
- When they pop evasion, you can still attack from behind. Rogue is a good counter with shadowstep/kidney shot and having rupture.
- Stop the re-stealth – Garrotte, Cheap Shot and Sap can only be used or benefit heavily when used from stealth. Keep them in combat. Taunt can be used for this.
- Reply heavily on bleed pressure and energy regen from Rupture and Garrotte.
- Cleanse poisons to gut the energy regen.
Demon Hunters
- Play around Mana Rift when used (less often in 3s) - You manifest a 6 yard wide mana rift under the feet of the target. After 2.5 sec, it erupts dealing up to 8% of each enemy's maximum health in Chaos damage and destroys 8% of each enemy's total mana if present. 10 sec cooldown.
- Watch for metamorphosis - Leap into the air and land with explosive force, dealing (36.036% of Attack power) Chaos damage to enemies within 8 yds, and stunning them for 3 sec. Players are Dazed for 3 sec instead. Upon landing, you are transformed into a hellish demon for 30 sec. Havoc (Level 54) immediately resetting the cooldown of your Eye Beam and Blade Dance abilities greatly empowering your Chaos Strike and Blade Dance abilities. Havoc (Level 20) and gaining 25% Haste. 5 min CD. Not to be confused with Demon Form which is automatic after eyebeam.
o CC them. Pressure during metamorph can force defensive CDs/kiting which can be beneficial for negating their big burst window.
- Rain from Above - You fly into the air out of harm's way. While floating, you gain access to Fel Lance allowing you to deal damage to enemies below. 1 min CD.
o LoS if needed. Less impactful than in previous seasons.
- Watch for The Hunt - (1 sec cast) Charge to your target, striking them for (455% of Attack power) Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting (227.7% of Attack power) Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for (Havok 25%) (Vengeance Initial 50%) of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. 1.5 min CD.
- Abuse lack of slow – Vengeful Retreat - Remove all snares and vault away. Nearby enemies take (13.1274% of Attack power) Physical damage Havoc (Level 41) and have their movement speed reduced by 70% for 3 sec. 25 sec CD. Only real slow. Kiting (around pillars especially) and using speed buffs can be useful.
- Aim to kill inside stuns when possible but with recent nerfs, they're not as bulletproof as previous seasons.
Feral Druids
- Make Feral Debuffs Fall Off – Don’t stack with your partners. In this way, it’s harder for the feral to apply all their dots (ferocious wound, rake, rip, thrash).
- Kill Feral in stuns – Squishy in cat form stuns. Outside of stuns, high mobility. Low amount of defensive cooldowns. Stun with CC on heals and burst down. Stun outside of bear form.
- Stop offheals – Lots of passive and on demand heals. Interrupt regrowths.
- Play around Thorns - Sprout thorns for 12 sec on the friendly target. When victim to melee attacks, thorns deals up to 5% of the attackers total health in Nature damage. Attackers also have their movement speed reduced by 50% for 4 sec. 45 sec CD. Don’t hit into it unless you are sure you can get a kill. Alternatively, pop defensive cooldown of your own to negate dam. Spell reflect abilities can also push the pressure back on the feral. Safer bet is just to target swap.
- Watch for convoke.
Balance Druids
- Play Around Incarnation - An improved Moonkin Form that grants the benefits of Celestial Alignment, and 10% critical strike chance. Lasts 30 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration. 3 min CD.
o LoS, trade defensive CDs, lock down with CC
- Play around Root Beam – Mass Entanglement (30 sec CD) + Solar Beam (1 min CD) = You in Solar Beam unable to cast for 8 seconds.
o Druids shift roots, Holy Pal pre-freedom, Monks pre zin focused tea, Shamans ground the root, Shadow priests can mass dispel.. If you have a “freedom” mechanic, save it for your healer.
- Prevent Cyclones – Interrupt them. One of strongest CCs in the game.
- Play around Thorns - Sprout thorns for 12 sec on the friendly target. When victim to melee attacks, thorns deals up to 5% of the attackers total health in Nature damage. Attackers also have their movement speed reduced by 50% for 4 sec. 45 sec CD. Don’t hit into it unless you are sure you can get a kill. Alternatively, pop defensive cooldown of your own to negate dam. Spell reflect abilities can also push the pressure back on the feral. Safer bet is just to target swap.
- Watch for convoke.
BM Hunter (comment addition - user rsn1990 paraphrased)
- Most dam comes from pet. Tier 1 talent allows for 2 pets but 2nd does reduced dam. Main pet will be the one using abilities, not auto attacking. Incap or kill when possible. Without it, hunter cannot use two big offensive cooldowns, Kill Command and Bestial Wrath. Revive Pet is 4 sec hard cast. Mend Pet is 50% hp 10 sec HoT. 10 sec CD.
- CC Immunes - The Beast Within - Bestial Wrath causes you and your pet to become immune to all Fear and Horror effects while active. Pet glows red when active.
- High Mobility - Main rotation is instant casts. Roots and snares are less impactful as pet is still DPSing. More vulnerable to stuns.
- Defensives - Aspect of the Turtle - Deflects all attacks and reduces all damage you take by 30% for 8 sec, but you cannot attack. 3 min CD. Big gree/yellow shell over character. | Exhilaration - Heals you for 30% and your pet for 100%. Instant. 2 min CD. Talents may lower CD.
- Traps - always have access to two: Freezing Trap - Hurls a frost trap to the target location that incapacitates the first enemy that approaches for 1 min. Damage will break the effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min. 30 second CD. | Tar Trap - Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 1 min. 30 sec CD. Often opens with Freezing, especially on healer.
- Disengage - Leap backwards Posthaste clearing movement impairing effects, and increasing your movement speed by 50% for 4 sec. 20 sec CD. Often paired with traps to gain distance so watch for them and don't get baited into them.
MM Hunter (comment addition - user rsn1990 paraphrased)
- 10% damage buff for not using a pet so you won't often see one.
- More abilities with cast times but very high burst. Should not be allowed to freecast.
- Aimed Shot - 2 Charges. 12 sec recharge. A powerful aimed shot that deals (236% of Attack power) Physical damage. Some will Talent Double Tap firing a second instant cast Aimed Shot after the first for 50% dam.
- Rapid Fire - Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of [7 * (34.58% of Attack power)%] Physical damage. Each shot generates 1 Focus. Usable while moving. Double Tap can be spent on Rapid Fire and will deal 100% more dam.
- Sniper Shot - PvP Talent - Take a sniper's stance, firing a well-aimed shot dealing 20% of the target's maximum health in Physical damage and increases the range of all shots by 40% for 6 sec. 3 sec cast. 10 sec CD. 60(!) yd range. Interrupt or LoS it.
- Vulnerable to melee - Get behind them when possible. Stuns are very effective.
- Defensives - Aspect of the Turtle - Deflects all attacks and reduces all damage you take by 30% for 8 sec, but you cannot attack. 3 min CD. Big gree/yellow shell over character. | Exhilaration - Heals you for 30% and your pet for 100%. Instant. 2 min CD. Talents may lower CD.
- Traps - always have access to two: Freezing Trap - Hurls a frost trap to the target location that incapacitates the first enemy that approaches for 1 min. Damage will break the effect. Limit 1. Trap will exist for 1 min. 30 second CD. | Tar Trap - Hurls a tar trap to the target location that creates a 8 yd radius pool of tar around itself for 30 sec when the first enemy approaches. All enemies have 50% reduced movement speed while in the area of effect. Trap will exist for 1 min. 30 sec CD. Often opens with Freezing, especially on healer.
- Disengage - Leap backwards Posthaste clearing movement impairing effects, and increasing your movement speed by 50% for 4 sec. 20 sec CD. Often paired with traps to gain distance so watch for them and don't get baited into them.
submitted by Mazkin17 to worldofpvp [link] [comments]

New PTS data file "leak" organized and more digestible

I wanna thank u/Heini_2012 for letting me know of the pts patch and giving a copy of the newer data file. He made his own post with all the differences copy/pasted if you wanna see the changes more raw here:
Outfit Wars: 
Outfit Wars has been completely overhauled with an all new ranking system, match-based qualifiers, and special rewards for brave participants. Think your outfit has what it takes to dominate the asteroid belt of Desolation with a platoon of your best soldiers? Advance through the ranks by winning weekly qualification matches. Claim victory over your enemies, and earn rewards based on your leaderboard placement. More information can be found in the Outfit menu.

When an outfit is enlisted in an Outfit War, only members of Loyalty Rank 3 or greater may join when matches begin. If a character travels to Desolation for a match, that character and the account will be locked to the current Outfit War. Only one character per account may partake in an Outfit War. Outfits play weekly qualification matches, with only the best win/loss ratios carrying on into the playoffs. During the playoff phase, each match will thin the herd until a final three outfits are pitted against one another for the championships. Victory points are introduced in this phase to resolve ties. Outfits start with a number of victory points based on their win/loss record when entering the playoffs. During the last match of the season, the highest rated outfits brawl for the title of victor for the gold, silver, and bronze brackets. When your outfit is knocked out of the competition, whenever that may be, you receive rewards based on your outfit's rank. There are a combination of guild rewards, and personal rewards available, based on the rank achieved.

"Your Outfit doesn't have enough members" - specific amount of members required

Desolation warp gates renamed to command centers

Rewards are granted during the playoffs and the championship. Rewards are delivered once your outfit's official rank has been determined (typically at the end of the match).

Possible rewards - 
Colossus Heavy Tank
Citadel Shield
Orbital Strike
Steel Rain
Bastion Fleet Carrier
Excursion Kukri - "This heavy blade is capable of light damage to armor, and represents the trials beyond Auraxis." (includes ribbons and medals)
Victorious Title (from the Auraxmas data file)

(feb 8th - feb 14th) Missions/directives: Mission Names- 
Operation: Matchmaker
Matchmaker: Relaxation
Matchmaker: Exploration
Matchmaker: Jewelry
Matchmaker: Adventure
Matchmaker: Sightseeing
Matchmaker: Homemade
Always Better Together
I'd Walk 500 Meters
And I'd Walk 500 More
Cupid's Arrow
Friends Forever
Your MAX Looks Great

Mission/directive Objectives- 
Visit a specified location on Amerish, Esamir, Hossin, or Indar
Kill enemies with crossbows.
Travel a distance in a ground vehicle
As an Engineer, repair allied MAX suits.
As a MAX suit, guard allies by taking damage with at least one ally within 10 meters.
Kill enemies as a vehicle gunner
Kill enemies as a passenger or gunner while in a vehicle with at least two occupants.
Travel on foot with at least 1 ally within 10 meters. Cannot be completed in Sanctuary or at warpgates.
Harvest Cortium
(tip) ANTs, a specialized form of ground vehicle, can harvest Cortium nodes found on any continent.
NPC Dialog:

Narrator Drone: FL-34, the infamous agent of the Black Market, has been working feverishly on a potentially lucrative business arrangement and would welcome business partners. He can be found near the Atrium on Sanctuary.
In the spirit of the Valentine's Day holiday, a Black Market operative known as FL-34 has devised a scheme to bring the factions of Auraxis together (or get rich trying).

FL-34: Hi there, friendo. Did you know that Valentine's Day was created as a way to get single people to feel bad about themselves?
FL-34: Anyway, I've been paying attention to your comings and goings here on Sanctuary these last few days and I noticed a pattern in what folks are searching for. That's right, friend. They're looking for love with a capital "L". And I've got just the way to do it.
FL-34: What I need you to do is retrace your steps on the station and chat up anyone that might be agreeable to take part in "FL-34's Matchmaking Contest". True love and a decadent gift basket can be within their grasp for a nominal fee. What do you say? I'll split the payday with you!
FL-34: You only got one sign-up? And it was that guy upstairs? Ugh, fine! I'll send him the gift basket, but he's going to have to enjoy that cheese and sparkling cider by himself. Thanks anyway, boyo. Here's something for your troubles.


Narrator Drone: Always the romantic, Campner, veteran Facilitator for the Nanite Systems Operatives has been mapping the best locations on Auraxis to view the relentless siege on each continent.
Unwilling or unable to leave the relative safety of Sanctuary, a Facilitator for the Nanite Systems Operatives reaches out to nearby soldiers to help pinpoint a location of aesthetic and tactical superiority.

Facilitator Campner: Have you ever just looked over the battlefield and marveled at its complexity? Its beauty? I have been told that you spend most of your time planetside. Help me find the perfect place to gaze over the battlefield and you will be compensated.

Narrator Drone: Moved by the soldier's efforts to find the perfect vista, Campner provides a generous reward.

Facilitator Campner: A matchmaking contest? That sounds wonderful! Where do I sign up? Take my money!


Narrator Drone: Ever since being assigned to Sanctuary, Representative Nalla of Nascent Expeditions has been silently yearning to return planetside and feel the rumble of heavy machinery beneath her feet.
Former convoy runner and current logistical specialist for the Nascent Expedition, Representative Nalla, seeks assistance in reliving some former adventures planetside.

Representative Nalla: Hello, operative. I miss running point on convoy missions. All I do is coordinate mining operations and hand out portable mining lasers. Mind recording a vid of you tearing up the road in a ground vehicle of your choice?

Narrator Drone: After enjoying the thrill of living vicariously through the soldier, Nalla delivers her reward.

Representative Nalla: That's adorable, but I simply don't have time for someone to play matchmaker.


Narrator Drone: With the disappearance of the previous Nanite Systems representative, Ayla had inherited additional duties and a seemingly unending pile of paperwork on Sanctuary.
Always fond of trinkets, Representative Ayla of Nanite Systems reaches out for assistance in gathering materials needed to synthesize a piece of fine jewelry.

Representative Ayla: Do you have a license to drive an ANT on the surface? I'm in need of a large quantity of harvested Cortium. There's something I need to have synthesized and simply don't have the time to collect it myself. You'll be well-paid for your troubles.

Narrator Drone: Ayla would prove to appreciate the soldier's effort in collecting Cortium and was willing to repay the soldier in kind.

Representative Ayla: Sorry, operative. I heard you talking to Nalla and I just don't have the time.


Narrator Drone: Knightly, a ruthlessly efficient Field Officer, has been advocating for futher advancement in weapons for the Terran Republic's armored divisions.
Field Officer Knightly of the Terran Republic, thirsty for the adrenaline of battle, challenges soldiers of every empire to test the offensive capabilities of their armored vehicles.

Field Officer Knightly: Have you ever smelled anything better than a recently fired tank gun? Not convinced, solider? Drop planetside and try it for yourself. You'll be glad you did.

Narrator Drone: Knightly seems to be sufficiently pleased with destruction for destruction's sake and wishes to reward the soldier's efforts.

Field Officer Knightly: I'll pass on the matchmaking. Did my ex put you up to this?


Narrator Drone: Ever toiling to further the interests of the Vanu Sovereignty on Sanctuary, Praetor Umatherin continues her research on the Rebirthing Matrix.
In an effort to temporarily modify the war effort's reliance on the rebirthing matrix, Praetor Umatherin of the Vanu Sovereignty calls out to soldiers of every faction to push the boundaries of their healing abilities.

Praetor Umatherin: Something is happening with the Rebirthing Matrix and no one seems to be paying attention! You there, whoever you are, use your Medical Applicator to heal and revive your allies so I can monitor the impact on the matrix. I'll compensate you for your time.

Narrator Drone: Umatherin, pleased to be armed with the beautiful simplicity of her newly acquired data, grants the soldier a boon in return.

Praetor Umatherin: What? No.


Narrator Drone: Hadley, Warden of the New Conglomerate, has been known to keep even the oldest technology in working order for as long as needed. As such he gets no greater pleasure than seeing meticulously maintained weapons of war.
Engineer and New Conglomerate Warden, Hadley, plays an expensive game in order to expand his legacy.

Warden Hadley: Hey, soldier. Buying the latest and greatest is fine, but there there's an art to keeping things running. A lost art, really. Heck, I bet you can't do it. Prove me wrong and I'll give you something shiny.

Narrator Drone: Having won the bet by greasing the wheels of battle, the soldier receives a reward from Hadley.

Warden Hadley: Nah, soldier. Not interested in being set up with anyone.


Narrator Drone: There were not, in fact, a drone with heart trails in Sanctuary.

Other Additions: 
Bombardment shield now states "Increases the Bombardment Shield's base damage resistance of 50% to 60%"
Profile banner "frames"
"Disarm bomb"
"Last S-AMS is under attack" has been replaced with "Last Sunderer is under attack"
Fortify levels 1-4 now go from 2 second activation to .1 second activation
Year of the Ox Decal
Year of the Ox Banner(possible outfit wadirective rewards)
Harasser Peacekeeper (Plating, Windshield, Tire Spikes)
Matchmaker Title(mission reward)
Xs flash no longer has a max of 40
submitted by Slowenbrau to Planetside [link] [comments]

America conquers the world: Part II

In Part I, America invaded and conquered the Soviet Union after WW2. In this part, we consider how America completes its goal of conquering the entire planet.
With the Soviet Union knocked out, the remaining powers in the world are:
Going chronologically, America should start with France. In the war with the Soviet Union, America withdraws most of its forces from Western Europe prior to the start of the war and concentrate its forces in the Middle East in order to invade the Soviet Union from the South. This will allow the Red Army to conquer Western Europe. As America's forces in Western Europe retreat, they destroy every factory to keep them from falling into the hands of the communists. Every factory in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and France is destroyed.
The convenient result is that once the Soviet Union is conquered, no country on continental Europe has any industry left. Which means they can never challenge the power of America ever again.
China can also be looped into the war against the Soviet Union. Rather than help the KMT to win outright, America keeps them just strong enough so that neither side wins. China remains divided and unable to become the colossus it became in the OTL.
Which leaves only Britain. Following the conquest of the Soviet Union, on the second anniversary of VJ day, President Truman summons Prime Minister Clement Atlee to the White House. Mr. Attlee enters the oval office, where he is told bluntly that Britain must immediately disarm and submit to U.S. occupation. All British naval vessels must sail to U.S. ports where they will become the property of the United States. All British troops must leave their weapons at their barracks and go home. All British colonies will be granted their immediate independence along with Scotland and Ireland. The King must abdicate and England is to become a republic. Attlee is flown back to Britain where he will be given 24 hours to reply.
At 10 Downing Street, Attlee summons the cabinet and leader of the opposition Winston Churchill and informs them: "The Americans have betrayed us. They demand our immediate surrender and the dismantling of our Empire."
"We'll fight them on the beaches!" bellows Churchill.
"Winston, we've been at war for nearly 10 years," replies Anthony Eden. "We knew this was a risk when we bet our fate on America."
"Perhaps it won't be so bad," says Attlee. "If we comply with all their demands, maybe they will spare our factories, unlike France."
Attlee then drives to Buckingham Palace, where he informs King George VI: "Your Majesty, you must abdicate. The British Empire is at an end."
The Old World powers can no longer hold on to their former colonies. The world is liberated and enters a new golden age under the uncontested leadership of the United States of America.
submitted by Relative-Risk1409 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

Anthem has been the diamond in the rough for me, ever since launch.

I just saw the post about EA’s decision this week on whether or not Anthem with get its 2.0, NEXT, Redemption, whatever you want to call it. The top comment is confident that EA is going to kill it. Sadly, I think they’re probably right. The remake of Mass Effect suggests to me that they’re gearing up to release another Mass Effect title soon in the coming years. EA will likely move on to other titles. It’s been what, three years since Anthem has launched? I’m willing to bet they’ll let Anthem die and suffer the brief backlash of the loyal community, but move on soon after.
Which is a shame. And that’s all speculation too. Anthem has been the only game that I’ve kept in my library the longest, next to Titanfall 2, perhaps maybe deleted a time here and there, but always found it’s way back to my downloads.
When I would get tired of Destiny, I would load up Anthem and finish a few missions as my 980 Colossus, looking for a new Legendary to make my javelin even better. I’ve run Tyrant Mine countless times. It’s the only Seasonal Run I learned the puzzles 100% for, just to be the one guy who either only knows it on his fire team, or helps other people do it, so we can always have a higher score. I don’t know, Tyrant Mine felt like an amazing mission. Especially in a Colossus, committing mass insecticide with heavy artillery shells, fire, and explosions.
When I would get tired of Anthem, I’d play Battlefield 1, Battlefront 2, Destiny again...other games like Diablo 3, Divinity 2, Stellaris, anything to regain interest in a video game again.
But when I got my entertain fulfilled by those games, I’d fall back to Anthem again. When I reached the highest I could in Destiny, I went back to Anthem. When Battlefield felt useless playing because there just is no more progression, I’d go back to Anthem.
It’s a great game, for what it is. It’s the very definition of a beautiful fuck-up. It’s so badly-good, I give BioWare a pass over Bethesda and CD Projekt Red. It’s not that Anthem was a messed up game like Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk 2077. Anthem is like a Demo, you Siphon Filter on PS1 in the early 2000’s as a wow, this is amazing! Where’s the full game? That was Anthem.
But what also kept me coming back is that hope, that little faith that this game will continue to get the attention it deserves. I was hoping that somewhere, there really was a team out there focused on bringing us some sort of concrete update on Anthem, even if it wasn’t the 2.0 promised. I would have taken another Echoes of Reality/Cataclysm (but better after this long!). Just anything.
And by having that hope, Anthem never felt like it reached its true cap. You can reach that cap in Destiny every season until the next DLC comes out, and it’s really all the same. I had hoped Anthem could bring something different to the table. And the fact that it was unfinished meant that, the time I put into Anthem wasn’t worthless. If it gets its revamp, my Colossus will be among the top tier when new players are brought to the game. That’s selfishly rare to achieve. I’m a full time working husband and father. Lol.
But if Anthem is killed, there will be no reason to keep Anthem anymore. It’ll sting just as bad as Epic Games killing Paragon; a free MOBA on PS4 that was in development. A very beautiful and well made game with so much potential, like Anthem, that never reached its full potential.
submitted by DamoclesXVl to AnthemTheGame [link] [comments]

New PTS Patch Leaks

Expected patch date and duration of the Valentine's Day event: Feb. 8 - Feb. 14
Fortify Implant buff: It went from 2 seconds of standing still to 0.1 and still gives rank 1 Nanoweave and Flak Armor at tier 5
Outfit Wars: Winning a match seems to reward an outfit with War Assets such as Bastions, OSs, Colossus tanks, etc...
New AV knife reskin, probably with a Valentine's Day theme, called "Excursion Kukri"
Valentine's Day Cosmetics and Directive
Some new NPC dialogue for Valentine's Day"
PTS just got a new patch and I copied all the new differences and will paste them below. I haven't looked through it yet myself so everything is unfiltered and it will show every single new thing in the files.
14762947 ucdt Representative Nalla: Hello, operative. I miss running point on convoy missions. All I do is coordinate mining operations and hand out portable mining lasers. Mind recording a vid of you tearing up the road in a ground vehicle of your choice?
34215744 ucdt Rank
47712849 ucdt Increases the Bombardment Shield's base damage resistance of 50% to 57%

The Bombardment Shield is created when deploying into Skylance Battery mode. Find "Deployment: Skylance Battery" passive system in the "Colossus Certs" screen for more details.

89036703 ucdt TOP %0 MAKE IT TO THE NEXT ROUND
117638820 ucdt A basic frame for your profile banner. All factions can use this.
132795522 ucdt Winners
144934771 ucdt In Progress
180182063 ucdt Representative Ayla: Sorry, operative. I heard you talking to Nalla and I just don't have the time.
183757659 ucdt Praetor Umatherin: What? No.
257895514 ucdt Disarm bomb
301042583 ucdt The Sunderer you last spawned at is under attack!
314082819 ucdt Reward: Colossus Heavy Tank
316653927 ucdt Standing still for 0.5 seconds provides you with 20% small arms resistance to bodyshots until you start moving again. Does not stack with Nanoweave Armor. Inactive in vehicles.
328271078 ucdt Narrator Drone: Knightly seems to be sufficiently pleased with destruction for destruction's sake and wishes to reward the soldier's efforts.
335572805 ucdt Reward: Citadel Shield
338668637 ucdt Year of the Ox Decal
344064928 ucdt Increases the Bombardment Shield's base damage resistance of 50% to 55%

The Bombardment Shield is created when deploying into Skylance Battery mode. Find "Deployment: Skylance Battery" passive system in the "Colossus Certs" screen for more details.

358521432 ucdt Participation Requirements
When an outfit is enlisted in an Outfit War, only members of Loyalty Rank 3 or greater may join when matches begin. If a character travels to Desolation for a match, that character and the account will be locked to the current Outfit War. Only one character per account may partake in an Outfit War.

Qualifier Matches
Outfits play weekly qualification matches, with only the best win/loss ratios carrying on into the playoffs.

Playoff Matches
During the playoff phase, each match will thin the herd until a final three outfits are pitted against one another for the championships. Victory points are introduced in this phase to resolve ties. Outfits start with a number of victory points based on their win/loss record when entering the playoffs.

During the last match of the season, the highest rated outfits brawl for the title of victor for the gold, silver, and bronze brackets.

When your outfit is knocked out of the competition, whenever that may be, you receive rewards based on your outfit's rank. There are a combination of guild rewards, and personal rewards available, based on the rank achieved.
378531993 ugdt Year of the Ox Decal
382522435 ugdt Reward: Orbital Strike
478396300 ucdt A basic profile banner frame available to all factions.
479501388 ucdt JOIN MATCH
497140165 ucdt Post-War
506926728 ucdt Narrator Drone: Umatherin, pleased to be armed with the beautiful simplicity of her newly acquired data, grants the soldier a boon in return.
548134194 ucdt Narrator Drone: After enjoying the thrill of living vicariously through the soldier, Nalla delivers her reward.
563222789 ucdt Engineer and New Conglomerate Warden, Hadley, plays an expensive game in order to expand his legacy.
582243966 ucdt Excursion Kukri: Gold Medal
605222518 ucdt Standing still for 1 second provides you with 20% small arms resistance to bodyshots until you start moving again. Does not stack with Nanoweave Armor. Inactive in vehicles.
631559402 ucdt Praetor Umatherin: Something is happening with the Rebirthing Matrix and no one seems to be paying attention! You there, whoever you are, use your Medical Applicator to heal and revive your allies so I can monitor the impact on the matrix. I'll compensate you for your time.
662393694 ucdt Feb. 8 - Feb. 14
673953092 ucdt Field Officer Knightly: I'll pass on the matchmaking. Did my ex put you up to this?
718576604 ucdt Excursion Kukri: Auraxium Medal
719660062 ucdt Your Outfit doesn't have enough members
744440893 ucdt Matchmaker: Exploration
793022243 ucdt Matchmaker: Jewelry
837769395 ucdt Match Times (PST)
889240477 ucdt Post War
906511394 ugdt Harasser Peacekeeper Plating
964493388 ucdt Rankings update at the beginning of each round.
974185020 ucdt Basic Banner Frame
1007489063 ucdt CURRENTLY IN RANK %0
1025445432 ucdt In the spirit of the Valentine's Day holiday, a Black Market operative known as FL-34 has devised a scheme to bring the factions of Auraxis together (or get rich trying).
1057047650 ucdt Visit a specified location on Amerish, Esamir, Hossin, or Indar
1087949425 ucdt Matchmaker
1123881364 ucdt Matchmaker: Relaxation
1147731882 ucdt See you next season
1154080758 ucdt Increases the Bombardment Shield's base damage resistance of 50% to 59%

The Bombardment Shield is created when deploying into Skylance Battery mode. Find "Deployment: Skylance Battery" passive system in the "Colossus Certs" screen for more details.

1177406781 ucdt Matchmaker: Adventure
1189313400 ucdt Narrator Drone: FL-34, the infamous agent of the Black Market, has been working feverishly on a potentially lucrative business arrangement and would welcome business partners. He can be found near the Atrium on Sanctuary.
1196943837 ucdt Northeast Command Center
1197398524 ucdt Reward: Steel Rain
1201105316 ucdt Reward: Bastion Fleet Carrier
1213459332 ucdt Northern Command Center
1301926762 ugdt Year of the Ox Banner
1323087749 ucdt Single use consumable. Carry up to 2 on the field between resupplies.
The Flash XS-1 is a lightly armored, single-passenger vehicle designed for rapid deployment anywhere on the battlefield.
1336909296 ucdt Join your match from the Outfit War screen.
1351683536 ucdt Desolation awaits, soldiers.
1369612480 ucdt Year of the Ox Banner
1406381756 ucdt Outfits
1418325378 ucdt ANTs, a specialized form of ground vehicle, can harvest Cortium nodes found on any continent.
1440968495 ucdt Kill enemies with crossbows.
1482334034 ugdt Reward: Citadel Shield
1573920136 ucdt Narrator Drone: Ever toiling to further the interests of the Vanu Sovereignty on Sanctuary, Praetor Umatherin continues her research on the Rebirthing Matrix.
1604477807 ucdt FL-34: You only got one sign-up? And it was that guy upstairs? Ugh, fine! I'll send him the gift basket, but he's going to have to enjoy that cheese and sparkling cider by himself. Thanks anyway, boyo. Here's something for your troubles.
1607543095 ucdt Travel a distance in a ground vehicle
1627822211 ucdt Operation: Matchmaker
1679091967 ucdt Outfit Wars Returns!
1698452865 ucdt As an Engineer, repair allied MAX suits.
1769280079 ucdt Title: Matchmaker
1776532700 ucdt Grants the "Matchmaker" prefix title.
1782886725 ucdt Field Officer Knightly: Have you ever smelled anything better than a recently fired tank gun? Not convinced, solider? Drop planetside and try it for yourself. You'll be glad you did.
1784376899 ucdt There's Always Next Season
1826988509 ucdt Representative Ayla: Do you have a license to drive an ANT on the surface? I'm in need of a large quantity of harvested Cortium. There's something I need to have synthesized and simply don't have the time to collect it myself. You'll be well-paid for your troubles.
1835656185 ucdt Excursion Kukri
1860640798 ucdt Always Better Together
1865748182 ucdt Facilitator Campner: Have you ever just looked over the battlefield and marveled at its complexity? Its beauty? I have been told that you spend most of your time planetside. Help me find the perfect place to gaze over the battlefield and you will be compensated.
1867190499 ugdt Basic Banner Frame
1876984418 ucdt Outfits must have at least %0 members to join.
1877057629 ucdt Unwilling or unable to leave the relative safety of Sanctuary, a Facilitator for the Nanite Systems Operatives reaches out to nearby soldiers to help pinpoint a location of aesthetic and tactical superiority.
1880443496 ucdt Standing still for 0.75 seconds provides you with 20% small arms resistance to bodyshots until you start moving again. Does not stack with Nanoweave Armor. Inactive in vehicles.
1916616959 ucdt As a MAX suit, guard allies by taking damage with at least one ally within 10 meters.
1941754725 ucdt Excursion Kukri: Ribbon
1956898212 ucdt Welcome to Outfit Wars! The season will begin shortly:
1957704785 ucdt The Sunderer you last spawned at has been critically damaged!
1983196124 ucdt Valentine's Day 2021
2020453099 ugdt Title: Matchmaker
2026319694 ugdt Reward: Steel Rain
2038215113 ucdt Standing still for 0.1 second provides you with 20% small arms resistance to bodyshots, and 50% resistance to common explosives until you start moving again. Does not stack with Nanoweave or Flak Armor. Inactive in vehicles.
2089958625 ucdt Record
2106066118 ucdt Northwest Command Center
2121053263 ucdt Change Banner and Frame
2137094414 ucdt Narrator Drone: With the disappearance of the previous Nanite Systems representative, Ayla had inherited additional duties and a seemingly unending pile of paperwork on Sanctuary.
2139862488 ucdt Facilitator Campner: A matchmaking contest? That sounds wonderful! Where do I sign up? Take my money!
2174986169 ucdt Matchmaker: Sightseeing
2185716461 ucdt TOP 6 MAKE THE PLAYOFFS
2235080974 ucdt In an effort to temporarily modify the war effort's reliance on the rebirthing matrix, Praetor Umatherin of the Vanu Sovereignty calls out to soldiers of every faction to push the boundaries of their healing abilities.
2262979346 ucdt Thanks for playing
2273704001 ucdt Narrator Drone: There were not, in fact, a drone with heart trails in Sanctuary.
2275023506 ucdt Narrator Drone: Hadley, Warden of the New Conglomerate, has been known to keep even the oldest technology in working order for as long as needed. As such he gets no greater pleasure than seeing meticulously maintained weapons of war.
2285591358 ucdt Rewards are granted during the playoffs and the championship. Rewards are delivered once your outfit's official rank has been determined (typically at the end of the match).
2314841153 ucdt Outfit Wars has been completely overhauled with an all new ranking system, match-based qualifiers, and special rewards for brave participants. Think your outfit has what it takes to dominate the asteroid belt of Desolation with a platoon of your best soldiers?

  • Enlist your outfit to compete in the war.
  • Advance through the ranks by winning weekly qualification matches.
  • Claim victory over your enemies, and earn rewards based on your leaderboard placement.

  • More information can be found in the Outfit menu.
    2318688966 ucdt NSO outfits cannot participate in Outfit Wars at this time.
    2323447898 ucdt YOU RANKED %0
    2342381554 ucdt Narrator Drone: Ever since being assigned to Sanctuary, Representative Nalla of Nascent Expeditions has been silently yearning to return planetside and feel the rumble of heavy machinery beneath her feet.
    2446613221 ucdt Excursion Kukri: Copper Medal
    2565731655 ucdt Southwest Command Center
    2659363488 ucdt I'd Walk 500 Meters
    2670455357 ucdt Participation Requirements
    When an outfit is enlisted in an Outfit War, only members of Loyalty Rank 3 or greater may join when matches begin. If a character travels to Desolation for a match, that character and the account will be locked to the current Outfit War. Only one character per account may partake in an Outfit War.

    Qualifier Matches
    Outfits play weekly qualification matches, with only the best win/loss ratios carrying on into the playoffs.

    Playoff Matches
    During the playoff phase, each match will thin the herd until a final three outfits are pitted against one another for the championships. Victory points are introduced in this phase to resolve ties. Outfits start with a number of victory points based on their win/loss record when entering the playoffs.

    During the last match of the season, the highest rated outfits brawl for the title of victor for the gold, silver, and bronze brackets.

    When your outfit is knocked out of the competition, whenever that may be, you receive rewards based on your outfit's rank. There are a combination of guild rewards, and personal rewards available, based on the rank achieved.
    2735299080 ucdt Southern Command Center
    2765516782 ucdt Increases the Bombardment Shield's base damage resistance of 50% to 56%

    The Bombardment Shield is created when deploying into Skylance Battery mode. Find "Deployment: Skylance Battery" passive system in the "Colossus Certs" screen for more details.

    2767507774 ucdt Narrator Drone: Ayla would prove to appreciate the soldier's effort in collecting Cortium and was willing to repay the soldier in kind.
    2832802246 ucdt Kill enemies as a vehicle gunner
    2870541871 ucdt Reward: Orbital Strike
    2917838308 ucdt Your next match: %0
    2933372709 ucdt Representative Nalla: That's adorable, but I simply don't have time for someone to play matchmaker.
    3019903746 ucdt YOU'RE IN THE GOLD MATCH
    3034072046 ugdt Harasser Peacekeeper Windshield
    3066244727 ucdt The Playoffs Continue
    3067899766 ugdt Harasser Peacekeeper Tire Spikes
    3068820488 ucdt Dates TBD
    3085200928 ucdt The War has ended.
    3085538850 ucdt Kill enemies as a passenger or gunner while in a vehicle with at least two occupants.
    3087132437 ucdt Excursion Kukri: Silver Medal
    3101942260 ucdt Travel on foot with at least 1 ally within 10 meters. Cannot be completed in Sanctuary or at warpgates.
    3115001124 ucdt The Sunderer you last spawned at has been destroyed!
    3115801412 ucdt Results
    3136375827 ucdt OUTFIT WARS
    3145338327 ucdt Matchmaker: Homemade
    3199090193 ucdt Always fond of trinkets, Representative Ayla of Nanite Systems reaches out for assistance in gathering materials needed to synthesize a piece of fine jewelry.
    3203277131 ucdt Match Completed
    3253952092 ucdt Profile Frames
    3271370309 ucdt Loyalty and/or Outfit Permission requirements not met
    3281279614 ucdt Harasser Peacekeeper Plating
    3286247030 ucdt Warden Hadley: Hey, soldier. Buying the latest and greatest is fine, but there there's an art to keeping things running. A lost art, really. Heck, I bet you can't do it. Prove me wrong and I'll give you something shiny.
    3294577868 ucdt Playoff Record
    3336885426 ucdt Increases the Bombardment Shield's base damage resistance of 50% to 60%

    The Bombardment Shield is created when deploying into Skylance Battery mode. Find "Deployment: Skylance Battery" passive system in the "Colossus Certs" screen for more details.

    3347006891 ucdt Former convoy runner and current logistical specialist for the Nascent Expedition, Representative Nalla, seeks assistance in reliving some former adventures planetside.
    3378464730 ugdt Reward: Bastion Fleet Carrier
    3445427657 ucdt This heavy blade is capable of light damage to armor, and represents the trials beyond Auraxis.
    3446820177 ucdt JOIN MATCH
    3469530377 ucdt YOU'RE IN THE SILVER MATCH
    3512097047 ugdt Reward: Colossus Heavy Tank
    3535374295 ucdt Harasser Peacekeeper Tire Spikes
    3562736693 ucdt FL-34: What I need you to do is retrace your steps on the station and chat up anyone that might be agreeable to take part in "FL-34's Matchmaking Contest". True love and a decadent gift basket can be within their grasp for a nominal fee. What do you say? I'll split the payday with you!
    3563351339 ucdt Field Officer Knightly of the Terran Republic, thirsty for the adrenaline of battle, challenges soldiers of every empire to test the offensive capabilities of their armored vehicles.
    3563387279 ucdt Narrator Drone: Having won the bet by greasing the wheels of battle, the soldier receives a reward from Hadley.
    3580396738 ucdt Joining the match will bind your account to this Outfit for the duration of the current war on this server. You will be unable to fight for other Outfits with this account on this server until the current war is complete.
    3587912312 ucdt Cupid's Arrow
    3666546175 ucdt Narrator Drone: Moved by the soldier's efforts to find the perfect vista, Campner provides a generous reward.
    3671061947 ucdt YOU'RE IN THE BRONZE MATCH
    3674139925 ucdt Narrator Drone: Knightly, a ruthlessly efficient Field Officer, has been advocating for futher advancement in weapons for the Terran Republic's armored divisions.
    3694267189 ucdt Narrator Drone: Always the romantic, Campner, veteran Facilitator for the Nanite Systems Operatives has been mapping the best locations on Auraxis to view the relentless siege on each continent.
    3727519676 ucdt Friends Forever
    3746298638 ucdt Warden Hadley: Nah, soldier. Not interested in being set up with anyone.
    3821106427 ucdt Check the schedule for upcoming matches
    3900240563 ucdt Harvest Cortium
    3912462014 ucdt Rank
    3928917108 ucdt Standing still for 0.1 second provides you with 20% small arms resistance to bodyshots until you start moving again. Does not stack with Nanoweave Armor. Inactive in vehicles.
    3931988152 ucdt Your MAX Looks Great
    3943538097 ucdt Match Starting...
    3980751968 ucdt Southeast Command Center
    4003325316 ucdt And I'd Walk 500 More
    4045596922 ucdt FL-34: Hi there, friendo. Did you know that Valentine's Day was created as a way to get single people to feel bad about themselves?
    4054781214 ugdt Excursion Kukri
    4078840541 ucdt Currently in a match
    4130016523 ucdt FL-34: Anyway, I've been paying attention to your comings and goings here on Sanctuary these last few days and I noticed a pattern in what folks are searching for. That's right, friend. They're looking for love with a capital "L". And I've got just the way to do it.
    4148030987 ucdt Harasser Peacekeeper Windshield
    submitted by Heini_2012 to Planetside [link] [comments]

    Shadow of The colossus it’s funny that the horse moves better on PS2 and PS3 than it does on PS4. I bet they thought no one would care but I do! What a HUGE rip off.

    Shadow of The colossus it’s funny that the horse moves better on PS2 and PS3 than it does on PS4. I bet they thought no one would care but I do! What a HUGE rip off. submitted by onetaketeo to PLAYSTATION_4_GAMES [link] [comments]

    What's your best champ and synergy?

    This is a sort of poll. I'd be interested to see what the responses are, if anyone takes an interest. Apologies if this has been done before, but I hope to learn something from you guys.
    Let's imagine a certain quest only allows one champion to fight. One chance, no backup. However, the champion you pick can benefit from the synergies of a full 5-person team (the others can't fight). You have no information on who the opponent will be, only that it will be difficult.
    What's your pick (out of the champs you have) for best bet to win, and what are the synergies?
    For me, I think I'd being my 5*R5 Domino, with Red Hulk and Masacre for the incinerate on Heavy attacks, Colossus for +5% power gain, and Deadpool for +10% damage.
    I would also be interested to know if anyone knows of any combo moves for any champ that are particularly effective.
    submitted by ensiform to ContestOfChampions [link] [comments]

    All Storm League maps info/rotation guide/heroes and talents for increasing your chances of winning. (HOGGER PATCH)

    All Storm League maps info/rotation guide/heroes and talents for increasing your chances of winning. (HOGGER PATCH)
    Hello heroesofthestorm.
    Most of the time I'm playing Storm League alone because I tend to get more fun out of it (feels fairer), but I've noticed that most player base doesn't know what or when to do stuff on all these maps that we have. So I thought: "You know what? Maybe they've never saw/learned how to do it correctly so I'll try to show these people how to. Why not?"
    First of all, I am no pro player. I'm just a long-time HotS player who likes to strategize, and managed to achieve Masters with 230 points (I'm Diamond again now) playing with heroes that are not meta (see: Zagara, Nazeebo, Hammer) because I simply enjoy playing them, but still hit Masters because I tend to win my games by playing with strategy rather than raw hero strength (see: Gazlowe, Dva, Tassadar) + tons of teamfighting.
    Secondly, most of the time you'll want to pick in synergy with your team rather than straight up picking a meta pick (but if possible go for it, because, after all, it's meta for a reason). When I say synergy, it's not exactly that tank-bruiser-mage-rdps-healer composition, but a more flexible one - still, you can go for this usual formula, it tends to work out just fine too.
    Enemy team picked two squishy, high damage dealers (e.g Valla + Tassadar)? Zeratul/Alarak looks like a good choice. But they got an Uther to help their squishy back-line. Maybe someone from your team can get another diver like Tyrael to help you dive in!
    There's even some wild scenarios where the enemy team has a beefy front-line but simply doesn't have a good access to your team's backline and you've got a huge damage dealing hero by your side (e.g Tychus) - you could pick a second healer and increase your team's dps capability (by making Tychus survive longer, easier).
    Rounding it up: be flexible.
    I'll try to indicate best heroes for each individual map, as well as their talents linked in their name (remember, you don't need to pick them, it's just an indication that said hero can perform better on said map, but overall, any pick is worth it, as long as it fits your team's composition), and then, I'll try to describe priorities with some valuable info. Anyways, lets start:

    Overall Info:

    1. All Mercenary Camps spawn at 1:00 minute mark. Bosses spawns at 5:00.
    2. Respawn time (there is exceptions like Hanamura and Towers of Doom, will explain later):
      1. Siege: 3 minutes
      2. Bruiser: 4 minutes
      3. Boss: 5 minutes
    3. Heroes takedowns grants 300 exp, plus 50exp per level gained (i.e. 350 at lv2, 400 at lv3 and so on | thanks u/BestRexxarNA) . This exp is influenced by the level gap between both teams. If both team's levels are equal, the exp stays normal, but if team A is one (up to four) level behind, they get extra exp per takedown (25% per level difference). Inversely, if team B is one (also up to four) level ahead, they'll get less exp per takedown (also 25% per level difference, capped at 25%).
    4. Minion waves spawns every 30 seconds and grants 480 exp (except for Hanamura that has a weird scaling but is something close to that range), scaling every minute, therefor, minion waves at the beginning of the game is worth more than hero takedowns, take this at your advantage.
    5. Your best bet is focusing down the CC'd target. Burst him down, rinse and repeat.
    6. USE CHOKE POINTS EFFECTIVELY. Say you've got Deathwing and Mei. If Mei uses her Blizzard correctly, she can effectively make DW' use all of his Q power and shred the entire enemy team easily.
    7. DON'T DIE. Most of the time, you'll prefer soaking rather than fighting (in the early game).
    8. Special Note: Cho'gall excels in two-lane maps so if the enemy composition doesn't has %hp damage and you're duoing with a friend + both of you know how to play it, it is a solid pick.

    Alterac Pass
    • Once the first wave arrived mid, one should go top and another one should go bot (1-3-1). Mid should stay 1 dps, healer and tank.
    • As soon as siege camp spawns (1:00), dps and healer should quickly go there and clear as fast as they can while tank stays in lane soaking.
    • You should cap these mercs (kill them every time they're alive, unless there's a bigger priority at the moment).
    • These Armored Gnolls apply an armor debuff that shouldn't be underestimated, so follow these mercs into lane and try to damage enemy's gate and if possible, destroy its fountain.
    • Rinse and repeat until objective spawns.
    • Once it does, one of the solo laners should try to double soak both mid and the other furthest lane. The rest of the team goes to the other furthest lane that's close from the objective. Stay there and siege their fort.
    • If the solo laner can't double soak fast (e.g it's Thrall), you should rush the objective, else, stall the game by defending yours and grab lv10 first.
    • Once you have exp advantage, go for their objective and try to snowball from there.
    • Always try to cap those bosses with healetank/dps when the objective gets announced. Don't push it too hard tho, you can get ganked and lose it.

    Battlefield of Eternity
    • If their solo-laner doesn't has good escaping tools (e.g Varian) I highly advise ganking top with all the damage you've got, as soon as the game starts, leaving just the healer bot lane, so he can soak xp. Most of the time, this cheesy strategy works if your team works together. And if it doesn't work, you've lost nothing.
    • If your team tried this strategy, you all should go straight down bot again and try to pick off a kill. If you succeed, zone the enemy team away from the Impalers while your team hires them.
    • Now if your team didn't succeeded on getting a kill and can't hire the Impalers, one of your damage dealers should go top with your solo laner and try to get those Impalers.
    • After that you can either:
      • A - Follow Impalers and siege down their gates if you have a good siege damage (e.g Chromie)
      • B - Swap lanes with your solo laner for a brief moment so you can get top Impalers (if you didn't already)
      • C - Skip this step (safest option)
    • After that, go straight to your bruisers and clear it as it grants a whooping 450exp and it'll push the lane while you fight for the immortal. You gotta clear it fast tho, because the immortal will probably spawn soon, so you'll want all the dps you can have. Healer can soak meanwhile.
    • If your team has some good immortal damage (e.g Raynor + Li-Ming), focus down their immortal instead of defending yours. Once winning the objective, follow these sub-steps:
      • If your team has some good pick-off capability (e.g Garrosh, E.T.C.) the team should follow the immortal and the solo laner should go to the opposite lane.
    • Else, the entire team should go the opposite lane.
    • If your team doesn't have a good immortal damage, try to stall the game by defending your immortal while soaking exp.
      • Once you have exp advantage, group up as 5 and seek down kills when objective is close to spawning.
      • This strategy also favors scaling heroes such as Zul'jin.
    • Make use of those fogs/smoke/bushes to gank and abuse mispositioned enemies.

    Braxis Holdout

    Heavily WIP! I'll update it frequently.
    As a reminder, I'm no pro-player. If you think there's a logical flaw on any of these "tips", please tell me your best decision for said situation. I'll gladly appreciate it.
    Thanks a lot for your time.

    edit: sorry for the long periods of time without updating the post. Been busy recently! Next update will be tomorrow afternoon (12:00 PST 03/12/2020).
    submitted by phewxye to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

    Javelin is a fun toy, but is definitely still not worth it.

    Don't get me wrong I am almost always driving this thing, because its fun. But it can't outrun most vehicles, which are generally capable of destroying me in 1-2 seconds if they can aim. Javelin damage is crap, and the missiles are too slow to hit consistently moving targets. The homing radius and rate of fire is also unimpressive. The javelin also isn't floaty enough because there are tons of surfaces that chunk my health if I tap them.
    Considering it's role, I think the best path to take is to increase its top speed and floatyness. Yes, even though we can technically traverse the tallest of mountains and even fly higher than our aircraft, the map itself is very unfriendly with all of its weird pits and jagged edges. We need to be more floaty and resistant to bump damage.
    Alternatively, if we actually want to play the game and hold a role in combat, I think the rate of fire, projectile speed and projectile turn rate should increase.
    The third option is to give us a weapon specifically designed to fight infantry or a 'support tool' to aid allies in some weird, cool way. Basically something new to debate about.
    submitted by Hylpmei to Planetside [link] [comments]

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